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Hi-Way bill=Massive Pork (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 14, 2004
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Pacific Northwest US
The new Hi-way bill recently passed. Here's a few of the things Congress has decided to spend your money on.

Here's a Top Ten of my personal favorites:

10. $1,600,000 Completion of the American Tobacco Trail (Durham and Chatham Counties, North Carolina)

9. $1,300,000 Construct recreational visitor center on the Mesabi Trail, City of Virginia

8. $2,880,000 Delta Ponds Bike/Pedestrian Path (OR)

7. $1,920,000 Construct bike path, parking facility, and related transportation enhancement projects, North Riverside (IL)

6. $1,800,000 Construct a visitor interpretive center at the Gray Fossil Site (Gray, Tennessee)

5. $1,600,000 Construct a bicycle/pedestrian path, and two bridges across Starkweather Creek (Madison, Wisconsin)

4. $1,300,000 Construct recreational visitor center on the Mesabi Trail, City of Virginia

3. $5,000,000 for the completion of the first of three phases of trails in the Regional Trails Program (Oregon). I'm in Oregon we need more trails like we need more rain in January

2. 16,800,000 To construct a tunnel as part of the Bremerton Pedestrian-Bremerton Transportation Center Access Improvement project (WA)

And my number one candidate for a complete waste of your money is:

$230 million to build a bridge connecting Gravina Island (population: 50) with the Alaskan mainland. (For 230 million you could buy each and every person living on this island their own Leer Jet.)
Pacridge said:
3. $5,000,000 for the completion of the first of three phases of trails in the Regional Trails Program (Oregon). I'm in Oregon we need more trails like we need more rain in January

Haha. Yea. True. I lost quite a few friends to Northwest Youth Corps for 5 weeks (Northwest Youth Corps goes around and builds/maintains trails). I don't need to lose my hard earned tax-payer dollars too! Well...err...my dad's hard earned tax payer dollars.
ncallaway said:
Haha. Yea. True. I lost quite a few friends to Northwest Youth Corps for 5 weeks (Northwest Youth Corps goes around and builds/maintains trails). I don't need to lose my hard earned tax-payer dollars too! Well...err...my dad's hard earned tax payer dollars.

Well you're in the Pac. Northwest. Ever have any trouble finding a trail to hike?

Can you think of any reason to spend 230 million dollars building a bridge to 50people?
Pacridge said:
Well you're in the Pac. Northwest. Ever have any trouble finding a trail to hike?

Can you think of any reason to spend 230 million dollars building a bridge to 50people?

Yes....The new bridge will increase the population to 200, and then the price will be equivalent for everyone to have their own Cessna and not a jet.

See how the price is coming down already?:lol:
I think that these projects are probably worthy causes, but...

I worked with group that was putting together a proposal to build a thirty some odd mile trail for bikes and pedestrians etc. The estimate was just over $100k.

These price tags seem a little overboard. Perhaps they're using some of them $400 hammers from the DoD?
Simon W. Moon said:
I think that these projects are probably worthy causes, but...

I worked with group that was putting together a proposal to build a thirty some odd mile trail for bikes and pedestrians etc. The estimate was just over $100k.

These price tags seem a little overboard. Perhaps they're using some of them $400 hammers from the DoD?

Really? You think it makes sense to build a multi-million dollar bridge to connect 50 people (who by the way have a perfectly good ferry system) to mainland Alaska?

I think you're right about the dollar amounts being out of line. Some of these might be prefectly good projects. What I don't see is why they cost so much and, in some cases, what they have to do with our Hi-way system.
Pacridge said:
Really? You think it makes sense to build a multi-million dollar bridge to connect 50 people (who by the way have a perfectly good ferry system) to mainland Alaska?

I think you're right about the dollar amounts being out of line. Some of these might be prefectly good projects. What I don't see is why they cost so much and, in some cases, what they have to do with our Hi-way system.

I think its a back-scratcher to each other that passed these bills so they can go back to their constituancy and tout about how they created opportunities in the local community, which gets them re-elected.

Right now, the Alaskan representative is probably telling his voters that this is another fine example of how he/she is increasing the Alaskan economy.
Pacridge said:
Really? You think it makes sense to build a multi-million dollar bridge to connect 50 people (who by the way have a perfectly good ferry system) to mainland Alaska?
I wasn't very specific was I?
I just kind of glanced over the items and should've added few more qualifiers to my first statement
Another example of why we need line-item vetos..
It sounds like George W "fiscally responsible" Bush is going to sign the bill:

Bush said:
Congress passed the highway bill. We had a little problem getting that bill done over the last couple of years because we had a disagreement about the right number. I felt that the number ought to be fiscally -- a fiscally responsible number. We worked hard with members of the Senate and the House. I'll be proud to sign a fiscally responsible highway bill next Wednesday in the state of Illinois. (Applause)

I guess I have a different idea what "fiscally responsible" means.

At least with the democrats it was tax and spend and the money was going back in the system. Now the republicans have a spend and spend system.

We're gonna have to pay for this all someday. I hoped that with the republicans controlling both parts of the congress and the presidency that there'd be some frickin' fiscal restraint. I hoped wrong.
shuamort said:
It sounds like George W "fiscally responsible" Bush is going to sign the bill:

I guess I have a different idea what "fiscally responsible" means.

At least with the democrats it was tax and spend and the money was going back in the system. Now the republicans have a spend and spend system.

We're gonna have to pay for this all someday. I hoped that with the republicans controlling both parts of the congress and the presidency that there'd be some frickin' fiscal restraint. I hoped wrong.

I agree on the line item veto.....Tell your friends in congress to quit their obstruction tactics and allow the president to do this and all those pork barrel projects will be history.............
Navy Pride said:
I agree on the line item veto.....Tell your friends in congress to quit their obstruction tactics and allow the president to do this and all those pork barrel projects will be history.............
If there were a libertarian friend of mine in congress... well, I guess nothing would still get done. But it'd be cool.
shuamort said:
If there were a libertarian friend of mine in congress... well, I guess nothing would still get done. But it'd be cool.

You definitely have a point............I am actually a fiscal libertarian but I part company with that party when it comes to their views on social issues.......
cnredd said:
I think its a back-scratcher to each other that passed these bills so they can go back to their constituancy and tout about how they created opportunities in the local community, which gets them re-elected.

Right now, the Alaskan representative is probably telling his voters that this is another fine example of how he/she is increasing the Alaskan economy.

awww damn, and here I thought back scratced legislation was exclusive in PA? ROFL.. hear the latest, cnredd.. bout this pay raise and how PA house and senate leadership told certain reps/senators they HAD to vote for the legislation, and others got a pass to "vote their conscience"? ROFL...
debate_junkie said:
awww damn, and here I thought back scratced legislation was exclusive in PA? ROFL.. hear the latest, cnredd.. bout this pay raise and how PA house and senate leadership told certain reps/senators they HAD to vote for the legislation, and others got a pass to "vote their conscience"? ROFL...

The way I heard it on the radio was that if a Democrat DIDN'T vote for the payraise the leaders of the Demo Party were going to strip them of their chairmanship of any committee they are on.
Can't understand why people get upset with the gov't spending money at home....do you realize that that money just goes right back into our pockets? Let's say I'm the construction worker that gets the job building the road....that means the gov't pays me....i go buy....a steak....i pay the grocer, the grocer pays the cattle rancher, the cattle rancher buys something else, and the cycle continues...
cnredd said:
The way I heard it on the radio was that if a Democrat DIDN'T vote for the payraise the leaders of the Demo Party were going to strip them of their chairmanship of any committee they are on.

Yeah that was done... but a Republican congressman from Lancaster county today issued an apology to his constituents for giving a "yes" vote to the legislative bill in hopes stalled legislation about broadening the sales tax to eliminate the property tax would finally get a piece of the House floor.


Here's the apology letter in it's entirety. He's all but calling the House leadership "corrupt" and I love it. But yeah.. here's an example of "back-scratching", only this one could end up with alot of heads rolling right back down the Capitol steps.
debate_junkie said:
Here's the apology letter in it's entirety. He's all but calling the House leadership "corrupt" and I love it. But yeah.. here's an example of "back-scratching", only this one could end up with alot of heads rolling right back down the Capitol steps.

Until the next group of corrupt people move in....
cnredd said:
Until the next group of corrupt people move in....

hell for all the salary and perks and monthly allowances they get.. I'll move in. I know nothing of finance and governmental operations. Like it was said in jerry mcguire.. "SHOW ME THE MONEY" and I'll be the next to move in. Couldn't do any worse than their already doing. :rofl
ILikeDubyah said:
Can't understand why people get upset with the gov't spending money at home....do you realize that that money just goes right back into our pockets? Let's say I'm the construction worker that gets the job building the road....that means the gov't pays me....i go buy....a steak....i pay the grocer, the grocer pays the cattle rancher, the cattle rancher buys something else, and the cycle continues...
Ya know, I'd rather have the money I work for to stay in my pocket and then I can spend it as I see fit.
shuamort said:
Ya know, I'd rather have the money I work for to stay in my pocket and then I can spend it as I see fit.

Amen.. I could find better things to do with the 1200+ I pay in taxes a year... like save for my first home, or take a vacation. Ya know.. things that will directly benefit mine and my families needs.
debate_junkie said:
Amen.. I could find better things to do with the 1200+ I pay in taxes a year... like save for my first home, or take a vacation. Ya know.. things that will directly benefit mine and my families needs.

I don't know where you are in Pennsylvania, but here in Philly we have a "wage" tax...which by name, is pure bullshit...If you work & live in the city, you pay it...If you work in Philly, but live outside of Philly, you pay it...If you WORK OUTSIDE of PHILLY, like I do, but live inside of Philly, you STILL pay it!

Effective for taxable compensation paid after Dec. 31, 2004, the Philadelphia wage tax rate for residents will be reduced from 4.4625% to 4.331% and the Philadelphia wage tax rate for nonresidents will be reduced from 3.8801% to 3.8197% [Phila. Dept. Rev. Notice, July 2004].

According to my last paystub, I paid $80.83 JUST for living in Philly...I work in Radnor, which is 33 miles away from me(which, BTW - hits me with a one-time-fee of $52 to work there)...."Wage tax" my ass...

BTW - The state sales tax is 6%...In Philly, it's 7%...
cnredd said:
I don't know where you are in Pennsylvania, but here in Philly we have a "wage" tax...which by name, is pure bullshit...If you work & live in the city, you pay it...If you work in Philly, but live outside of Philly, you pay it...If you WORK OUTSIDE of PHILLY, like I do, but live inside of Philly, you STILL pay it!

Effective for taxable compensation paid after Dec. 31, 2004, the Philadelphia wage tax rate for residents will be reduced from 4.4625% to 4.331% and the Philadelphia wage tax rate for nonresidents will be reduced from 3.8801% to 3.8197% [Phila. Dept. Rev. Notice, July 2004].

According to my last paystub, I paid $80.83 JUST for living in Philly...I work in Radnor, which is 33 miles away from me(which, BTW - hits me with a one-time-fee of $52 to work there)...."Wage tax" my ass...

BTW - The state sales tax is 6%...In Philly, it's 7%...

I dealt with that. I live in Lebanon, and used to work in Harrisburg. So I'd pay tax on my wages for Lebanon, and then pay tax for working in Harrisburg. Now I'm going to be working for the state (well in a few weeks.. once school starts) Lord only knows what my tax bills are going to be now.

ROFL... gotta love that 52 buck thing. I got nailed by Harrisburg for it (who incidently is using the money from the $52 "EMS" tax to give property tax rebates to their city residents. Nice huh?) Lebanon has not and cannot touch me for that EMS tax, because in Lebanon City's Charter, it is written they cannot increase taxes without a referendum from the people. So the people will speak this November on that one. More to come.. LOL
cnredd said:
I think its a back-scratcher to each other that passed these bills so they can go back to their constituancy and tout about how they created opportunities in the local community, which gets them re-elected.

Right now, the Alaskan representative is probably telling his voters that this is another fine example of how he/she is increasing the Alaskan economy.
I think it was Lyndon Johnson who used to admonish his colleagues, "Ya have ta go along ta git along."

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