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HEY right wing CONSERTIVES (1 Viewer)


Jan 14, 2005
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Political Leaning
HEY you right wing :p Conservative I'm been waiting for you to challenge me ..

You all seem to do real good against people who alway agrees with you
OR whats the MATTER UN less you have RUSH or SEAN or BILL helping you by doing you BLOCKING for you .........You CAN"T do it alone ...........

GEE even SQUAWKER 1st he says their BIAS in the liberal MEDIA however I told him to PROVE IT ............and he CAN'T ......I offered A :hm $5000.00 BET.

NOTHING ............. :duel

He comes back by saying SOMETHING like well you know they SHADE the TRUTH HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA ! HA! HA! HA ! HA! HA! HA! HA !

It's seems so funny to me every time I hear him SPEAK it seems I HEARD either BILL or SEAN OR RUSH say the same thing...............

I heard him say a real FUNNY the other day HE said to ME that FRAN KEN speaks for all liberals / PROGRESSIVE.......

The FUNNY part is I would have never known of AL FRAN KEN if it wasn't for GUESS WHO? BILL O"Reilly HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
GEE even SQUAWKER 1st he says their BIAS in the liberal MEDIA however I told him to PROVE IT ............and he CAN'T
No, it was Media Bias and Misinformation.
He comes back by saying SOMETHING like well you know they SHADE the TRUTH
Never did that one.
every time I hear him SPEAK it seems I HEARD either BILL or SEAN OR RUSH say the same thing...............
I don't speak, I write.
I heard him say a real FUNNY the other day HE said to ME that FRAN KEN speaks for all liberals / PROGRESSIVE.......
Never said that or any of the other things you might dream up. You need a new hobby freedom. :rolleyes:
Hey, freedom69! You know, they have a spell check at the bottom of every posting screen,,....,..use it. :mrgreen:
averagejoe said:
Hey, freedom69! You know, they have a spell check at the bottom of every posting screen,,....,..use it. :mrgreen:
I dunno, it looks like everything that spell check would catch was pretty much caught. Grammar check on the other hand... well, we don't have that here.

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