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He's a US citizen born in Philadelphia. He says ICE detained him anyway (1 Viewer)

TU Curmudgeon

B.A. (Sarc), LLb. (Lex Sarcasus), PhD (Sarc.)
DP Veteran
Mar 7, 2018
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Lower Mainland of BC
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From CNN

He's a US citizen born in Philadelphia. He says ICE detained him anyway

Peter Sean Brown was born in Philadelphia. He'd only spent a day in Jamaica once on a cruise.
But even though he repeatedly told authorities in Monroe County, Florida, that he was a US citizen, according to a federal lawsuit filed Monday, they held him in custody and threatened that he was headed to a Jamaican prison, citing a request from Immigration and Customs and Enforcement.

Now, more than seven months after he allegedly ended up in an ICE detention center, Brown, 50, is suing the Monroe County sheriff, alleging he was illegally detained.

Monroe County Sheriff's Office spokesman Adam Linhardt and ICE spokeswoman Dani Bennett declined to comment, saying their agencies don't comment on pending litigation.

The complaint filed by a coalition of immigrant rights groups Monday in US District Court for the Southern District of Miami details Brown's allegations about his April 2018 detention and its aftermath.


Does anyone want to bet that ICE will be absolutely unable to find any record of this person having been detained?

At least, not at first.

Does anyone want to bet that this case will actually come to trial because ICE is going to claim that it only acted in accordance with standard practice and under normal regulations (assuming that it doesn't claim that the fellow was never detained at all)?

I mean, maybe he was detained, maybe he wasn't. All the evidence isn't in yet and so we should wait until the investigation is finished before taking any position.
If it's fake, then prosecute and punish everyone involved.

Our punishments for those who make false allegations aren't steep enough. Not even close. For instance, the Texas punishment for false allegations is $2000 and 180 days in jail maximum. That's nothing, especially when you have wealthy backers who take take a $2000 charge.
If it's fake, then prosecute and punish everyone involved.

Our punishments for those who make false allegations aren't steep enough. Not even close. For instance, the Texas punishment for false allegations is $2000 and 180 days in jail maximum. That's nothing, especially when you have wealthy backers who take take a $2000 charge.

And, if the story is true? What?

And, if the ICE "can't find any record of this incident"? What?

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