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Here are 18 reasons Trump could be a Russian asset (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Here are 18 reasons Trump could be a Russian asset


On Friday, the New York Times reported that “in the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests.” That investigation may well be continuing under the auspices of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. We don’t know what Mueller has learned. But we can look at the key, publicly available evidence that both supports and undercuts this explosive allegation. Here is some of the evidence suggesting “Individual 1” could be a Russian “asset”:

continued @ the link above

Plenty of food for thought for those with open eyes and a discerning mind.
Let's see...allowed Putin/Russia to take control of 20% of our uranium reserves? Oh...wait..no...not him.

Allowed the Russian company involved,, Rosatom, to then illegally export US yellow cake uranium (as in nuclear weapons fuel) out of the country, to unknown "European" destination? Oh...wait...no..not...not him.

Derided his opponent for calling Russia a threat? Oh...wait...no..not...not him.

Refused to sell arms to Ukraine after to defend against Russia? Oh...wait...no..not...not him.

Refused to build E.European Missile Defense Shield? Oh...wait...no..not...not him.

Got caught secretly promising "more flexibility" to Putin on a hot mike? Oh...wait...no..not...not him.

Ordered our intel to stand down, and not interfere with 2016 Russian meddling? Oh...wait...no..not...not him.

Allowed Kremlin-linked Veselnitskaya into our country against the advice of his OWN security advisors ? Oh...wait...no..not...not him.

Contracted with a foreign agent to contact his Kremlin-linked buddies to makeup some bull**** to influence the election? Oh...wait...no..not...not him.

Your confusion about who has been "WORKING FOR RUSSIA" is epidemic to the REFUSE-TO-FACE-THE-FACTS Lying Left...here and elsewhere.
Let's see...allowed Putin/Russia to take control of 20% of our uranium reserves? Oh...wait..no...not him.

Allowed the Russian company involved,, Rosatom, to then illegally export US yellow cake uranium (as in nuclear weapons fuel) out of the country, to unknown "European" destination? Oh...wait...no..not...not him.

Derided his opponent for calling Russia a threat? Oh...wait...no..not...not him.

Refused to sell arms to Ukraine after to defend against Russia? Oh...wait...no..not...not him.

Refused to build E.European Missile Defense Shield? Oh...wait...no..not...not him.

Got caught secretly promising "more flexibility" to Putin on a hot mike? Oh...wait...no..not...not him.

Ordered our intel to stand down, and not interfere with 2016 Russian meddling? Oh...wait...no..not...not him.

Allowed Kremlin-linked Veselnitskaya into our country against the advice of his OWN security advisors ? Oh...wait...no..not...not him.

Contracted with a foreign agent to contact his Kremlin-linked buddies to makeup some bull**** to influence the election? Oh...wait...no..not...not him.

Your confusion about who has been "WORKING FOR RUSSIA" is epidemic to the REFUSE-TO-FACE-THE-FACTS Lying Left...here and elsewhere.

Your lies need a link.

LOL. Besides, are you saying that the Russians wouldn't play both sides? Just because someone else's dog humped Putin's leg yesterday doesn't mean your dog isn't doing it now...with gusto.

Hey, I have an idea, let's get money and foreign influence out of our political system and punish the **** out of anyone who violates it. It seems more than a little disingenuous for the party that brought us Citizens United to bitch about politicians being bought. Just like with a sensationalist media, created through your own deregulation, you guys are always complaining about the flavor of the soup YOU just pissed in.

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