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Here’s how the coronavirus pandemic finally ends (1 Viewer)


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  • A vaccine by early 2021, a steady decline in cases by next fall and back to normal in a few years – 11 top experts look into the future

This story is published in a content partnership with POLITICO. It was originally reported by Elizabeth Ralph on
on September 25, 2020.

The microscopic bundles of RNA, wrapped in spiky proteins, latch on to human cells, hijack them, use them as factories to replicate, and then leave them for dead. It is a biological blitzkrieg – an invasion so swift and unexpected that the germs are free to jump from host to host with little interference.

Fast forward to the future. Now, when the prickly enemies invade the lungs, they slip past the human cells, unable to take hold. They are marked for destruction, soon to be surrounded and eliminated. Though some escape through the airways, they confront the same defences in their next target – if, that is, they can get anywhere near the human cells. There are so few people left to infect that the germs have nowhere to replicate, nowhere to survive.

This is the end of the coronavirus pandemic. And this is how it could happen in the United States: by November 2021, most Americans have received two doses of a vaccine that, while not gloriously effective, fights the disease in more cases than not.
I think this projection is optimistic for a number of reasons. One, many will fail to obtain annual revaccination in order to maintain immunity. Two, there will inevitably be problems with vaccines, primarily due to side effects scaring off many people. Three, this virus has shown a slow but definite mutation rate & at least 6 strains are known. These may require the development of variant vaccines, complicating the vaccination programs.
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  • A vaccine by early 2021, a steady decline in cases by next fall and back to normal in a few years – 11 top experts look into the future

This story is published in a content partnership with POLITICO. It was originally reported by Elizabeth Ralph on
on September 25, 2020.

The microscopic bundles of RNA, wrapped in spiky proteins, latch on to human cells, hijack them, use them as factories to replicate, and then leave them for dead. It is a biological blitzkrieg – an invasion so swift and unexpected that the germs are free to jump from host to host with little interference.

Fast forward to the future. Now, when the prickly enemies invade the lungs, they slip past the human cells, unable to take hold. They are marked for destruction, soon to be surrounded and eliminated. Though some escape through the airways, they confront the same defences in their next target – if, that is, they can get anywhere near the human cells. There are so few people left to infect that the germs have nowhere to replicate, nowhere to survive.

This is the end of the coronavirus pandemic. And this is how it could happen in the United States: by November 2021, most Americans have received two doses of a vaccine that, while not gloriously effective, fights the disease in more cases than not.
I think this projection is optimistic for a number of reasons. One, many will fail to obtain annual revaccination in order to maintain immunity. Two, there will inevitably be problems with vaccines, primarily due to side effects scaring off many people. Three, this virus has shown a slow but definite mutation rate & at least 6 strains are known. These may require the development of variant vaccines, complicating the vaccination programs.

You may be right about the prediction being overly optimistic, but the general scenario is quite likely to be correct.

You may be right about the prediction being overly optimistic, but the general scenario is quite likely to be correct.

Do you recall Murphy's Law? I think the coronavirus will prove that Murphy was an optimist.

  • A vaccine by early 2021, a steady decline in cases by next fall and back to normal in a few years – 11 top experts look into the future

This story is published in a content partnership with POLITICO. It was originally reported by Elizabeth Ralph on
on September 25, 2020.

The microscopic bundles of RNA, wrapped in spiky proteins, latch on to human cells, hijack them, use them as factories to replicate, and then leave them for dead. It is a biological blitzkrieg – an invasion so swift and unexpected that the germs are free to jump from host to host with little interference.

Fast forward to the future. Now, when the prickly enemies invade the lungs, they slip past the human cells, unable to take hold. They are marked for destruction, soon to be surrounded and eliminated. Though some escape through the airways, they confront the same defences in their next target – if, that is, they can get anywhere near the human cells. There are so few people left to infect that the germs have nowhere to replicate, nowhere to survive.

This is the end of the coronavirus pandemic. And this is how it could happen in the United States: by November 2021, most Americans have received two doses of a vaccine that, while not gloriously effective, fights the disease in more cases than not.
I think this projection is optimistic for a number of reasons. One, many will fail to obtain annual revaccination in order to maintain immunity. Two, there will inevitably be problems with vaccines, primarily due to side effects scaring off many people. Three, this virus has shown a slow but definite mutation rate & at least 6 strains are known. These may require the development of variant vaccines, complicating the vaccination programs.

But it all starts here:

Do you recall Murphy's Law? I think the coronavirus will prove that Murphy was an optimist.

You might be interested in a fuller exposition of Murphy's Laws and you can find it HERE.

Unfortunately those people do not have


- Lesson 1 -

the hole is too deep to climb out of - STOP DIGGING!

- Lesson 2 -

There is no "light at the bottom of the hole".

- Lesson 3 -

When you see something that looks like the "light at the bottom of the hole"

!!! - CHECK FOR MAGMA - !!!

- Lesson 4 -

A perfectly constructed hole of sufficient depth will eventually fill with water and drown you! - If you stay in it long enough.

- Lesson 5 -

A large number of badly constructed holes in the wrong places is NOT a substitute for the right hole at the right place.

- Lesson 6 -

Attempting to dig a hole in solid granite with a wooden shovel is considered to be a BAD idea!

- Lesson 7 -

Trying to teach a fish to dig holes in the snow is best left to experts. (And there aren't any.)

- Lesson 8 -

You CAN dig a hole in the water. - - - It's called a 'boat'.

- Lesson 9 -

When trying to dig a hole in a swamp, your chances of success are not improved by digging more than one.

- Lesson 10 -

The easiest way to find a hole is to close your eyes and run rapidly in a random direction.

This is known as the "Politician's Method".

- Lesson 11 -

The easiest way to determine the depth of a very deep hole is to jump into it, head first.

This is known as the "State Department Method".

- Lesson 12 -

The easiest way to ensure having an adequate sized hole, is to give everyone a small hole and trust that they will all contribute their hole to the one you want.

This is known as the "Socialist Distribution Method".

- Lesson 13 -

The easiest way to ensure that everyone has enough holes is to make sure that all the holes are owned by a small number of people.

This is known as the "Capitalist Distribution Method".

- Lesson 14 -

The easiest way to ensure that you have the right sized hole is to make all the holes the same size.

This is known as "Setting Standards".

- Lesson 15 -

The easiest way to end the awful carnage caused by people running around blindly and then leaping head first into very deep holes is to ban holes.

This is known as "Protecting People's Rights".
- Lesson 16 -

The easiest way to ensure a vibrant and dynamic "Hole Construction Industry" is to pay inefficient producers to produce more holes than the market can absorb.

This is known as the "Industrial Support Method".

- Lesson 17 -

By definition,
  • any holes produced in other countries where labour costs are lower are "subsidized".

  • any holes produced in this country with the assistance of government cash grants are NOT "subsidized".

This is known as "Economics".

- Lesson 18 -

No other country may possess holes - unless they bought them from this country and they don't have anything that this country wants or they do have something that this country wants and are willing to give it to this country at a fire sale price.

This is known as "International Relations".

- Lesson 19 -

By definition,

  • any group that comes to power by winning a popular election and that wants to keep the benefits of their country's holes for the people of that country is 'Totalitarian and Communist';

  • any group that comes to power by using armed force to overthrow the previous government and that wants to ensure that the benefits of that country's hole accrue to the businesses of this country is 'Free and Democratic'.

This is known as "Political Science".

- Lesson 20 -

Regardless of fact and history, THIS country invented holes, has the only real holes in the world, and has better holes than anyone else.

Anyone disputing this statement WILL report to the Principle's office for detention.

This is known as "Patriotism".

- Lesson 21 -

It IS possible to drain the water out of a boat by drilling a hole in the bottom of it - provided that you keep moving fast enough and never stop.

This is known as the "No 'Exit Plan' Method".

- Lesson 22 -

It IS ALSO possible to drain the water out of a boat by drilling a hole in the bottom of it - provided that you don't have the boat in the water.

This is known as the "No Clue As to Purpose Method".

- Lesson 23 -

The problem of water flooding into the bottom of the hole from below is seldom solved by increasing the rate at which the hole is extended downwards.

Professor Emelio Xavier Cavator's Expansion

The only proven way to avoid having problems whilst digging holes in swamps is not to dig them at all (unless you really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, have to - and even then to get in, dig, and get out as fast as you can).

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