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Help Trajan find a Job!!! (1 Viewer)


Jul 19, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
Political Leaning
I recently noticed that Trajan Octavian Titus has only been a member of our Debate Politics community since August of 2005, yet he has already managed to post (up to this point) 4,621 times. If you look at his profile, you'll see that this averages out 26.8 times A DAY.

It is, therefore, my conclusion that Trajan has a little too much time on his hands, and would probably benefit from some gainful employment. I have also discerned from his profile that he is a full time student, and would probably fit best with a part-time job or internship position somewhere.

Therefore, if you have any knowledge of jobs such as this that are available, I encourage you to post them here so that our friend can gain some real world political (or not) experience outside of the realm of the internet.

We know you can do it Traj!
Good luck!
Stall mucker since he's so good a shovelling sh!t. :mrgreen:
Mikkel said:
I recently noticed that Trajan Octavian Titus has only been a member of our Debate Politics community since August of 2005, yet he has already managed to post (up to this point) 4,621 times. If you look at his profile, you'll see that this averages out 26.8 times A DAY.

It is, therefore, my conclusion that Trajan has a little too much time on his hands, and would probably benefit from some gainful employment. I have also discerned from his profile that he is a full time student, and would probably fit best with a part-time job or internship position somewhere.

Therefore, if you have any knowledge of jobs such as this that are available, I encourage you to post them here so that our friend can gain some real world political (or not) experience outside of the realm of the internet.

We know you can do it Traj!
Good luck!

This only makes me wonder if you have been aggravated by TOT. Did he touch a sour spot??? Did he make you mad that you have to cry or try to find someway of getting at him? This is ridiculous, you don't have much post, maybe a little more then myself, but I joined in I think December. Does that mean that I need a job too? What would you know if someone loves a site/politics so much, that they would just come on here as habit? Apparently you don't like to debate often, or maybe you don't have the time to, but either case, just because someone posts allot, doesn't mean that they have nothing else better to do. There are people on this site that posts way more then he does a day. Look it up.
@_girL........ said:
This only makes me wonder if you have been aggravated by TOT. Did he touch a sour spot??? Did he make you mad that you have to cry or try to find someway of getting at him? This is ridiculous, you don't have much post, maybe a little more then myself, but I joined in I think December. Does that mean that I need a job too? What would you know if someone loves a site/politics so much, that they would just come on here as habit? Apparently you don't like to debate often, or maybe you don't have the time to, but either case, just because someone posts allot, doesn't mean that they have nothing else better to do. There are people on this site that posts way more then he does a day. Look it up.

I have checked a lot of people, even a few of the moderators, and I have not found one person with the same number of posts per day as trajan. I might agree with you that he 'just might like to debate', except that he posts the same garbage over and over (and over) again, which I'm inclined to think is out of boredom.

And no, this is not out of spite for TOT. This is out of a greater sense of community. I'm trying to help someone I don't agree with. Frankly, I'm appalled that this sign of goodwill is met with suspicion and hostility. I'm simply trying to help him out. He doesn't have to take it if he doesn't want it.

Anyway, back on track. So far we have:
1) Stall mucker (since he's so good a shovelling sh!t).

Any other jobs available? Post 'em here!
americanwoman said:
how about a professional forum poster:2razz:

Not a bad idea, if only we could find somebody to pay him.
Oh, oh, oh... I got another!

Aide to Jeff Gannon (just don't drop anything, Traj, you might get molested)
RNC chairman........God knows we need a counter to their chairman.:lol:

I'm just jealous that I never had the honor of a topic here in the basement.:(
Deegan said:
RNC chairman........God knows we need a counter to their chairman.:lol:

I'm just jealous that I never had the honor of a topic here in the basement.:(

Don't worry, I'm sure someone, someday will give you that honor. Just be patient.;)
I average 37.07 posts a day :mrgreen:

Then again, I don't have a job, either. So how about you find me one? After all, I need the money more than Traj does, I have a baby on the way!!!
Help Trajan and Stace find a Job!!!

Stace said:
I average 37.07 posts a day :mrgreen:

Then again, I don't have a job, either. So how about you find me one? After all, I need the money more than Traj does, I have a baby on the way!!!


Anyone got any jobs out there for Stace?
Get a job TOT!!!! :naughty

He would be a good Spin Doctor or Conservative Pundit.

Come to think of it he's probably living on a grant to do research for his book "How To Make It Look Like Left Wing Did It".
Stace said:
I average 37.07 posts a day :mrgreen:

Then again, I don't have a job, either. So how about you find me one? After all, I need the money more than Traj does, I have a baby on the way!!!

Phone sex operator, you can work in the privacy in your own home (unless you have a bad voice) ^_^
@_girL........ said:
Phone sex operator, you can work in the privacy in your own home (unless you have a bad voice) ^_^

lol, don't think the hubby would like that one too much :2razz:
Burger king is always hiring.
He could be in charge of the shake machine...:mrgreen:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Eat me jar head. :mrgreen:

LOL..come on it'll be fun...
Gunny is in charge of the french fry station...lol
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I'm more of a taco bell man myself.

Yep I like eating taco's.......

What the fluck? damn cat jumppped on the keyboard!

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