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Help! Help! Gross Human Rights Abuses In The Cameroons! (1 Viewer)



Dear Forum Members,
:( I write with tears flowing.The people of the former British trust territory of the Southern Cameroons(English-speaking), fraudulently handed to the French by the Queen of England in 1961 have been bleeding under the cross of occupation ever since.The successive regimes of Ahidjo and Biya have carried out a policy of assimilation on the people of the Southern Cameroons.Thousands have been forced into exile,others in the prisons of Mr Biya,others killed while the rest remain in this big prison called The Southern Cameroons.
The youths are particularly targeted by the despotic regime of Biya for elimination.They are routinely framed up and sent to prison.
Atrocities of this regime are hardly reported because of the strict control of the flow of information.Amnesty International has documented some of these abuses but a majority remain unreported.
Can anybody take up this issue to any pressure group,local member of parliament,newspaper columns,church groups, and other avenues that can help stop these attrocities?Prayers for my people are also welcomed.
You might not know the impact you are creating on the lives of the people of the Southern Cameroons by your action or inaction.
We, under the umbrella of the Southern Cameroons Youth League(SCYL) have been clamoring for the right to self-determination for the territory of the Southern Cameroons since 1995.You can visit our website at: http://www.scylforfreedom.org
Our chairman Ebenezer DM Akwanga was recently rescued from jail where he was serving a 20 year jail term for framed-up charges.About 16 others are still languishing in Kondengui prison in Yaounde.An appeal against their sentencing, filed in 1999 has not yet gone through due process.Thats how justice is administered in the Cameroons.Help us.
We count on your goodwill.
God bless you all!
bechati said:
Dear Forum Members,
:( I write with tears flowing.The people of the former British trust territory of the Southern Cameroons(English-speaking), fraudulently handed to the French by the Queen of England in 1961 have been bleeding under the cross of occupation ever since.The successive regimes of Ahidjo and Biya have carried out a policy of assimilation on the people of the Southern Cameroons.Thousands have been forced into exile,others in the prisons of Mr Biya,others killed while the rest remain in this big prison called The Southern Cameroons.
The youths are particularly targeted by the despotic regime of Biya for elimination.They are routinely framed up and sent to prison.
Atrocities of this regime are hardly reported because of the strict control of the flow of information.Amnesty International has documented some of these abuses but a majority remain unreported.
Can anybody take up this issue to any pressure group,local member of parliament,newspaper columns,church groups, and other avenues that can help stop these attrocities?Prayers for my people are also welcomed.
You might not know the impact you are creating on the lives of the people of the Southern Cameroons by your action or inaction.
We, under the umbrella of the Southern Cameroons Youth League(SCYL) have been clamoring for the right to self-determination for the territory of the Southern Cameroons since 1995.You can visit our website at: http://www.scylforfreedom.org
Our chairman Ebenezer DM Akwanga was recently rescued from jail where he was serving a 20 year jail term for framed-up charges.About 16 others are still languishing in Kondengui prison in Yaounde.An appeal against their sentencing, filed in 1999 has not yet gone through due process.Thats how justice is administered in the Cameroons.Help us.
We count on your goodwill.
God bless you all!

Welcome to Debate Politics!

Haven't heard much about this to be honest with you.

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