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Heating and electric Sur tax (1 Viewer)


Active member
Oct 14, 2005
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I heard something on the news recently about a new bill trying to get passed where the electric and gas companies can actually charge you for not using electricity and gas. I was wondering if anyone else heard something and if so what are your thoughts?
goligoth said:
I heard something on the news recently about a new bill trying to get passed where the electric and gas companies can actually charge you for not using electricity and gas. I was wondering if anyone else heard something and if so what are your thoughts?
That would make NO sense, perhaps you heard it wrong? They might have said tax inefficient, not efficient, homes and buildings based on energy use.
Part of a utility bill is likely a monthly fee for being on the grid, so you pay a certain amount for the metering, connection, etc. even if you don't use any gas or electricity. There is also the possibility of a rate structure that allows large users, mostly industrial, to get lower rates than the average home owner would get.
UtahBill said:
That would make NO sense, perhaps you heard it wrong? They might have said tax inefficient, not efficient, homes and buildings based on energy use.
Part of a utility bill is likely a monthly fee for being on the grid, so you pay a certain amount for the metering, connection, etc. even if you don't use any gas or electricity. There is also the possibility of a rate structure that allows large users, mostly industrial, to get lower rates than the average home owner would get.

No I am pretty sure I heard right. The news station played the report several times and every time it came on I stared in disbelief and had to have the other people in the room explain to me what it said because the way I interpreted it couldn't be right.....unfortunatly they explained it the same way I had interpreted it.

It said that cars that got better milage than other cars would be taxed heavier and the extra money would go to the gas companies. And I can't remember how they said they would regulate the electricity. The report said it was trying to get passed and so far it was doing well.

I was half awake when it came on so I may have misinterpreted it but....

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