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Have you met any real-life Trump supporters? (1 Viewer)

I don't think the majority is really behind Trump. I think the majority is against Hillary.

Some political science guru's say that this is how it has long worked in POTUS elections. I have not read the studies but they claim they have gone out into the field to measure.
What can you possibly like about the Clintons? They are the most scandal plagued politicians ever to inhabit Washington DC.

Those were fake scandals manufactured by the Clinton haters. After an open ended hunting expedition lasting five years and costing fifty million dollars all Ken Starr had on Bill Clinton was a lie in response to a question Starr asked himself about a matter that was none of Starr's business. The Starr Investigation absolved Bill Clinton of the bizarre charges that were leveled at him.

Benghazi was a mistake. Mistakes happen in dangerous parts of the world. George W. Bush made a far more serious mistake by invading Iraq while cutting taxes for the rich. Hillary's e-mail problem was the result of bad judgment, nothing more.

Clinton hate needs to be evaluated psychologically. Bill and Hillary are not politically extreme. They are not evil. Clinton haters look for excuses to hate the Clinton's because the Clinton haters are demented.:twisted:
I have not met any real-life Trump supporters. I have several friends who are Republicans, and they all say they won't vote for Trump, no matter what.

I find the best critiques of Trump coming from right-wing sources. Like this from Matthew Continetti, who wrote for The Weekly Standard:


THat is hilarious, exactly like saying that what Wall Street did with sub prime derivatives was "bad judgment, nothing more".

I needed a laugh, thanks so much for providing a good one.
Given how broken DC is, and has long been, does it surprise you that a POTUS election devolves into what we have?

Not me.
Surprised? no

I'm not surprised overall at all. What is mind boggling though is the speed it devolved into this. It's simply mind blowing that the average person is more level headed, bi-partisan and less bigoted than ever before in my life time but the display and representation of political voices and media are the some of the worst. Trump as the nominate is just lunacy, Cruz as basically second place would have been even worse. I may not be in favor of Hilary but she just seems like par for the course to me. And no that's not me bashing the left I mean that about either side. Also don't get me wrong, I don't wan't par for the course either, I'm hoping for BETTER! While Hilary is the same **** sandwich we have been getting served Trump is far worse.

Speed??!! DC has been significantly broken for more than 20 years. THere is pent up RAGE in the country that it has taken so long to get a POTUS candidate to give the DC elite the finger with, that is to say a Trump like message sender. Think of it as a stick that has long been under pressure and bend, but has now finally snapped. My point is that it should have snapped years ago, I take that it took so long to get here as another failure of America to perform.

That's ludicrous.It was not a republican that exposed himself to Paula Jones or raped Juanita Broderick. It was not a republican who fired the white house travel office staff and brought them up on charges just so they could hire their Hollywood producer friends, the Thomasins to run the office. It was not the republicans who commited perjury over Paula Jones. It was not the republicans who pardoned 16 puerto rican terrorists just to help Hillary with the hipanic vote when she ran for the senate.

Benghazi was a mistake. Mistakes happen in dangerous parts of the world. George W. Bush made a far more serious mistake by invading Iraq while cutting taxes for the rich. Hillary's e-mail problem was the result of bad judgment, nothing more.

Perceived mistakes are one thing, however Hillary telling her daughter and the head of at least one foreign government that the Benghazi attack was a planned terrorist attack and telling the American people and the news media and the victim's families that the attacks were a spontaneous reaction to a you tube video is another. Hillary lied her ass off about Benghazi. And the emails were about much more then bad judgement. She had a private email server hidden in bathroom closet over a thousand miles from the Pentagon. and she used it for government business. She knew she was breaking the law. She had even warned state department employees not to do what she did. are you not at least a little concerned about her motives? or what she was attempting to hide? My bet is emails regarding Clinton Foundation transactions.

Clinton hate needs to be evaluated psychologically. Bill and Hillary are not politically extreme. They are not evil. Clinton haters look for excuses to hate the Clinton's because the Clinton haters are demented.:twisted:

What needs to be evaluated is how far the left will go to defend the Clintons no matter what they do. I do not harbor any hatred of the Clintons. I would not waste such an emotion on them. However I despise them for their scandals and overall law breaking. In the 1992 campaign I saw those to characters coming. It was almost like watching those two phony evagelists Bill and Tammy Bakker attempting to spin themselves out of trouble. Bill and Hillary's first task was attempting to spin the Gennifer Flowers affair away before it destroyed them. I could easily tell that I was looking at a couple of pathological liars. Scandals followed them throughout their two terms in the white house and even out the door. Point is...the republicans did not invent those scandals. And certainly in politics, the other party is going to take advantage and go after the party that commits them. And getting away with them does not mean they did not occur. I'm sure you recall the democrats going after Nixon over watergate, and Reagan/Bush over Iran Contra. Do you think those scandals were invented by the democrats? or do you think only republicans commit scandals? Try being honest with yourself. The Clintons were scandal plagued and by their own doing. And it's perpetual with them. I prefer not to go through another 8 years of perpetual clinton scandals. You support them because they have a "D" in front of their names on ballots. I don't care. They are crooked to the teeth.

Yes speed. Who said it hasn't been broken? Of course it has but the speed it got to here is nuts. We went from **** sandwiches to **** sandwiches, turd tots and a puke shake in 8 years.Trump sends no message but retardation. It's like if somebody didn't like the typical surgeons available so they pick a no armed 6yr old. Like I said it doesn't matter much though because he won't be president. We will get the usual **** sandwich with Hillary and it will actually begin to change 2020 and 2024.

How old are you? (rhetorical question)

Very very often that is how reality works, things sort of work till wham bam they dont at all.

But there have been clear warnings over the last few cycles that the people were getting to "ENOUGH!", the DC elite either ignored them or rationalized them away, depending upon how seriously they took the signs of discontent.

Then this brain trust decided to try to float the same old crapola again.

Didn't work.
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Again what you are saying has nothign to do with what I'm saying.

Anyway it did work, we are going to have the same **** sandwich . . .
It isnt going to change until 2024 probably and even then it will be a small change, a better change, not a worse change like Trump.

At least half of the people I know who have told me who they are voting for are saying they will vote for Trump. These include lawyers, business people, all manner of medical personnel, farmers, shop keepers, factory workers, techy types, service industries, et al, some religious, some not, some registered Republicans, some not. There isn't a nut or radical or fanatic or nut case in the bunch so far as I know--just ordinary Americans going about their daily business as they do every day.

Ya, and then you listen to the elite, to the media, to the President, to almost all of them and they seem to have no clue. Is it even possible that they are that dense? I think not, their narrative fits their agenda and their fantasies, not reality, as it long has...... which is a big part of the reason America sucks so badly now.

The elite have failed us, so it is TIME FOR TRUMP!
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Communication has failed.

That may or may not be my fault, I think not, but clearly there is no point in continuing.

Communication has failed.

That may or may not be my fault, I think not, but clearly there is no point in continuing.


You think wrong.
Corn Flakes

Well the polls say that the current temperature of the country leans in favor of Hillary. But I am not finding a whole bunch of people who will admit they are voting for Hillary. Those who don't commit to a Trump vote are simply saying undecided or third party or none of the above.

But I agree, those we have elected to represent us have failed us. They promise the sun, moon, and stars--all manner of great accomplishments and reform--if we vote for them this time. Never mind what they didn't accomplish last time. This time it will be different.

I think there is a limit to how gullible the ordinary every day American is willing to be. So a Donald Trump, however imperfect he may be, offers at least a chance to shake things up, an opportunity for things to be different. He may be terrible and he may be great. But he has made us believe he is not part of the permanent political class who don't give a flying fig who is President so long as that person doesn't interfere with their increasing their personal power, prestige, influence and personal wealth.

I have said this before and I will say it again......the fraudulent selling of the invasion of Iraq sent tremors through the nation re the performance of the ELite. The Great Recession, no one going to jail for the crimes that brought it about and almost no efforts to fix the systems that failed, was the last straw. Add to this the shredding of the balance sheet of the average family this century and the complete failure of our very expensive ME policy and the gig was up.

The leaders, those smug incompetent bastards who keep lying to us, have largely lost their followers.

They have yet to understand this.

Because they suck.

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More hate from the Republican Hate Machine.:twisted:

Go Hillary! :mrgreen:

I have not bothered to read all that nonsense. You are just someone who needs to hate.
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My cousin is a Trump supporter, and a mix of good and bad. He is honest, hard working, and honorable. He is also very racist, but only because the family is huge confederate sympathizers. The family isn't openly racist, but most of them are open with each other. It's funny because everyone from our area is a mix of Native and Scotch-Irish, so they aren't technically white. I can't live at home because I am constantly fighting with them. About things other than racism, I just got used to that growing up.

He is also cruel when provoked, and while very intelligent he chooses to ignore things that mess with his world perception. Things like his best friend is half-mexican, but he hates Mexicans. Like really hates them. He has ranted to me many times of the inferiority of the Mexicans and other people of color.

I suspect most of my family does support Trump, I don't talk to them often and he's the only one running his mouth on Facebook about Trump.

To be clear I am not saying all Trump supporters are racist. Just that my family is racist, and they likely support Trump. Heck I know my Grandma does because she thinks women shouldn't work. I wish I was making this up. And to reiterate, they don't go around public spewing racist comments or anything. Just in private to the family, which incidentally my family is divided into a clan structure. I don't know if that is relevant.

I'm grateful my mother was the black sheep who went to a high school with more than two black people in the North. And again, I wish I was making this up. But I'm not, I used to cry over the ignorant hate of my family. And the fact I had to love and accept them or die of starvation and neglect.

I do admit, my perception of them does make me bias to a degree. I usually suspect anyone that supports the same things they do as racist, or bigots. Because I know how my own family presents their public face, and how they act at home. And they use a lot of the same arguments. And same defenses as most conservatives. Which I myself am a registered Republican. But I keep finding myself disagreeing more and more with modern conservative ideals. I thought the whole point of being a conservative was avoiding extremist mentalities and using common sense. Neither of which they do today.

Only one of them, they're currently my employer. We get along. He's a nice guy who believes Mexicans are destroying the US but black people are alright and Trump is wrong about them. You give some, you take some.
I have met me...
There are a few of them I know at a dive bar I go to. Of course they are also 9/11 conspiracy losers and angry, unemployed idiots.

Fun to laugh at for a while, but its tiresome being around such morons.
There are a few of them I know at a dive bar I go to. Of course they are also 9/11 conspiracy losers and angry, unemployed idiots.

Fun to laugh at for a while, but its tiresome being around such morons.

I was asking a bartender in Tacoma and what he said(after he tried to put me off because he has learned to never get into anything TRUMP) is that a LOT of people want to talk to him about it. He discourages the practice because he is there to sell drinks, not to allow the bar conversation to get so divisive that it drives Customers away. The dude is in his mid 40's, been round the block bunches of times, says he has never seen anything like it.

Same at my pub...but the Trumpanzies tend to be the morons that start fights.

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