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Have you ever seen... (1 Viewer)

Have you ever seen a lesson Plan for Intelligent Design to be used in science classes

  • Yes I have. In fact I write them

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes I have and I use them in classes I teach.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes I have.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I have not.

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • No, and all I find when I look is how ID should be taught in schools, nothing about science to teach

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • No I have not, I have only seen little disclaimer stickers on science books

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • No I have not, nor do I ever expect to see one, because it is not science.

    Votes: 11 64.7%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2005
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Have you ever seen a Lesson Plan (even one day's lesson) for Intelligent Design to be taught as Science in Schools?
Actually, though I answered No...I did go thru six years of ID classes. Of course, we called it Catholic School.
woohoo 7 votes. I was worried no one was looking. heh feel free to debate to stir up the issue :)
Very often I see, it's more anti-evolution, than pro-Intelligent Design.

(Personally I do believe in a creator God, and God doesn't trick people, like planting 65,000,000+ year old bones and fossils on a 6,000 year old planet.)

That said, with ID I either see the politics of it, or the science tends to be pointing out flaws in Evolution. Which is fine, evolution should and could be continually challenged. However, even completely dismantling the current theory of Evolution by Natural selection does not mean Intelligent Design wins by default. Science does not work that way, one idea being wrong, doesn't make the other right. It's the other being right, that makes the other right.
galenrox said:
I'm curious about Intelligent Design actually. I can't tell if it's just a new name for creationism, or if it's conceding evolution, and just saying that a God planned it out.
I think that schools should be as secular as possible, and before teaching evolution and the big bang and such, the teacher should just say "We don't know if this was random or if there is a God or several Gods who're behind this, there is equal evidence for and against God's existance, which is none."
Pick up some old books on creationism and some new ones on ID and compare.
I think throughout all the tribulations and conflicts of mankind that intelligent design is merely an elaborate religious conspiracy theory. I mean if this entire being of life as we know was a design GOD knows it was not intelligent. If I thought along the lines of ID I would think that we (humanity) must have been the prototype (alpha) version. :rofl
Archon said:
I think throughout all the tribulations and conflicts of mankind that intelligent design is merely an elaborate religious conspiracy theory. I mean if this entire being of life as we know was a design GOD knows it was not intelligent. If I thought along the lines of ID I would think that we (humanity) must have been the prototype (alpha) version. :rofl

This is your perception of homocapiens which you are one incase you didnt know. So therefore you are calling yourself an idiot.

Your theory could be true. But the question is why did the intelligent being leave us to be and not scrap their project? It would be common sense for them to trash it and start all over wouldnt it?
This is your perception of homocapiens which you are one incase you didnt know. So therefore you are calling yourself an idiot.

No, I was insinuating that the idea of ID is of collective idiocy. For a guy that talks so much you're lacking in comprehension.

Your theory could be true.

I didn't offer a theory but only my opinion.

But the question is why did the intelligent being leave us to be and not scrap their project?

What intelligent being?

It would be common sense for them to trash it and start all over wouldnt it?

Perhaps it would. So were you arguing for or against ID... or did you just take this opportunity to go out of your way to harrass me as you so commonly do?
No, I was insinuating that the idea of ID is of collective idiocy. For a guy that talks so much you're lacking in comprehension.

Why would you insinuate your own idea? You said yourself that the ID designer might have designed us as a prototype becasue you think that this world is not intelligent. Or maybe I misread what you meant? Please explain.
I mean if this entire being of life as we know was a design GOD knows it was not intelligent.

Sounds pretty straight forward to me.

I didn't offer a theory but only my opinion.

Which is your own personal theory is it not?

What intelligent being?

Whoever you want it to be. Its your own theoretic opinion is it not?

Perhaps it would. So were you arguing for or against ID...

For or against it in what way?

or did you just take this opportunity to go out of your way to harrass me as you so commonly do?

No its not that I take the opportunity "to harrass you" as you say. But I take the opportunity to correct you or ask you very humanely. Did I not?
Why would you insinuate your own idea? You said yourself that the ID designer might have designed us as a prototype becasue you think that this world is not intelligent. Or maybe I misread what you meant? Please explain.

Sounds pretty straight forward to me.

Which is your own personal theory is it not?

Whoever you want it to be. Its your own theoretic opinion is it not?

For or against it in what way?

No its not that I take the opportunity "to harrass you" as you say. But I take the opportunity to correct you or ask you very humanely. Did I not?

So you think the words opinion and theory are one in the same? This is the basis of your argument? You really believe this? :rofl

If you need employment or therapy I may be able to help you. Seriously.
Archon said:
So you think the words opinion and theory are one in the same? This is the basis of your argument? You really believe this? :rofl

If you need employment or therapy I may be able to help you. Seriously.

Dd you not read my post? I said your opinion(meaning this opinion) is a theory in itself meaning you theororized a possibility of what happened. Does this make sense? And some could argue that opinions are theories. However, IMO not all opinios fit the definition of theories.

On the other hand, I am emplyed currently and I am too busy to help you out with therapy, but I am sure you may be able to help yourself. :2wave:
Dd you not read my post? I said your opinion(meaning this opinion) is a theory in itself meaning you theororized a possibility of what happened. Does this make sense? And some could argue that opinions are theories. However, IMO not all opinios fit the definition of theories.

On the other hand, I am emplyed currently and I am too busy to help you out with therapy, but I am sure you may be able to help yourself. :2wave:

±±±± ¿ ±±±±
so far 17 no's and 0 yes's? sheesh I thought Intelligent Design was the next big thing for education......
ohh someone voted yes, I suspect to tease me though! Yes voter, I am honestly interested in seeing one, any possibility the item is online at a webpage? (I understand it may not be, and that's part of the problem looking for one.)
And some could argue that opinions are theories. However, IMO not all opinios fit the definition of theories.
But then, when we are talking about a SCIENTIFIC THEORY, then we are not talking about an opinion, but rather about the end-product of all the research done through the application of the Scuientific Method.

So to talk about opinions as "theory" when discussing science would either be a sign of (1) outright ignorance of Science, or (2) outright deception and misrepresentation.
But the question is why did the intelligent being leave us to be and not scrap their project?

Maybe he has a sense of humor. Or, could be he long ago lit the match (a large asteroid headed our way which will impact in a few thousand millenia, or whenever) that will be thrown onto a corner of the failed project to incinerate it.
Interesting, so, with the strong support of this poll, can we End the "Teach ID in Schools" Debate for now?
libertarian_knight said:
Interesting, so, with the strong support of this poll, can we End the "Teach ID in Schools" Debate for now?
End it on this forum or nationally? Fundies don't care what this poll says or what any poll says and as long as the media keeps on presenting this as if it were an actual argument the "debate" will continue.
scottyz said:
End it on this forum or nationally? Fundies don't care what this poll says or what any poll says and as long as the media keeps on presenting this as if it were an actual argument the "debate" will continue.

I was thinking more, universally. I knwo the fundies don't care, but I mean, it should give them pause that the best they have to come up with about teach ID as science, are criticisms of evolution, and stickers on Biology books.
libertarian_knight said:
I was thinking more, universally. I knwo the fundies don't care, but I mean, it should give them pause that the best they have to come up with about teach ID as science, are criticisms of evolution, and stickers on Biology books.
I suppose putting stickers on biology books is one step forward in "cleansing" America to them. Soon we will have stickers on Math and English books too. :lol: We will have to put stickers on everything that doesnt perfectly flow with the Bible.
scottyz said:
I suppose putting stickers on biology books is one step forward in "cleansing" America to them. Soon we will have stickers on Math and English books too. :lol: We will have to put stickers on everything that doesnt perfectly flow with the Bible.

Christians and Jews have had THOUSANDS of years to "prove" their story. Evolution only a few hundred, and mostly the last 50 years. Blood Cult Mythology is getting bitch slapped like a 35 cent whore by the newcomer, and the best response is, "here is a sticker."

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