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HATE is the easiest word (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 27, 2018
Reaction score
Vacaville, CA
Political Leaning
A main cause of the hateful divisions in this country are not internet trolls nor even Donald Trump. It is the AARP and its insidious game Word Wipe, in which players race against the clock to form words that clear the board. The letters H, A, T, and E are among the most common letters on the board, which means players are likely to spell HATE repeatedly through the many levels of the game: a subliminal repetition of hate.

We need to call AARP executives before congressional committees to explain their hate logarithm. The solution should be easy enough. Include more Ls and Vs so players will spell LOVE.
Maybe they're spelling "eHat" which is a digital affectation for your in game avatar.

HATE is the easiest word​

Love is the most overused and misused word.

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