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Hate crimes are on the rise (1 Viewer)

I see a correlation between Trump's rally rhetoric & this increase in hate crimes. His ambivalence after Charlottesville means he does not care as long as they vote for him.
Oh now any of our Trumpling posterswill tell you it's all the left's fault. They're scared of the persecution the media is giving Trump, they need safe spaces. All that hate from the left is driving them over the edge. We're just so mean to them.
The Racist n Chief.
It's entirely possible that these POS morons lashing out and committing hate-based violence are being encouraged by the (sickeningly delusional) belief that they are standing up for their much-maligned and beleaguered POTUS, who they view as continually under attack by the media....and which all fuels their pathetic, hateful mindsets.
I see a correlation between Trump's rally rhetoric & this increase in hate crimes. His ambivalence after Charlottesville means he does not care as long as they vote for him.

On the day of his inauguration there were riots in the street of DC. That violence preceded Charlottesville's nonsense between antifa and nazis. The hatred and violence on the streets doesn't belong wholly to Potus, in fact it began with his detractors.
... began with his detractors.

Do you believe Trump's rhetoric has nothing to do with his detractors appeal for violence? Were the same things happening at prior Republicans' inaugurations?
Do you believe Trump's rhetoric has nothing to do with his detractors appeal for violence? Were the same things happening at prior Republicans' inaugurations?

Correlation does not lead to causation.
Trump is as responsible for the rise in race based hate the exact same way as Keith Ellison and his sympathetic views towards antisemitic behaviour is responsible for the rise in religious based hate crimes.
I see a correlation between Trump's rally rhetoric & this increase in hate crimes. His ambivalence after Charlottesville means he does not care as long as they vote for him.

Those rallies feel like they're straight out of dystopian novels, which in turn were depicting actual hate rallies by heads of state.
HATE CRIMES...and charging someone for them is stupid to begin with.
it is fairly obvious the the most casual observer, if you bash someone's head in with a brick...you hate them.
If you shoot them down on the street, you hate them.
If you set fire to their house, you hate them.
The whole idea is stupid.

It is just another excuse to lock up more Americans in prison.
The US already locks up it people more than any other country on earth.
Now they have more excuses to do it even more.

I remember when some were considering TRUMP in 2016 written in chalk to be a "hate crime".

Stupid. It is just another excuse to imprison more Americans.
I see a correlation between Trump's rally rhetoric & this increase in hate crimes. His ambivalence after Charlottesville means he does not care as long as they vote for him.

What ambivalence? He condemned all the violence that happened at Charlottesville. Funny how you and others like you (IE: Trump haters) always seem to forget that and only focus on half of what was actually said.
What ambivalence? He condemned all the violence that happened at Charlottesville. Funny how you and others like you (IE: Trump haters) always seem to forget that and only focus on half of what was actually said.

It is because the other half does not fit their narrative.

That same logic they use is why I ALWAYS WIN a discussion about the "Muslim ban" as they like to call it.
There was no Muslim ban and never was.
There WAS a travel ban on anyone from certain countries regardless of religion.
Christians and others were not allowed in either.
...and Muslims from other countries not on the list could come here all they wanted to.

There was no "Muslim ban", but yet they keep saying it all the time and yet they lose any talk about it all the time too.

This is the tactics of THE BIG LIE.

This topic is how i weed out those who have no ability to admit they are wrong.
If they call it a Muslim ban, they are 100% wrong.
Both violent crime and property crime declined in 2017 when compared with 2016 data.
I don't suppose DJT had a thing to do with that though, right?


Thanks for supporting overall point of the thread - as the overall violent crime (slightly) decreased, specifically HATE crimes have actually increased by a lot.
HATE CRIMES...and charging someone for them is stupid to begin with.
it is fairly obvious the the most casual observer, if you bash someone's head in with a brick...you hate them.

That's because you don't understand what "hate crime" means. These are not crimes because you hate a specific person that you commit the crime against. Rather, these are crimes because the person is relatively random but you don't like the "group" they belong to... e.g. because of their race or religion or sexual orientation, etc.
Correlation does not lead to causation.

The actual quote should be that "Correlation does not mean or necessarily lead to causation".... but correlation is correlation; not coincidence. The does appear to be a relationship between Trump and the increase in hate crimes. The relationship (causation) seems pretty obvious to most of us....
It's entirely possible that these POS morons lashing out and committing hate-based violence are being encouraged by the (sickeningly delusional) belief that they are standing up for their much-maligned and beleaguered POTUS, who they view as continually under attack by the media....and which all fuels their pathetic, hateful mindsets.

I see a correlation between Trump's rally rhetoric & this increase in hate crimes. His ambivalence after Charlottesville means he does not care as long as they vote for him.

I am sure Trump is just an innocent bystander ...

The actual quote should be that "Correlation does not mean or necessarily lead to causation".... but correlation is correlation; not coincidence. The does appear to be a relationship between Trump and the increase in hate crimes. The relationship (causation) seems pretty obvious to most of us....

Contrary to what are surely the prevailing assumptions, anti-Semitic incidents have constituted half of all hate crimes in New York this year, according to the Police Department. To put that figure in context, there have been four times as many crimes motivated by bias against Jews — 142 in all — as there have against blacks.
During the past 22 months, not one person caught or identified as the aggressor in an anti-Semitic hate crime has been associated with a far right-wing group, Mark Molinari, commanding officer of the police department’s Hate Crimes Task Force, told me.


Que loss of interest.
Que loss of interest.

Whether such persons had any ties to a particular political organization is completely moot. People do not have to be part of an organized political group to perpetrate a hate crime. The point is that hate crimes are up since Trump took office, which many people fault his acrimonious rhetoric. The man has a documented history of bigotry and racism, including opening his campaign with bigoted remarks.

The primary point is that his campaign and his presidency have provided safe-haven to the racists and bigots amongst us.


Not everything good or bad that happens in America has a political party or political organization behind it. In the case of Donald Trump, his views are his own and generally not an indictment of conservatives as a whole, except to the extent that they refuse to call him out on it.

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