Stu Ghatze
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Especially while seemingly enjoying, & believing that the Jack Abramoff scandal is miles way from him.
Reid knows a lot about corruption, & getting family members in on the "train"!
Free Republic
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Who Is Harry Reid Kidding?
National Republican Senatorial Committee ^ | January 24, 2006 | Staff
Posted on 01/25/2006 2:18:30 PM PST by flattorney
Who Is Harry Kidding?
In Speech Blasting Republicans For A Culture Of Corruption Harry Reid Demonstrates His Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds Reid Pointed Fingers At President Bush For "Stonewalling" About His Connections To Jack Abramoff
Reid Today: “Finally, we must hear the President commit to honest leadership. In his 2000 campaign, George Bush promised to bring ‘dignity’ to the White House, but we’ve since found that he brought Jack Abramoff instead. President Bush needs to quit stonewalling about his White House’s connection to corruption, and finally tell us how he’s going to reform Washington. Honest leadership is not a partisan goal.” (Senator Harry Reid [D-NV], “The Real State Of Our Union,” Center For American Progress, January 24, 2006)
Reid Knows A Bit About “Stonewalling” On Abramoff Connections: Reid Has Stonewalled Plenty Of His Own
Reid: “So Don’t Lump Me In With Jack Abramoff. This Is A Republican Scandal. Don’t Try To Give Any Of It To Me.” (Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), “Fox News Sunday,” December 18, 2005)
* But A Recent Press Report Cited Reid Among The “First Tier” Of Lawmakers Under Investigation By The Justice Department Probe Of “Influence-Peddling” By Lobbyist Jack Abramoff. (Jerry Seper and Audrey Hudson, “AAttacks,” The Associated Press, January 18, 2006)
* But “Abramoff Did Hire As One Of His Lobbyists Edward P. Ayoob, A Veteran Reid Legislative Aide.” (Jeffrey H. Birnbaum and Derek Willis, “Democrats Also Got Tribal Donations,” The Washington Post, June 3, 2005)
* Ayoob Was A Member Of “Team Abramoff.” “Abramoff assembled a group of lobbyists that some in the media have dubbed ‘Team Abramoff.’ Most were former aides to congressmen. Most were Republicans, but they included Ayoob, a former aide to Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., who is now the Senate minority leader.” (Paul Barton, “Lincoln Aide, Others Say $2,000 Isn’t Abramoff-Linked,” Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, January 6, 2006)
Reid Blasted Republicans For “Invit[ing] Lobbyists Inside Our Nation’s Capitol”
Reid Today: “And then, we have the Republican ‘K-Street Project,’ which has invited lobbyists inside our nation’s Capitol, as long as they are willing to pay the right price. . . . When we make leaders accountable to people, not lobbyists, there is no limit to how far America can go.” (Senator Harry Reid [D-NV], “The Real State Of Our Union,” Center For American Progress, January 24, 2006)
Reid Knows A Bit About Lobbyists Inside Our Nation’s Capitol: His Family Members Used To Lobby His Own Staffers
When It Comes To Family Members Who Lobby The Government, Reid “Is In A Class By Himself.” “At least 17 senators and 11 members of the House have children, spouses or other close relatives who lobby or work as consultants, most in Washington . . . . But Harry Reid is in a class by himself. One of his sons and his son-in-law lobby in Washington for companies, trade groups and municipalities seeking Reid’s help in the Senate. A second son has lobbied in Nevada for some of those same interests, and a third 3, 2003)
From 2001-2002, The Law Firm Of Harry Reid’s Sons And Its Clients Identified By The Los Angeles Times Contributed Over $150,000 To Reid’s Leadership PAC In Soft Money. According to records filed with the Internal Revenue Service, Harry Reid’s leadership PAC, Searchlight Leadership Fund, received over $150,000 in unregulated and unlimited soft money from Lionel Sawyer & Collins and the entities which the Los Angeles Times found it represents. (Political Money Line Website,, Accessed January 17, 2006)
Reid’s Office Eventually Instituted A Policy To Prohibit His Family Members From Lobbying His Office, AFTER Completion Of A Bill That Benefited His Family’s Clients. “Reid spokesman Tessa Hafen said Monday it was coincidence that the policy was issued after completion of the land bill.” (Tony Batt, “Lobbying Congress: Senator Downplays Family Ties,” Las Vegas Review-Journal, June 24, 2003)
I doubt whether any of these inconvenient facts will make it onto the front page of the New York Times.
Reid knows a lot about corruption, & getting family members in on the "train"!
Free Republic
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Who Is Harry Reid Kidding?
National Republican Senatorial Committee ^ | January 24, 2006 | Staff
Posted on 01/25/2006 2:18:30 PM PST by flattorney
Who Is Harry Kidding?
In Speech Blasting Republicans For A Culture Of Corruption Harry Reid Demonstrates His Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds Reid Pointed Fingers At President Bush For "Stonewalling" About His Connections To Jack Abramoff
Reid Today: “Finally, we must hear the President commit to honest leadership. In his 2000 campaign, George Bush promised to bring ‘dignity’ to the White House, but we’ve since found that he brought Jack Abramoff instead. President Bush needs to quit stonewalling about his White House’s connection to corruption, and finally tell us how he’s going to reform Washington. Honest leadership is not a partisan goal.” (Senator Harry Reid [D-NV], “The Real State Of Our Union,” Center For American Progress, January 24, 2006)
Reid Knows A Bit About “Stonewalling” On Abramoff Connections: Reid Has Stonewalled Plenty Of His Own
Reid: “So Don’t Lump Me In With Jack Abramoff. This Is A Republican Scandal. Don’t Try To Give Any Of It To Me.” (Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), “Fox News Sunday,” December 18, 2005)
* But A Recent Press Report Cited Reid Among The “First Tier” Of Lawmakers Under Investigation By The Justice Department Probe Of “Influence-Peddling” By Lobbyist Jack Abramoff. (Jerry Seper and Audrey Hudson, “AAttacks,” The Associated Press, January 18, 2006)
* But “Abramoff Did Hire As One Of His Lobbyists Edward P. Ayoob, A Veteran Reid Legislative Aide.” (Jeffrey H. Birnbaum and Derek Willis, “Democrats Also Got Tribal Donations,” The Washington Post, June 3, 2005)
* Ayoob Was A Member Of “Team Abramoff.” “Abramoff assembled a group of lobbyists that some in the media have dubbed ‘Team Abramoff.’ Most were former aides to congressmen. Most were Republicans, but they included Ayoob, a former aide to Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., who is now the Senate minority leader.” (Paul Barton, “Lincoln Aide, Others Say $2,000 Isn’t Abramoff-Linked,” Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, January 6, 2006)
Reid Blasted Republicans For “Invit[ing] Lobbyists Inside Our Nation’s Capitol”
Reid Today: “And then, we have the Republican ‘K-Street Project,’ which has invited lobbyists inside our nation’s Capitol, as long as they are willing to pay the right price. . . . When we make leaders accountable to people, not lobbyists, there is no limit to how far America can go.” (Senator Harry Reid [D-NV], “The Real State Of Our Union,” Center For American Progress, January 24, 2006)
Reid Knows A Bit About Lobbyists Inside Our Nation’s Capitol: His Family Members Used To Lobby His Own Staffers
When It Comes To Family Members Who Lobby The Government, Reid “Is In A Class By Himself.” “At least 17 senators and 11 members of the House have children, spouses or other close relatives who lobby or work as consultants, most in Washington . . . . But Harry Reid is in a class by himself. One of his sons and his son-in-law lobby in Washington for companies, trade groups and municipalities seeking Reid’s help in the Senate. A second son has lobbied in Nevada for some of those same interests, and a third 3, 2003)
From 2001-2002, The Law Firm Of Harry Reid’s Sons And Its Clients Identified By The Los Angeles Times Contributed Over $150,000 To Reid’s Leadership PAC In Soft Money. According to records filed with the Internal Revenue Service, Harry Reid’s leadership PAC, Searchlight Leadership Fund, received over $150,000 in unregulated and unlimited soft money from Lionel Sawyer & Collins and the entities which the Los Angeles Times found it represents. (Political Money Line Website,, Accessed January 17, 2006)
Reid’s Office Eventually Instituted A Policy To Prohibit His Family Members From Lobbying His Office, AFTER Completion Of A Bill That Benefited His Family’s Clients. “Reid spokesman Tessa Hafen said Monday it was coincidence that the policy was issued after completion of the land bill.” (Tony Batt, “Lobbying Congress: Senator Downplays Family Ties,” Las Vegas Review-Journal, June 24, 2003)
I doubt whether any of these inconvenient facts will make it onto the front page of the New York Times.