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Harry Reid should watch the finger-pointing! (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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Especially while seemingly enjoying, & believing that the Jack Abramoff scandal is miles way from him.

Reid knows a lot about corruption, & getting family members in on the "train"!


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Who Is Harry Reid Kidding?
National Republican Senatorial Committee ^ | January 24, 2006 | Staff

Posted on 01/25/2006 2:18:30 PM PST by flattorney

Who Is Harry Kidding?
In Speech Blasting Republicans For A Culture Of Corruption Harry Reid Demonstrates His Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds Reid Pointed Fingers At President Bush For "Stonewalling" About His Connections To Jack Abramoff

Reid Today: “Finally, we must hear the President commit to honest leadership. In his 2000 campaign, George Bush promised to bring ‘dignity’ to the White House, but we’ve since found that he brought Jack Abramoff instead. President Bush needs to quit stonewalling about his White House’s connection to corruption, and finally tell us how he’s going to reform Washington. Honest leadership is not a partisan goal.” (Senator Harry Reid [D-NV], “The Real State Of Our Union,” Center For American Progress, January 24, 2006)

Reid Knows A Bit About “Stonewalling” On Abramoff Connections: Reid Has Stonewalled Plenty Of His Own

Reid: “So Don’t Lump Me In With Jack Abramoff. This Is A Republican Scandal. Don’t Try To Give Any Of It To Me.” (Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), “Fox News Sunday,” December 18, 2005)

* But A Recent Press Report Cited Reid Among The “First Tier” Of Lawmakers Under Investigation By The Justice Department Probe Of “Influence-Peddling” By Lobbyist Jack Abramoff. (Jerry Seper and Audrey Hudson, “AAttacks,” The Associated Press, January 18, 2006)

* But “Abramoff Did Hire As One Of His Lobbyists Edward P. Ayoob, A Veteran Reid Legislative Aide.” (Jeffrey H. Birnbaum and Derek Willis, “Democrats Also Got Tribal Donations,” The Washington Post, June 3, 2005)

* Ayoob Was A Member Of “Team Abramoff.” “Abramoff assembled a group of lobbyists that some in the media have dubbed ‘Team Abramoff.’ Most were former aides to congressmen. Most were Republicans, but they included Ayoob, a former aide to Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., who is now the Senate minority leader.” (Paul Barton, “Lincoln Aide, Others Say $2,000 Isn’t Abramoff-Linked,” Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, January 6, 2006)

Reid Blasted Republicans For “Invit[ing] Lobbyists Inside Our Nation’s Capitol”

Reid Today: “And then, we have the Republican ‘K-Street Project,’ which has invited lobbyists inside our nation’s Capitol, as long as they are willing to pay the right price. . . . When we make leaders accountable to people, not lobbyists, there is no limit to how far America can go.” (Senator Harry Reid [D-NV], “The Real State Of Our Union,” Center For American Progress, January 24, 2006)

Reid Knows A Bit About Lobbyists Inside Our Nation’s Capitol: His Family Members Used To Lobby His Own Staffers

When It Comes To Family Members Who Lobby The Government, Reid “Is In A Class By Himself.” “At least 17 senators and 11 members of the House have children, spouses or other close relatives who lobby or work as consultants, most in Washington . . . . But Harry Reid is in a class by himself. One of his sons and his son-in-law lobby in Washington for companies, trade groups and municipalities seeking Reid’s help in the Senate. A second son has lobbied in Nevada for some of those same interests, and a third 3, 2003)

From 2001-2002, The Law Firm Of Harry Reid’s Sons And Its Clients Identified By The Los Angeles Times Contributed Over $150,000 To Reid’s Leadership PAC In Soft Money. According to records filed with the Internal Revenue Service, Harry Reid’s leadership PAC, Searchlight Leadership Fund, received over $150,000 in unregulated and unlimited soft money from Lionel Sawyer & Collins and the entities which the Los Angeles Times found it represents. (Political Money Line Website, www.tray.com, Accessed January 17, 2006)

Reid’s Office Eventually Instituted A Policy To Prohibit His Family Members From Lobbying His Office, AFTER Completion Of A Bill That Benefited His Family’s Clients. “Reid spokesman Tessa Hafen said Monday it was coincidence that the policy was issued after completion of the land bill.” (Tony Batt, “Lobbying Congress: Senator Downplays Family Ties,” Las Vegas Review-Journal, June 24, 2003)

I doubt whether any of these inconvenient facts will make it onto the front page of the New York Times.;)
Stu Ghatze said:
Especially while seemingly enjoying, & believing that the Jack Abramoff scandal is miles way from him.

Reid knows a lot about corruption, & getting family members in on the "train"!

Who Is Harry Reid Kidding?
National Republican Senatorial Committee ^ | January 24, 2006 | Staff

Who Is Harry Kidding?
In Speech Blasting Republicans For A Culture Of Corruption Harry Reid Demonstrates His Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds Reid Pointed Fingers At President Bush For "Stonewalling" About His Connections To Jack Abramoff

Reid Today: “Finally, we must hear the President commit to honest leadership. In his 2000 campaign, George Bush promised to bring ‘dignity’ to the White House, but we’ve since found that he brought Jack Abramoff instead. President Bush needs to quit stonewalling about his White House’s connection to corruption, and finally tell us how he’s going to reform Washington. Honest leadership is not a partisan goal.” (Senator Harry Reid [D-NV], “The Real State Of Our Union,” Center For American Progress, January 24, 2006)

Reid Knows A Bit About “Stonewalling” On Abramoff Connections: Reid Has Stonewalled Plenty Of His Own

Reid: “So Don’t Lump Me In With Jack Abramoff. This Is A Republican Scandal. Don’t Try To Give Any Of It To Me.” (Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), “Fox News Sunday,” December 18, 2005)

* But A Recent Press Report Cited Reid Among The “First Tier” Of Lawmakers Under Investigation By The Justice Department Probe Of “Influence-Peddling” By Lobbyist Jack Abramoff. (Jerry Seper and Audrey Hudson, “AAttacks,” The Associated Press, January 18, 2006)

I doubt whether any of these inconvenient facts will make it onto the front page of the New York Times.;)

This is the old "where there's smoke there's fire" b.s.
The logic is like this:
1. Do you go to a bank?
2. Some banks are robbed.
3. Ergo you are a bankrobber.

Reid has spoken very eloquently about the way that lobbyists have taken over Washington, and how constant fund raising is the worst part of the job.

Reid has been a strong supporters of Native Americans for years. Now the neo-cons and freepers are trying to say that because some of the tribes that got ripped off by Abramoff also donated money to Reid, that it's guilt by association.

31 Senators called for Alberto Gonzales to appoint a special prosecuter. What is he waiting for?
hipsterdufus said:
This is the old "where there's smoke there's fire" b.s.
The logic is like this:
1. Do you go to a bank?
2. Some banks are robbed.
3. Ergo you are a bankrobber.

Reid has spoken very eloquently about the way that lobbyists have taken over Washington, and how constant fund raising is the worst part of the job.

Reid has been a strong supporters of Native Americans for years. Now the neo-cons and freepers are trying to say that because some of the tribes that got ripped off by Abramoff also donated money to Reid, that it's guilt by association.

31 Senators called for Alberto Gonzales to appoint a special prosecuter. What is he waiting for?

Denial huh huh??:smile:
hipsterdufus said:
This is the old "where there's smoke there's fire" b.s.
The logic is like this:
1. Do you go to a bank?
2. Some banks are robbed.
3. Ergo you are a bankrobber.

It's more like

1. Did Abrmaoff ask you to write a letter suporting his client?
2. Did you write that letter?
3. Did you get $5000 the next day from the client?
4. Ergo you were bribed or influenced?

Reid has spoken very eloquently about the way that lobbyists have taken over Washington, and how constant fund raising is the worst part of the job.

Oh that makes it OK, I guess Delay doesn't speak eloguently enough so HE'S a crook.

Reid has been a strong supporters of Native Americans for years.

Guess you're figuring out why these laws are so hard to enforce. But then maybe he's been a strong supporter for so long because they have given his campaign money for so long.

Now the neo-cons and freepers are trying to say that because some of the tribes that got ripped off by Abramoff also donated money to Reid, that it's guilt by association.

That's what they are trying to say about Republicans too.

31 Senators called for Alberto Gonzales to appoint a special prosecuter. What is he waiting for?

Because the Justice Department and the FEC can do a better job of it, just look at the last few IO and IC. They are all over this thing.
When your party is under attack, the first thing you should do is attack someone from the opposing party. How transparent.
aps said:
When your party is under attack, the first thing you should do is attack someone from the opposing party. How transparent.

Yes I note the Dems do that and then try to down play their own scandal by screaming louder.

But the Las Vegas Review-Journal newspaper now reporting that Senator Reid only recieved donations from at least 4 different Indian Tribes AFTER Abramoff began to solicit him on their behalf.

Including but not limited to

• $19,500 from the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of California.
• $5,000 from the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana.
• $7,000 from the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians.
• $19,000 from the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan.

[FONT=verdana,arial] Tribes gave to Reid after hiring Abramoff [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, arial]http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/2006/Feb-03-Fri-2006/news/5696811.html


Hmmmm not one from his state.

Better watch the finger pointing. Seems the Dems have their own culture club.
Stinger said:
Yes I note the Dems do that and then try to down play their own scandal by screaming louder.

But the Las Vegas Review-Journal newspaper now reporting that Senator Reid only recieved donations from at least 4 different Indian Tribes AFTER Abramoff began to solicit him on their behalf.

Including but not limited to

• $19,500 from the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of California.
• $5,000 from the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana.
• $7,000 from the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians.
• $19,000 from the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan.

[FONT=verdana,arial] Tribes gave to Reid after hiring Abramoff [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, arial]http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/2006/Feb-03-Fri-2006/news/5696811.html


Hmmmm not one from his state.

Better watch the finger pointing. Seems the Dems have their own culture club.

And if they do, then they do. It's no skin off my back. I will be surprised if any democrat is implicated in this scandal (and I'm not saying that it's because they are more ethical). Abramoff is a republican and he has been since at least he was in college. It's pretty obvious where his loyalty lies.
Stinger said:
Yes I note the Dems do that and then try to down play their own scandal by screaming louder.

But the Las Vegas Review-Journal newspaper now reporting that Senator Reid only recieved donations from at least 4 different Indian Tribes AFTER Abramoff began to solicit him on their behalf.

Including but not limited to

• $19,500 from the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of California.
• $5,000 from the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana.
• $7,000 from the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians.
• $19,000 from the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan.

[FONT=verdana,arial] Tribes gave to Reid after hiring Abramoff [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, arial]http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/2006/Feb-03-Fri-2006/news/5696811.html


Hmmmm not one from his state.

Better watch the finger pointing. Seems the Dems have their own culture club.

I'm sure you realize that the tribes you listed are some of the same ones that were ripped off by Abramoff.

This is ridiculous.
Flashback #1
Nancy Pelosi accuses Tom DeLay of taking a trip paid for by Lobbyists, draswing the attention of such practices to the House Ethics Committee. Upon further review, the Committee announced the names of several representatives whose records were under review for the same thing, to include Nancy Pelosis and several of her Democratic party colleagues. She and her fellow Dems were sent scrammbling to ammend (falsify) their reports. Pelois dropped her complaint against Delay.

Flashback #2
Enron scandal breaks, and the media immediatelybegin to name the top GOP members who had received money from Enron. Upon further review, it is disclosed that Enron was playing both sides of the aisle in order to be a major political player and to receive the benefits of that role. The clintons, Kerry, Kennedy, and more were raised a short time later, low-key style, as having received money from Enron, proving that such corruption is not a 'Party' thing but rather a 'Money/politician' thing!

Flashback #3
Abramoff scandal starts to emerge, and the liberal media again rushes to tie any GOP and President Bush solely to the scandal. Problem is they left out the other side of the aisle. One small paper published names of representatives who had received money from Abramoff and the amouts they had received. I found it funny that while GOP members who had received money banned together and announced they would return all monies received from him, many Democrats announced since they did not every really know the man or converse with him much that they had no intention of giving any of the money back. Once again, however, this once again has served to prove that such corruption is not a 'Party' thing -- It is a 'Money/politician' thing!
You mean to tell me that Democratic politicians are just as corrupt as the Republican politicians? Shocking.:shock:
easyt65 said:
Flashback #1
Nancy Pelosi accuses Tom DeLay of taking a trip paid for by Lobbyists, draswing the attention of such practices to the House Ethics Committee. Upon further review, the Committee announced the names of several representatives whose records were under review for the same thing, to include Nancy Pelosis and several of her Democratic party colleagues. She and her fellow Dems were sent scrammbling to ammend (falsify) their reports. Pelois dropped her complaint against Delay.

Flashback #2
Enron scandal breaks, and the media immediatelybegin to name the top GOP members who had received money from Enron. Upon further review, it is disclosed that Enron was playing both sides of the aisle in order to be a major political player and to receive the benefits of that role. The clintons, Kerry, Kennedy, and more were raised a short time later, low-key style, as having received money from Enron, proving that such corruption is not a 'Party' thing but rather a 'Money/politician' thing!

Flashback #3
Abramoff scandal starts to emerge, and the liberal media again rushes to tie any GOP and President Bush solely to the scandal. Problem is they left out the other side of the aisle. One small paper published names of representatives who had received money from Abramoff and the amouts they had received. I found it funny that while GOP members who had received money banned together and announced they would return all monies received from him, many Democrats announced since they did not every really know the man or converse with him much that they had no intention of giving any of the money back. Once again, however, this once again has served to prove that such corruption is not a 'Party' thing -- It is a 'Money/politician' thing!

How about some sources? Who called Ken Lay "Kenny Boy"? Until a few years ago Enron was the largest contributor of all time to the GOP.

Even if these scandals end up being 80/20 Rep/Dem (and I think that's a stretch) these are predominantly GOP scandals.

The House Ethics Committee doesn't even exist any more for crying out loud.
aps said:
And if they do, then they do. It's no skin off my back. I will be surprised if any democrat is implicated in this scandal

They already are, that's the point. Ever so much as Republicans are.

Abramoff is a republican and he has been since at least he was in college. It's pretty obvious where his loyalty lies.

Which had nothing to do with his representation of his clients, he sought influence and donations with anyone who would hear him, this wasn't a partisian issue with him. He gave his personal money to Republicans, but that money is not an issue there is no evidence any of that was illegal. What is being investigated is his lobby efforts on behalf of others. Did he have more access to Republicans than Democrats, of course. But seems Harry Reid welcomed the cash and did something in return. And other Dems also took money, so they need to be investigate just as any Republicans if there is evidence they specifically did something in return. Hard to prove no matter who is involved.
hipsterdufus said:
I'm sure you realize that the tribes you listed are some of the same ones that were ripped off by Abramoff.

This is ridiculous.

DUH. And your point is? Yes he ripped off his clients while he was lobbying Democrats and Republicans. He's already been indicted on those charges and the lobbying is being investigated.
But Democrats are nice so it's OK if they are corrupt.
hipsterdufus said:
How about some sources? Who called Ken Lay "Kenny Boy"? Until a few years ago Enron was the largest contributor of all time to the GOP.

I'll vouch for everyone of them. They are all common knowledge.

Even if these scandals end up being 80/20 Rep/Dem (and I think that's a stretch) these are predominantly GOP scandals.

The House Ethics Committee doesn't even exist any more for crying out loud.

Yes thanks to the Democrats politizing it.

BTW remember the Democrats said they were going to pass on themselves the same rule the Republicans have that force Delay to step down. Remember the Dems outrage when the Republicans said they might change it. "HOW DARE THEY" the Dems raged, even thought they have no such rule. But when asked "Why of course we will pass one". Well what ever happened to their promise, or was it a lie?
Stinger said:
BTW remember the Democrats said they were going to pass on themselves the same rule the Republicans have that force Delay to step down. Remember the Dems outrage when the Republicans said they might change it. "HOW DARE THEY" the Dems raged, even thought they have no such rule. But when asked "Why of course we will pass one". Well what ever happened to their promise, or was it a lie?

You know what I find so despicable, Stinger? When the ethic committee reprimanded DeLay, Hastert removed the two republicans who reprimanded DeLay and replaced them with two republicans who had contributed to DeLay's campaign. My gosh, that is just utterly disgusting, and Hastert had no friggin' shame in doing that. That is the as unethical as anyone can get. Utterly disgusting. It makes me sick to even write about it.
Stinger said:
Yes I note the Dems do that and then try to down play their own scandal by screaming louder.

But the Las Vegas Review-Journal newspaper now reporting that Senator Reid only recieved donations from at least 4 different Indian Tribes AFTER Abramoff began to solicit him on their behalf.

Including but not limited to

• $19,500 from the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of California.
• $5,000 from the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana.
• $7,000 from the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians.
• $19,000 from the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan.

[FONT=verdana,arial] Tribes gave to Reid after hiring Abramoff [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, arial]http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/2006/Feb-03-Fri-2006/news/5696811.html


Hmmmm not one from his state.

Better watch the finger pointing. Seems the Dems have their own culture club.

Stinger's the man, ..& he knows the REAL score just like me!:smile:

Good post.;)
easyt65 said:
Flashback #1
Nancy Pelosi accuses Tom DeLay of taking a trip paid for by Lobbyists, draswing the attention of such practices to the House Ethics Committee. Upon further review, the Committee announced the names of several representatives whose records were under review for the same thing, to include Nancy Pelosis and several of her Democratic party colleagues. She and her fellow Dems were sent scrammbling to ammend (falsify) their reports. Pelois dropped her complaint against Delay.

Flashback #2
Enron scandal breaks, and the media immediatelybegin to name the top GOP members who had received money from Enron. Upon further review, it is disclosed that Enron was playing both sides of the aisle in order to be a major political player and to receive the benefits of that role. The clintons, Kerry, Kennedy, and more were raised a short time later, low-key style, as having received money from Enron, proving that such corruption is not a 'Party' thing but rather a 'Money/politician' thing!

Flashback #3
Abramoff scandal starts to emerge, and the liberal media again rushes to tie any GOP and President Bush solely to the scandal. Problem is they left out the other side of the aisle. One small paper published names of representatives who had received money from Abramoff and the amouts they had received. I found it funny that while GOP members who had received money banned together and announced they would return all monies received from him, many Democrats announced since they did not every really know the man or converse with him much that they had no intention of giving any of the money back. Once again, however, this once again has served to prove that such corruption is not a 'Party' thing -- It is a 'Money/politician' thing!

Another good post! Its amazing that the New York Times rarely mentions such things about the democrats whenever THEY soil their own dirty outsretched hands?? ;)
aps said:
You know what I find so despicable, Stinger? When the ethic committee reprimanded DeLay, Hastert removed the two republicans who reprimanded DeLay and replaced them with two republicans who had contributed to DeLay's campaign. My gosh, that is just utterly disgusting, and Hastert had no friggin' shame in doing that. That is the as unethical as anyone can get. Utterly disgusting. It makes me sick to even write about it.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hastert had indicated that he would not reappoint Hefley because House GOP rules limited the terms of committee members. Hefley joined the committee, which is charged with investigating and disciplining House members, in 1997 and became chairman in 2001. His supporters argued that the rules could be waived.[/FONT]
Stinger said:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hastert had indicated that he would not reappoint Hefley because House GOP rules limited the terms of committee members. Hefley joined the committee, which is charged with investigating and disciplining House members, in 1997 and became chairman in 2001. His supporters argued that the rules could be waived.[/FONT]

Excuses excuses.....

House GOP Leaders Name Loyalist to Replace Ethics Chief

By Mike Allen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, February 3, 2005; Page A01

House Republican leaders tightened their control over the ethics committee yesterday by ousting its independent-minded chairman, appointing a replacement who is close to them and adding two new members who donated to the legal defense fund of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.).

Republican officials have spent months taking steps to ensure DeLay's political survival in case he is indicted by a Texas grand jury investigating political fundraising, and House leadership aides said they needed to have the ethics committee controlled by lawmakers they can trust. . . .

aps said:
Excuses excuses.....

The rules required it. Now the left inisisted that the rules be adhered to when it came to Delay, now you wanted them ignored for the Ethics committee. A little duplicity here.

And when are the Dems going to pass the same rule about stepping down if you are indicted. They promised they would, or was that a lie?
aps said:
When your party is under attack, the first thing you should do is attack someone from the opposing party. How transparent.

I have said this many times here and on other boards, the louder the Dems scream, the bigger the finger they point, the more overblown rhetoric they use, the more they are the guilty party.

Reid Aided Abramoff Clients, Records Show
Feb 09 4:17 PM US/Eastern
Email this story
Associated Press Writers


Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid wrote at least four letters helpful to Indian tribes represented by Jack Abramoff, and the senator's staff regularly had contact with the disgraced lobbyist's team about legislation affecting other clients.
The activities _ detailed in billing records and correspondence obtained by The Associated Press _ are far more extensive than previously disclosed. They occurred over three years as Reid collected nearly $68,000 in donations from Abramoff's firm, lobbying partners and clients.


Reid is a flat out liar.

"Reid, D-Nev., has led the Democratic Party's attacks portraying Abramoff's lobbying and fundraising as a Republican scandal.
But Abramoff's records show his lobbying partners billed for nearly two dozen phone contacts or meetings with Reid's office in 2001 alone.

Most were to discuss Democratic legislation that would have applied the U.S. minimum wage to the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. territory and Abramoff client, but would have given the islands a temporary break on the wage rate, the billing records show."

So much for "looking out for the little people". Ried is a hypocrit to boot.

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