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Happy St. Patricks Day ! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning

May your neighbors respect you,
Troubles neglect you,
The angels protect you,
And Heaven accept you.
May you be rich in blessings, poor in misfortune,
Slow to make enemies, quick to make friends.
But rich or poor, slow or quick,
May you know nothing but happiness from this day forward.
May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks,
May your heart be as light as a song,
May each day bring you bright, happy hours,
That stay with you all the year long.
May your joys be as bright as the morning,
And your sorrows merely be shadows that fade,
In the sunlight of love.
May you have enough
happiness to keep you sweet.
Enough trials to keep you strong.
Enough sorrows to keep you human.
Enough hope to keep you happy.
Enough failure to keep you humble.
Enough success to keep you eager.
Enough friends to give you comfort.
Enough faith and courage in yourself to banish sadness.
Enough wealth to meet your needs.
And one thing more: enough
determination to make each day a more wonderful day
than the day before.
Ode to Beer !
Of all my favorite things to do,
The utmost is to have a brew.
My love grows for my foamy friend,
with each thirst-quenching elbow bend.
Beer's so frosty, smooth, and cold !
It's paradise ! Pure liquid gold !
Yes, beer means many things to me !
That's all for now, I gotta Peeeee !
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I live in Belfast, Ireland, so I'll be getting drunk on thursday (like every other day lol).

The world is divided into two parts, one part who is Irish, one part who THINK they are Irish lol.

I bit of info for you, St. Patrick was actually British (Welsh) boy that the Irish captured in a raid and sold into slavery. After freeing himself he went back to Britain, became a priest and went back to his enslavers to convert them all. I'm not sure he was a heavy drinker or not lol.

Oh yeah whats with you Americans drinking green beer on St Pat's day, ugh disgusting.

Happy St. Paddy's Day :drink
GarzaUK said:
Oh yeah whats with you Americans drinking green beer on St Pat's day, ugh disgusting.
Happy St. Paddy's Day :drink
I have no answer on that one. Being from Chicago - I know they dye the Chicago River green on St. Patty's day so it won't look disgusting :lol:
I have ancestors from Ireland (I'm told) so Happy St. Patrick's day my Irish brothers! :drink :p
So this Irish man's on his death bed and his wife send for the family priest. The priest comes in and says.

"Shamus, do you denounce Satan and accept the Lord Jesus as your savior?"

In a weak voice Shamus answers "No."

The Father asks him again "Shamus, do you denounce Satan and accept the Lord Jesus as your savior?"

Again, in a weak voice Shamus answers "No"

The priest turns to the wife and says, "He may be too far gone- he's just not hearing me correctly."

At which point Shamus lifts his head up off the pillow and says "I hear you fine Father, it's just a man in my position can't be making enemies now can he?"
Oh yeah whats with you Americans drinking green beer on St Pat's day, ugh disgusting.
I can't believe I never had green beer! :-( I will definately check it out. :D That doesn't give ya farts like the Canadian beer, does it? My family might not appreciate it. :cool:
Oh god, green beer is fine! This is my day. I am Patrick and hell, I get wasted on Saint Patty's Day, gotta love it. Such a fun holiday and I wish a good and safe one to everyone here!

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