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Hannity Threatens Bolton and Romney tonight (1 Viewer)

Hannity appears to have acknowledged that Trump tried to commit election interference. [3:32 on the video]

"...and election interference. Okay, lets assume that's true...and that's a big if, considering it's the NYT....but let's say it's true, does it make any difference?..."​

Remember all the right wing's hysterics over voter fraud? Well, now they say it doesn't make any difference....because Trump is doing it.

If Trump is acquitted...the 2020 election is guaranteed to be a fraud.

Former chief of staff, John Kelly said he believes Bolton. I'd take his opinion over Hannity's any day of the week.

The point is now it makes no difference if everything the Dems say are true and factual. It is all fine with them. Every single Republican has already been complicit with foreign interference in our elections. Moscow Mitch even threatened Obama if he dared mention Russian interference in 2016. They are all in bed with Putin and so are we now since they are in control. Putin will pull out all the stops to get Trump reelected and Trump and the Republicans will do all they can to help him.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should explain why he blocked a bipartisan denunciation of Russian interference in our election before voters went to the polls.
Americans deserve to hear why McConnell did not trust them with the evidence that he and 11 other congressional leaders received in a confidential briefing in September.
The Washington Post reports that during that briefing McConnell “made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.”
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He said it wouldn't make any difference if it was true or not.
IT was a rhetorical technique.

Moot said:
Oh...so you were. Kelly wasn't fired...he resigned. I suspect he was the only one left in the WH protecting the president from committing impeachable offenses. Because no sooner was he gone than Trump started committing impeachable offenses in Ukraine.
Yeah, resign to avoid being fired; point still is he's not on Trump's Christmas list.
Hannity appears to have acknowledged that Trump tried to commit election interference. [3:32 on the video]

"...and election interference. Okay, lets assume that's true...and that's a big if, considering it's the NYT....but let's say it's true, does it make any difference?..."​

Remember all the right wing's hysterics over voter fraud? Well, now they say it doesn't make any difference....because Trump is doing it.

If Trump is acquitted...the 2020 election is guaranteed to be a fraud.

Former chief of staff, John Kelly said he believes Bolton. I'd take his opinion over Hannity's any day of the week.

Adam Schiff doesn't believe Bolton....Fox news has reported that Schiff said on TV that Bolten is not a reliable witness. This thing is over. More winning. KAG!
After hearing even Dershowitz today, i just cant.... i need a break or im gonna do something that will get me a permaban.

Don't critique things you don't understand.
Adam Schiff doesn't believe Bolton....Fox news has reported that Schiff said on TV that Bolten is not a reliable witness. This thing is over. More winning. KAG!

Fox News disinforms a lot, too. This won't be over until the fat man swings.
Immediately after the lawyers for the defense wrapped up, Senator Joni Ernst spoke to reporters in a very excited way. She's pretty sure that the Iowa caucus is going to support someone other than Joe Biden and she's ecstatic about the possibility, as one article put it, "she just said the quiet part out loud".

You see, this whole sham of a circus trial was more about putting Joe Biden behind in the polls. These republicans are absolutely shamelessly desperate to get Joe Biden out of the picture. Trump's plan to use Zelensky to do that has been proved. But this isn't the first time the republicans tried their best to destroy an opponent. It happened in 2015 when they went after Hillary Clinton by opening up the Benghazi investigation. (the second investigation I might add)

The Benghazi investigation was pure politics meant to hurt Hillary Clinton's chance of winning in 2016.They decided to do damage to her ahead of the election by their investigation into any wrongdoing on her part in the Benghazi incident. In 2015, she was grilled ruthlessly by republicans and the Chair of that committed, Trey Gowdy. She sat though more than 11 hours under oath testifying. Their report found there was no wrongdoing on her part.

Here's Kevin McCarthy talking about how they stuck it to Hillary Clinton intending to hurt her popularity and damage her chances of winning the election.

This is the type of dirty politics the republicans play and have always played. They're a party of lying, cheating, ruthlessly dirty, self-serving despots. Their party is doomed.

Hillary was responsible for deaths of humans. She certainly should have been investigated.
Hillary was responsible for deaths of humans. She certainly should have been investigated.
Okay well that's an outright, blatant lie. Did you know that after the republican witch hunt of Hillary Clinton in which she testified under oath for 10 hours that the Republicans could find no guilt of her part? Three years of congressional investigation, $7 million dollars and 3 investigations by a very aggression republican led House Judicial subcommittee chaired by an ex prosecutor Republic Congressman Trey Gowdy but lots of conspiracy theories as well as trump lies…which continue to this day…

And now you know.
Hillary was responsible for deaths of humans. She certainly should have been investigated.

It was investigated and she was found innocent. Now stop trying to hijack the tread.
It was investigated and she was found innocent. Now stop trying to hijack the tread.

Its all they have now. The only thing saving trump is republicans.
The point is now it makes no difference if everything the Dems say are true and factual. It is all fine with them. Every single Republican has already been complicit with foreign interference in our elections. Moscow Mitch even threatened Obama if he dared mention Russian interference in 2016. They are all in bed with Putin and so are we now since they are in control. Putin will pull out all the stops to get Trump reelected and Trump and the Republicans will do all they can to help him.

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It's disturbing, to say the least. Soon corruption will be the norm like it is in Russia...if it isn't already.
Just heard this through the grapevines that Hannity is losing his mind on live TV. The end is near folks.

He's also admitting to how involved he is in everything.

Hannity Unloads on John Bolton: ‘Stop Playing Games,’ Come on the Show and Explain Yourself

I didn't hear any actual threats. It was interesting to learn that perfectly normal conservatives think about robbing jewelry stores and beating people up but don't. That was quite a shock. I thought they just thought about sex, like most people.:mrgreen:
I didn't hear any actual threats. It was interesting to learn that perfectly normal conservatives think about robbing jewelry stores and beating people up but don't. That was quite a shock. I thought they just thought about sex, like most people.:mrgreen:

Well, it certainly isn't threats of violence or anything like that, but there is a sort of implied threat of ex-communication that goes along with Hannity scolding someone for not supporting Trump. The context creates it. Namely, you have no doubt observed how the moment someone who used to be a full-on supporter starts speaking against Trump, suddenly they're a "RINO" or a "liberal", but whatever they are they're no longer part of the the tribe. And of course, Hannity has an effectively direct line to Trump every night, on top of their calls. Hannity attacks someone, chances are Trump will to. Then his supporters will follow en masse.
This is probably not going anywhere, but it could be seen as a warning.

Adam Schiff doesn't believe Bolton....Fox news has reported that Schiff said on TV that Bolten is not a reliable witness. This thing is over. More winning. KAG!

Bolton is just agreeing with every other witness about Trump extortion of Ukraine. Trump could not even find one person in his employ to deny what he did. That is why they don't want witnesses.
Defending the indefensible for so long obviously has negative side effects.

I'm waiting for the day when some real bombshell comes out and their heads start exploding.
Adam Schiff doesn't believe Bolton....Fox news has reported that Schiff said on TV that Bolten is not a reliable witness. This thing is over. More winning. KAG!

Well if faux news says it.....
I can't believe that fat loser has pillow talk with the US President.

Hannity and Trump deserve each other. Both corrupt ignorant whiny petulant morons.

You forgot they both are pencil dicks as well.

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