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Hangover Hacks You Can Hang Your Hat On (1 Viewer)

Cold Highway

Dispenser of Negativity
DP Veteran
May 30, 2007
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Newburgh, New York and World 8: Dark Land
Political Leaning
Your basic, garden variety hangover manifests in several classic symptoms: headaches, dry mouth, spacey-ness, fatigue, depressed mood, physical weakness, lack of concentration, sweating, anxiety, sensitivity to light and sound, irritability, extreme thirst, extreme hunger, among others. Some only get the headache and the fatigue, while others are sidelined with the whole shebang. Either way, a hangover absolutely and unequivocally sucks. Its only benefit may lie in its capacity as negative reinforcement for the next time you decide to binge.

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Hangover Cures | Mark's Daily Apple
Eat eggs, which are high in cysteine – think NAC. Although NAC is far more effective as a preventive measure, it appears to have some efficacy after the hangover has been established, too. NAC supplementation may work here, too, but I’ve also heard that it makes the hangover worse for some people. Exercise caution and see what works for you.


"wan't an omlette? Go fvck yourself" was the morning mantra, omlettes and very fatty bacon was the order of the morning on many days.

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