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Half the key notes at the RNC will be given by Trump (1 Viewer)

Irwin Corey

Proud AmeriCAN
DP Veteran
Feb 6, 2018
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Good news is we get to hear Michelle Obama's speach AGAIN!
Too bad he isn't letting the woman Joe raped speak at the convention. I would have given her the platform since the democrats in the House never will.
Too bad he isn't letting the woman Joe raped speak at the convention. I would have given her the platform since the democrats in the House never will.

You mean who TrumQ raped.
Too bad he isn't letting the woman Joe raped speak at the convention. I would have given her the platform since the democrats in the House never will.

How about the women that Trump raped?
That's actually pretty sad.
4 czarist children; Melania and Donald; a top-tier female for Q2024; a Senator from SC who could be joined by Jaime Harrison; Pastor Pence with his ‘miracle around the corner’;

the Iowa Senator whose rural folks have been ****ed over for 4 years and has a tough re-election; the anti-science SD female governor; limp House Minority Leader who can’t get any decent help for his California Fires;
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Good news is we get to hear Michelle Obama's speach AGAIN!

I'm surprised they couldn't find a slot for Jared, as he is basically running the country.

I wonder which parts of Michelle's speech Melania will like to restate?

Watch out Nikki.....don't want to go down with the sinking ship.
looks like Tweety thinks that his family will dynasty the Republican party for the next fifty years or more. he's planting the seeds.
Too bad he isn't letting the woman Joe raped speak at the convention. I would have given her the platform since the democrats in the House never will.

Is Trump giving the women HE raped a platform to speak at the RNC?
View attachment 67292470


Good news is we get to hear Michelle Obama's speach AGAIN!

Six Trump inbreds will be there, another excellent reason not to waste my time on this mob freak show. Isn't Mr. Putin going to speak? Couldn't fit it into his schedule? :mrgreen:
Did you really think this post through?

I believer her. Democrats told me to, well until it was one of theirs. Joe's got a bad case of frotteurism.
Is Trump giving the women HE raped a platform to speak at the RNC?

That's at least 25 rape victims of Trump, not enough platforms to go around. ;)
looks like Tweety thinks that his family will dynasty the Republican party for the next fifty years or more. he's planting the seeds.

You're right on the money!
how many of those speakers have been banned from running a charity?

Annie Karni, White House correspondent for The New York Times reported that White House officials would also be taking the stage. White House social media director Dan Scavino, trade advisor Larry Kudlow and senior advisor Kellyanne Conway will speak.

Trump defense attorney Rudy Giuliani will also reportedly speak.

tRump insists on live presentations. no tape. put kudlow and rudy on your calendar

this is superbowl week for process servers
I can't wait to hear the kid who stood up to the crazed so called Indian.The Indians call the kid "Dances With Millions"
I have two suggestions for the Democrats for the RNC.

1. Air it with a laugh track.

2. Have a counter-convention.

Each night, have a theme. Night 1: trump's mental issues, like narcissism and pathological lying.

Night 2: the virus response.

Night 3: Foreign policy, love letters with North Korea, Love of Putin, protecting Saudi Arabia, destroying European alliances, etc.

Night 4: Domestic policy and authoritarianism.

Unfortunately, the second isn't practical in two days.

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