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Hahaha: Trump calls Harris a liar and 'meanest, most horrible, most disrespectful' senator (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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"President Trump blasts Biden’s VP pick, Kamala Harris, as 'meanest, most horrible, most disrespectful' senator"

he is not wrong
"President Trump blasts Biden’s VP pick, Kamala Harris, as 'meanest, most horrible, most disrespectful' senator"

he is not wrong

Ben Sasse yesterday, Harris today, who knows tomorrow
Ben Sasse yesterday, Harris today, who knows tomorrow

they are over 50 senators that trump will criticize

sasse called trump a king after THEY FAILED to serve the american people
"President Trump blasts Biden’s VP pick, Kamala Harris, as 'meanest, most horrible, most disrespectful' senator"

he is not wrong

he's pretty much always wrong.

FEB 26
“And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done."
— Donald Trump
President Trump blasts Biden’s VP pick, Kamala Harris, as 'meanest, most horrible, most disrespectful' senator

This Trump era is just so bizarre. The biggest liar, the nastiest politician we have (who temporarily occupies our White House) just calls everyone exactly what HE is and no one even blinks an eye.

Sometimes you just have to laugh at this madness.

Wait, Kamala said Joe was guilty of sexual assault, and that he was a supporter of racist. Yet her strong moral and ethical stands allow her to over look that and be his running mate.
he's pretty much always wrong.

FEB 26
“And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done."
— Donald Trump

february 26th and every nation was optimistic
He and Ivanka were all for Kamala Harris a few years ago.
President Trump blasts Biden’s VP pick, Kamala Harris, as 'meanest, most horrible, most disrespectful' senator

This Trump era is just so bizarre. The biggest liar, the nastiest politician we have (who temporarily occupies our White House) just calls everyone exactly what HE is and no one even blinks an eye.

Sometimes you just have to laugh at this madness.
One of the talking heads on network news just said "Kamala has been laying the groundwork for this for her entire career" I wonder how Willie Brown feels about being called "groundwork". :lamo
he's pretty much always wrong.

FEB 26
“And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done."
— Donald Trump

Not when you're a trump supporter. The next six months are going to be insane. Buckle up.
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Wait, Kamala said Joe was guilty of sexual assault, and that he was a supporter of racist. Yet her strong moral and ethical stands allow her to over look that and be his running mate.
Remember what impeached trump said about Cruz, Rubio, Jeb, etc... any of them would have accepted the VP position.

Politics are nasty until they are not. In the end, impeached trump is so dangerous and so inept that the decision to join Mr. Biden is the only moral and ethical decision Americans can make.

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"President Trump blasts Biden’s VP pick, Kamala Harris, as 'meanest, most horrible, most disrespectful' senator"

he is not wrong

Please dont speak that way about Senator Cruz
Wait, Kamala said Joe was guilty of sexual assault, and that he was a supporter of racist. Yet her strong moral and ethical stands allow her to over look that and be his running mate.

Hey, if Ted Cruz can forgive Trump and be one of his faithful bootlickers after basically saying his wife is ugly and claiming his dad helped kill JFK, why can't Kamala and Joe also get along?
Not when you're a trump supporter. The next six months are going to be insane. Buckle up.

somebody needs to start a thread about what tricks/tactics/strategies that Trump (and his supporters) will try over the next six months. the most nasty stuff.

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