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Hacked satellites (1 Viewer)


New member
Jan 27, 2006
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A private person has hacked at least one satellite, and sends out illegal signals (beams) over a large part of the world. The signals make people behave physical different than normal. The illegal satellite signals may have started around 6. of June 2005.

The hackers motive for hacking satellites is probably to read the mind and thoughts of USAs president George W. Bush.


The hacker probably believes:
1. Pentagon was hit by a missile the 11. september 2001.
2. The planes which hit the Twin Towers in New York, were remote controlled.
3. There were explosives in Twin Towers and World Trade Center number 7.
4. President Bush let the terror happen on purpose.
5. It was Mossad or CIA which made the terror.
6. The war in Iraq is to make a larger Israel.


About the hacker
He could be from Portugal or Spain

The hacker was observed on a police station in Madrid in Spain in June 2005. It was probably the police district which is called San Blas, and the name of the police chef is Benito. The hacker talked with at least one policeman there. It is possible that the hacker discussed the satellite hacking with the police. It is in fact possible that the hacker admitted the satellite hacking. Anyway, the police has not arrested him yet.

The hacker could very well be from Portugal or Spain. Identification of the hacker and his friend:

1: The hacker: Slim, with carismatic eyes, kind of natural "silver hair", the hair is a little bit long, he uses dungaree trousers, he is maybe around 180 cm tall. He has a kind of portuguese or spanish look.

2. His friend: Blond, normal looking, maybe around 175 cm tall, not slim, not fat. Probably he was at the airport in Berlin in Germany in June 2005.

Both of these two were at the police station of Policia de Madrid San Blas in Madrid in Spain in June 2005.

The hacker is very intelligent. He is very interested in principles. It is quite possible that he has told friends about the idea of hacking a satellite to read the thoughts of president Bush.

There are at least three visible effects of the illegal signals:

I. People use their hands more to touch their faces, cheeks, chins, mouths and their heads in general. Here are some examples of hand movements which have increased in frequency:

The person on the left on the photo and the person on the right on the photo make these kind of hand movements which have increased because of illegal satellite signals:



These kinds of hand movements are not necessarily unnatural, but they appear more often now, because of the illegal satellite signals. It seems to be that people who relax physically, for example Saddam Hussein and the other accused in the Baghdad trial, react more visibly on the satellite signals which lead to more hand movements to the face. Also for example politicians which sit in parliaments and listen to speeches, seem to react more visibly on the signals which increase the frequency of these mentioned hand movements.

II. Another effect from these satellite signals is that people blink more with their eyes than before. It is especial easy to observe this on news reporters and news presenters on television, for example on tv channels like Bloomberg and Sky News. People who are concentrated, for example news presenters, react quite visibly on those satellite signals which increase more blinking with their eyes.

III. People move more staccato then normal. Peoples movements are not so soft as normal. This is also a result of illegal satellite signals.

One satellite is enough to cover a large part of the planet with satellite signals (beams). The person who has hacked one or more satellites, can send much more dangerous signals than he does now. By using satellites, he can probably kill a large part of the population on the earth in a few seconds. To have satellites in space is extremely risky and dangerous.

The person which has hacked one or more satellites, probably uses private equipment to reach the satellites directly. Then the companies, which are technical responsible for the satellites, do not observe the hacking.

Normal satellite signals are so large that they do not get into the brains of human beings. But the hacker sends very fine small signals which enter inside peoples brains. These signals then hit nerve systems or functions systems in peoples brains. Then the hacker can make human beings behave different than normal. The illegal satellite signals are so fine and small that they enter through the brain cranium and metal.

If you observe the increase in the mentioned hand movements, the increase of the eye-blinking or the unnatural staccato movements , you can report it to:


The Swedish government

The Norwegian government

The Spanish government

These authorities have knowledge about the allegation of hacked satellites, but they do not take it serious.

It was probably the satellite hacker who made president George W. Bush write this note the 14. of September 2005:


Note that it happened after 6. of June 2005 when the illegal satellite beams may have started.

The note President Bush wrote, was written the 14. of September 2005, a few days after 11. september. He wrote it in United Nations during a Security Council meeting in New York. In the same organisation where Colin Powell argued for going to war against Iraq. I think maybe the hacker chose that council meeting to make an anniversary memorial of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, wars which were started with the 11. september 2001 terror as one of the official reasons.

Did Flight 77 really crash into the Pentagon?

Was the WTC 7 pulled?

Was Bush complicit with the 9/11 attacks?

For a few more photos and more information you can look here:
................................ :shock: ....................................
[Moderator Mode]

Moved to the more appropriate forum...

[/Moderator Mode]
Engimo said:
Are you on crack?
The original poster for posting it or me for moving it?...:2wave:
cnredd said:
The original poster for posting it or me for moving it?...:2wave:

The original poster, not you. This is the most insane thing I've ever heard in my life. o_O
Engimo said:
The original poster, not you. This is the most insane thing I've ever heard in my life. o_O
I know...Putting it in "Conspiracy Theories" doesn't do this one justice...

For the love of God, please post more. WAY more. I like people like you. I REALLY do. Navy only goes so far.

More importantly.

Who do you think built the great pyramids of Egypt?

And how?
teacher said:

For the love of God, please post more. WAY more. I like people like you. I REALLY do. Navy only goes so far.

More importantly.

Who do you think built the great pyramids of Egypt?

And how?
I should be taking bets on this one...

Like they did when that kid picked his nose in Caddyshack...

Posting Odds...

5:1 - Aliens

10:1 - Jewish World Banks

20:1 - It was an inside job
teacher said:
You know dude. You're getting very crumugandly. I mean, it suits you and all, but some of us want to have some fun. Debating Navy is just not fun. Now this guy...
Look at my last post in here...

And you call me "crumugandly"...:confused:
Fuc*k a A man. Just...fuc*k an A.


"Last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it..."

"Looks good on you though..."

"You must have been something before electricity..."


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