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Guns are an Acceptable Risk to Be American (1 Viewer)


Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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Political Leaning
This country of ours would not be so popular for the absorbing masses if it were not for the American gun

The 2nd Amendment ensures we can keep and hold the 1st Amendment

This country of ours would not be so popular for the absorbing masses if it were not for the American gun

The 2nd Amendment ensures we can keep and hold the 1st Amendment


Actually, the Second Amendment gives citizens the ability, regardless of possible outcomes, to fight to maintain their Liberties...ALL of them.
This country of ours would not be so popular for the absorbing masses if it were not for the American gun

The 2nd Amendment ensures we can keep and hold the 1st Amendment


Meh. Pretty sad if you need a gun to make you feel American.
Meh. Pretty sad if you need a gun to make you feel American.

Actually, I carry a gun due to the failed American Diversity Experiment

Remember- When seconds count, the police are minutes away

Yes guns are an acceptable risk in any society that allows them. Loosely regulated saturation of guns however is not an acceptable risk, as countries with tighter gun enforcement have demonstrated through less gun crime and fewer mass shootings.
Yes guns are an acceptable risk in any society that allows them. Loosely regulated saturation of guns however is not an acceptable risk, as countries with tighter gun enforcement have demonstrated through less gun crime and fewer mass shootings.

Not to be repetitive, other countries lack a Bill of Rights AND, lack the failed diversity experiment we have been carrying out here in America

Cultures are like apples and oranges

And for the recored, I could give a rip what other countries do or don't. I tend to not follow the bottom feeders

This country of ours would not be so popular for the absorbing masses if it were not for the American gun

The 2nd Amendment ensures we can keep and hold the 1st Amendment


I would say, guns aren't a risk murder and assault is. Murder and assault is a total intrinsic to people. Being able to be armed to the same level as potential attackers evens the playing field to a degree.
Actually, I carry a gun due to the failed American Diversity Experiment

Remember- When seconds count, the police are minutes away


Dude, if I had a mind to victimize you, all your gun could do would be to make a bad situation worse.

Hey, I get it. It's a physiological crutch and you need that but all it does is make you dangerous.
I would say, guns aren't a risk murder and assault is. Murder and assault is a total intrinsic to people. Being able to be armed to the same level as potential attackers evens the playing field to a degree.

Bingo- Society is safer when criminals don't know who's armed

Dude, if I had a mind to victimize you, all your gun could do would be to make a bad situation worse.

Hey, I get it. It's a physiological crutch and you need that but all it does is make you dangerous.

Do tell. Good luck with that and thanks for the warning

This country of ours would not be so popular for the absorbing masses if it were not for the American gun

The 2nd Amendment ensures we can keep and hold the 1st Amendment


Opinion noted and dismissed
Bingo- Society is safer when criminals don't know who's armed


That must be why America has such a lower murder rate than the rest of the western world. Oh wait it's actually much higher. Oops.
That must be why America has such a lower murder rate than the rest of the western world. Oh wait it's actually much higher. Oops.

Why do you care if homies and blacks are exterminating each other? It's a free country you know

Arms are our right as Americans and they pose a low risk. I'm dying right now. The misery sucks. I want a peaceful pill option. Illegal. I could shoot myself, but then the anti-gunners would lump my death into a preventable suicide. What's my legal option? Death by starvation/dehydration. I am proud to have been an American, a gun owner, and on a rifle team. I used to drive to my beach lifeguard job in a red Mitsubishi Eclipse sports car with Planet Blue surfboard on the roof to save lives. I never even shot a deer with a gun.
Why do you care if homies and blacks are exterminating each other? It's a free country you know


It's not just gangmembers killed in gang wars. People die in the crossfire every day. Or maybe it's only the skin color that matters to you, and not the content of character.

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