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Gun Control advocates... (1 Viewer)

Black Dog

King Of The Dog Pound
DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2008
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Please feel free to address this...

Mousheh was arrested last September and charged with four felonies after an investigation by the Chicago Police Firearm Investigation Team concluded she had bought handguns through the benefit of her state-issued Firearms Owners Identification card and then illegally resold them. - Straw purchaser with 4 felony gun charges will not get jail time

So why do we need more gun laws when we don't even enforce the laws we have. 4 gun felonies in Chicago no less and she gets probation???

Don't talk to me about gun control ever. You lose.
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Please feel free to address this...

Mousheh was arrested last September and charged with four felonies after an investigation by the Chicago Police Firearm Investigation Team concluded she had bought handguns through the benefit of her state-issued Firearms Owners Identification card and then illegally resold them. - Straw purchaser with 4 felony gun charges will not get jail time

So why do we need more gun laws when we don't even enforce the laws we have. 4 gun felonies in Chicago no less and she gets probation???

Don't talk to me about gun control ever. You lose.

Maybe there's a loophole she's taking advantage of.
Maybe there's a loophole she's taking advantage of.

Nope. They just decided since her crime was not "violent" and she is "white" she did not need jail time. Absolute bull****. She should be doing a few years for selling weapons to known gang members.
Nope. They just decided since her crime was not "violent" and she is "white" she did not need jail time. Absolute bull****. She should be doing a few years for selling weapons to known gang members.

I'm pretty sure this whole thing could have been avoided if only there was a national law prohibiting private sales without background checks ;)

Dontray Mills straw purchased 27 guns in Milwaukee and he only got probation, too.
So why do we need more gun laws when we don't even enforce the laws we have. 4 gun felonies in Chicago no less and she gets probation???
Don't talk to me about gun control ever. You lose.

This would not have been illegal if the state-issued FOID did not exist in the first place.
Nope. They just decided since her crime was not "violent" and she is "white" she did not need jail time. Absolute bull****. She should be doing a few years for selling weapons to known gang members.

Ahhhhhh.....the white thingy again.

I have seen plenty of black thugs walk in my time, and plenty of illegals who were let go only to continue committing crimes and murder.

You have zero credibility.
Additionally - this is how our justice system works.

Whatever the legislature decides to criminalizes ... drug trafficking, vandalism, property theft, DUIs, gun control measures ... the courts have the ability to waive or reduce sentences on an individual basis or even strike down entire laws, unless measures are put into place to prevent that. Truth in sentencing laws, for example.

Simply because a person got off easy doesn't mean that we should dismantle [drug trafficking/vandalism/gun control/etc.] laws.
Because is not the laws that are the problem its the scary "guns" themselves.

People refuse to accept the fact that laws do nothing, when they are not enforced and pose no consequences. They only want to scream "guns" are dangerous when they go bang bang....

I live in a state were the regulations are harsh...lets put it into reality.

1) Law abiding citizens having to go through a gauntlet, just to obtain a permit to acquire.
2) Then they have to wait 2 weeks, along with abiding by the national registry.
3) A state that requires a $$$ fee when you register. Its meant to provide safety to the state, BUT only the person registering must pay? Wait if its for the benefit for the State, why are only the people registering paying? Should it not be assessed like a tax to all people within the state?
4) After you acquire your permit, you go through another loops and hoops of registering the weapon itself.....from waiting in long lines, scrutiny by the policy department. etc etc.

After all this then you are limited of use for this weapon at X range, open carry and CCW is not authorized unless by the Chief of Police in which, they have NEVER issued to a normal citizen EVER. Only retired police officers.

So...... what happens....... criminals are going to go through this process. HELL LAW ABIDING CITIZENS are not going to want to go through all this mess..... Whats better illegally getting something and hiding it? Is like growing marijuana in your back yard. The likely hood of you getting busted is low anyways, so whats the point. Criminals dont want prints on a weapon for crime either...so they will never do it legally....

What I am trying to say in this Rant, is that the laws have become cumbersome basically force criminals to obtain weapons in even more criminal fashion, And Law abiding citizens to hate the system even more... its a lose lose situation.

Either put laws in place with harsh restrictions. Or Remove restrictions so that private law abiding citizens can protect themselves from those that will break the law regardless if there is any or the harshest ones in place already.

Its like the US military fighting a war, we follow Nato and the Geneva convention. Yet are enemies dont give a rats @$$ and laugh at us. So when a US soldier violates a Geneva Convention all hell breaks loose, but we fight people that are never held to the same standard.

Stupid laws, ignorant people, dumb pacifists that need to go pick up a badge and walk the streets of Chicago.
Nope. They just decided since her crime was not "violent" and she is "white" she did not need jail time. Absolute bull****. She should be doing a few years for selling weapons to known gang members.
Your OP was attacking gun control advocates. Are you opposed to gun control and thus don't believe what she did should be illegal at all or in favour of gun control and believe her punishment should have been greater? Or did you have some other unrelated point you were trying to get out?
This would not have been illegal if the state-issued FOID did not exist in the first place.

Actually, straw purchases would still be illegal.
Actually, straw purchases would still be illegal.

FOID is the mechanism by which we (Illinois) regulate the purchasing and ownership of firearms and ammunition.

You could get rid of the actual card itself, okay - but it's the unique identification that FOID creates for each Illinois citizen that determines who is and who is not qualified to purchase and own.
FOID is the mechanism by which we (Illinois) regulate the purchasing and ownership of firearms and ammunition.

You could get rid of the actual card itself, okay - but it's the unique identification that FOID creates for each Illinois citizen that determines who is and who is not qualified to purchase and own.

It's against federal law to straw purchase. It's a crime in every state, FOID or not.
Please feel free to address this...

Mousheh was arrested last September and charged with four felonies after an investigation by the Chicago Police Firearm Investigation Team concluded she had bought handguns through the benefit of her state-issued Firearms Owners Identification card and then illegally resold them. - Straw purchaser with 4 felony gun charges will not get jail time

So why do we need more gun laws when we don't even enforce the laws we have. 4 gun felonies in Chicago no less and she gets probation???

Don't talk to me about gun control ever. You lose.

This is absolutely ****ing hilarious. You think this is gun control advocates fault? Lol! It's the pro-gun lies and rhetoric influencing courts, judges, and sentencing.

Let one child die in an automotive oven and people are outraged. Leave a toddler next to a swimming pool while the mother is inside chatting on the phone? The same. Simply leave a child at home while a mother runs to the store, and it’s a case for child protective services to be called.

But let one child shoot another using an easily accessible firearm, and apparently the family has suffered enough. Or in the recent example of the Kentucky 5-year-old, dismissed by a state official as “Just one of those crazy accidents.”

Firearms, it would appear, are subject to a double standard.

Kids, Guns, Negligent Homicides... And Double Standards : GUNFAQ.ORG
I'm pretty sure this whole thing could have been avoided if only there was a national law prohibiting private sales without background checks ;)

Dontray Mills straw purchased 27 guns in Milwaukee and he only got probation, too.

Yes no doubt, lol!
This is absolutely ****ing hilarious. You think this is gun control advocates fault? Lol! It's the pro-gun lies and rhetoric influencing courts, judges, and sentencing.

Kids, Guns, Negligent Homicides... And Double Standards : GUNFAQ.ORG

Absolute nonsense, This happened in Chicago. Gun advocates did not have a damn thing to do with it. :doh

Your whole article is nothing but a strawman. This case had nothing to do with any violent crime, hence no double standard.
Ahhhhhh.....the white thingy again.

I have seen plenty of black thugs walk in my time, and plenty of illegals who were let go only to continue committing crimes and murder.

You have zero credibility.

Absolute hogwash. You are talking about walking vs getting jail time instead of probation etc.

You have zero credibility. That's nothing new here though.
Your OP was attacking gun control advocates. Are you opposed to gun control and thus don't believe what she did should be illegal at all or in favour of gun control and believe her punishment should have been greater? Or did you have some other unrelated point you were trying to get out?

No I am attacking gun control advocates who call for more laws when they are to afraid to enforce the ones we have. This is why we have people selling guns illegally to known gang members and getting probation. Do I need to explain in more detail? Or do you get it now?
Absolute hogwash. You are talking about walking vs getting jail time instead of probation etc.

You have zero credibility. That's nothing new here though.

You created a racist thread on a subject by your own words when there was no racism involved, but threw in your own pathetic agenda while trying to convince others?

Sorry, but you lack any substance or the maturity to discuss or debate the matter to begin with.
This would not have been illegal if the state-issued FOID did not exist in the first place.

that is illegal no matter what. Its illegal nationally to sell guns to people you know or have reason to believe are prohibited from possessing firearms. Its illegal to buy a firearm for the purpose of selling it to someone else EVEN if they can legally own it
You created a racist thread on a subject by your own words when there was no racism involved, but threw in your own pathetic agenda while trying to convince others?

Sorry, but you lack any substance or the maturity to discuss or debate the matter to begin with.

no he didn't. read more carefully
FOID is the mechanism by which we (Illinois) regulate the purchasing and ownership of firearms and ammunition.

You could get rid of the actual card itself, okay - but it's the unique identification that FOID creates for each Illinois citizen that determines who is and who is not qualified to purchase and own.

18 USC 922 et seq lists the federal prohibitions that disqualify someone from owning a gun. The FOID card is just a silly state harassment of lawful gun ownership
This is absolutely ****ing hilarious. You think this is gun control advocates fault? Lol! It's the pro-gun lies and rhetoric influencing courts, judges, and sentencing.

Kids, Guns, Negligent Homicides... And Double Standards : GUNFAQ.ORG

He is not saying it is gun control advocates fault. He is pointing out the very problem you have pointed out in previous posts...What good is a law that no one enforces? If guns are such a big problem, then why the lack of consequences? What is the point of passing even more unenforced laws?
He is not saying it is gun control advocates fault. He is pointing out the very problem you have pointed out in previous posts...What good is a law that no one enforces? If guns are such a big problem, then why the lack of consequences? What is the point of passing even more unenforced laws?

making it unimaginably harder for a LAW abiding citizen to obtain a right given to them by our constitution.

A criminal will obtain a firearm in any way shape or form......... what does laws do to them.......

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