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Greetings Fellow Poli Friends And Foes (1 Viewer)

Felex Sanders

DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2018
Reaction score
United States
Political Leaning
Just dropping by to do the intro thing and say hello to one and all and yes even to the Trumpy Bear supporters. Hope to be talking with some of you real soon and remember VOTE BLUE BE TRUE! Smile!:2razz:DfFhcodWAAASsm_.jpg
Just dropping by to do the intro thing and say hello to one and all and yes even to the Trumpy Bear supporters. Hope to be talking with some of you real soon and remember VOTE BLUE BE TRUE! Smile!:2razz:View attachment 67245255

Nice to have you join the great battle here, I’m a Trumpy bear supporter and on this forum you’re not allowed to say anything nice to Trumpsters, so as long as you conform to those rules then you should be taken into your fellow liberals hive and loved

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Welcome! As you can see, you'll be entertained frequently.
Nice to have you join the great battle here, I’m a Trumpy bear supporter and on this forum, you’re not allowed to say anything nice to Trumpsters, so as long as you conform to those rules then you should be taken into your fellow liberals hive and loved

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Brilliant. Nice to greet and meet. Looking forward to hearing your perspective but if you're a trump (tramp) along it probably won't be too coherent. But I'll give ya a chance to try and splain your bad choices. Smile.:lol:
Thanks for the welcome and true dat, I am already being entertained.

I gave you a chance to join the liberals here, go ahead and call me a racist and you will be taken into their flock! Lol.
I’m a white uneducated deplorable Trump supporter. Now go at it!

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I gave you a chance to join the liberals here, go ahead and call me a racist and you will be taken into their flock! Lol.
I’m a white uneducated deplorable Trump supporter. Now go at it!

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Baiting is beneath you as I am sure you will agree. I shall await an appropriate discussion for that, one with a bonified provocation. But thanks for the invitation to duel.
I gave you a chance to join the liberals here, go ahead and call me a racist and you will be taken into their flock! Lol.
I’m a white uneducated deplorable Trump supporter. Now go at it!

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On what grounds do tell do you pen such a missive as "Racist"? Single-word sentences are very mysterious as they provide little or no direction for a reply. For instance, does "Racist" imply I am a racist or that you are a racist or that the conversation is racist in nature or even broader that everything and yet maybe nothing at all is racist? So you see the dilemma? Please define your intent and I can better know how to reply. Racist indeed. How absurd.
Welcome aboard Felex Sanders :peace

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