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Green zone now in Iraqi hands (1 Viewer)

Dittohead not!

master political analyst
DP Veteran
Dec 3, 2009
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The Golden State
Political Leaning
One more step toward a satisfactory end to the mess caused by an inadvisable invasion of Iraq has been taken.

Baghdad’s Green Zone passes from American to Iraqi control

But the Green Zone now is American no longer. On Tuesday, Iraq took full control over the 4-square-mile enclave in the heart of Baghdad that, to many Iraqis, symbolized so much of what went wrong with the American occupation of Iraq.
At this point the Iraqis can take care of themselves. The faster we can reduce our presence the better.
At this point the Iraqis can take care of themselves. The faster we can reduce our presence the better.

Absolutely. We seem to be getting closer to being able to put an end to the mess caused by the invasion of Iraq.
Absolutely. We seem to be getting closer to being able to put an end to the mess caused by the invasion of Iraq.

Yup, those mass graves we found were pretty messy. We could have avoided knowing about them if only we hadn't gone into Iraq. Ignorance can be a blissful reality. Hopefully we've learned out lesson. :roll:
Yup, those mass graves we found were pretty messy. We could have avoided knowing about them if only we hadn't gone into Iraq. Ignorance can be a blissful reality. Hopefully we've learned out lesson. :roll:

True enough. We now know for sure that there were no weapons of mass destruciton. Had we not invaded, we could still be arguing the point.

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