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Green Party (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 31, 2005
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Milwaukee, WI
Political Leaning
The complete platform for the Green Party can be found here:


One thing I find very interesting is their platform on reparations.

Part II, Section 2c
People of color in this country have legitimate claims to reparations in the form of monetary compensation for centuries of discrimination. We also uphold the right of the descendants of African slaves to self-determination, as we do for all indigenous peoples.

I do not believe we owe people any money for things that they were not subjected to. There are no former slaves living today. Should we pay reparations?

If you find any other interesting items in their platform, please post them.
Personally, I don't like the idea of reparations to African Americans. I think the way to help them is not give money, but to insure that everyone in America can receive a great education and be as close to equal footing as possible. This differs for the Native American population imo though because I think we first have to help with the drug problem that is going on the reservations, especially with meth (a nation-wide epidemic that nobody seems to care about...even though it is probably one of the worst drugs and close to the most used). I think that combined with education can help the native american population.

I think a lot of the green party is correct, especially when Nader referred to war as the ultimate last step, not the ultimate bargaining chip. I like a lot of their environmental policies, but even sometimes I believe that they cross the line into hurting business. If only the Democrats could realize that it is popular to have a green environment...but no...
People of color in this country have legitimate claims to reparations in the form of monetary compensation for centuries of discrimination. We also uphold the right of the descendants of African slaves to self-determination, as we do for all indigenous peoples.

First off, I don't like it when people use the term "people of color." I just think its not right to make judgements on people based on the color of their skin. A lot of leftists use the term nowadays.

I think I understand the fallacy of the green party, but correct me if I'm setting up a straw - man. They say that the "US government" did something bad to "people of color" and therefor the "US government" must pay.

They must realize that in order to pay, the government must somehow take this money out of the economy. That means all of us will pay. Also, not all "people of color" are descendants of slaves, and many whites are descended from either immigrants who came here after slavery or whites who had nothing to do with slavery.

Democrats and Republicans accuse each other of trying to divide the American people along racial lines. If the Green Party were in power, they'd be really doing it.
I respect the green party for its aims; basically their 'green' aim. But one can't help but admire Nader, especially when he said 'The only difference between the Republican and Democratic parties is the speed with which their knees hit the floor when the corporations come knocking' (not an exact quote, but I know he said something to the same effect).
See, I agree with Conn. I don't think the US Government should help to pay them for living. But, I do see it as their duty to help correct wrongs they created. The reservation system was a novel idea, that for its purposes (aka giving land after taking all of it-you can't deny we took it illegally) failed. There is misery on these places because unemployment is rampant and drugs are everywhere. I think the US govermnet has a duty to help these people through better education, heat (in some cases), medicine and yes, even economic aid to help jump start a non-existant economy for them. You will bring up casinos, but not many tribes have them, and the poorest people in America are sometimes those living on these reservations.

I love Ralph Nader, I will consider myself a Raider all my life. He is anti-corporate and pro-people. He will always have my idealistic support. And he has one up on both the parties....in 1981 he proposed strengthening cockpit doors in airplanes...which would have prevented 9-11. He did this 20 years before it happened. I am sure that terrorist would have found another way to strike us, but he was the one who proposed something that would have eliminated the use of airplanes in this particular case. (cue soft NBC music) The more you know.
Why do you curse so much in your writing? I think that if the situation their ancestors were placed in put them in the situation they are in today (like the Native Americans) it is our duty to help them out of that situation, not through reparations, but through general help.
Oh, I would never presume to say it is your fault that they are in this situation, but as you probably know, I am a firm believer in the inherent right to a good life taht all people deserve. I especially think if it was past actions that continue to hold them down, that it is our responsibility to help correct it for the betterment of those people. And even if you don't buy that, if a group is not educated as well as another, it is our civic duty to insure that they become proportionally educated to the rest of society and to improve education in general.

I don't want reperations, that is a cope out. I want to make them on equal footing through better living conditions (improve projects and reservations) and better education (primary school to college level).
Well, you don't have to give a...care about anyone, but we as a society I believe have a duty to help those who are the least fortunate to help them get to a better life. That isn't through just giving them money, it is through teaching them what it takes to get a better life. Teach the man to fish.
ShamMol said:
Why do you curse so much in your writing? I think that if the situation their ancestors were placed in put them in the situation they are in today (like the Native Americans) it is our duty to help them out of that situation, not through reparations, but through general help.

I like reading galexrox's posts. Its fun to try and figure out which swear word he typed. Just like a jigsaw puzzle.
Oh, I can usually tell, but when I swear in a post I always...well...*****.

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