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Great Opportunity (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 22, 2005
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You are stating your views, but they are mostly read by Americans. Do you want to get something more international?

What about Turkey? The only country mostly populated by muslims but a secular country as well.

Come, we have a great platform on web, you can state your views via a forum in Turkey, which has also participants from different countries.

What's your thoughts about:

- War on terror
- Turkey and EU
- Europe's future

Let them to be known internationally and by Turks too.

Just click www.yaziyaz.com

State your Views, share them worldwide.

www.yaziyaz.com - Debate internationally
turker said:
You are stating your views, but they are mostly read by Americans. Do you want to get something more international?

What about Turkey? The only country mostly populated by muslims but a secular country as well.

Come, we have a great platform on web, you can state your views via a forum in Turkey, which has also participants from different countries.

What's your thoughts about:

- War on terror
- Turkey and EU
- Europe's future

Let them to be known internationally and by Turks too.

Just click www.yaziyaz.com

State your Views, share them worldwide.

www.yaziyaz.com - Debate internationally


You're in a debate forum....DON'T advertise ANOTHER debate forum here...That's insulting to the people who made this site....at least get a moderator's approval first....
But two forums are not the same. I like this forum as well and would like to contribute, but on the other hand, it's a very interesting oppurtunity for you to have a word in a forum in Turkey.

So, it's not an ad. Come and share your ideas in Turkey too...

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