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Grand Jury Has Been Extended and Expanded (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
A new grand jury is already sitting, ready to expand the investigation that has already indicted Lewis Libby on 5 counts. Indictments of Rove could be as early as next week, but more importantly, this grand jury will be looking at who forged the Niger documents which took us to war. If the forgeries did not come on orders of an administration figure, as is being speculated, did the administration present evidence to go to war knowing it was forged? This is one of the key questions.

NATO sources told United Press International Monday that Fitzgerald's team of investigators has sought and obtained documentation on the forgeries from the Italian government.

The lawyers said that in the past month Fitzgerald has obtained explosive information in the case that has enabled him to pursue broader charges such as conspiracy, and civil rights violations against targets like Rove. Specifically, the lawyers said Fitzgerald is focusing on phony intelligence documents that led to the outing of Valerie Plame Wilson’s identity: the documents that claimed Iraq was attempting to purchase yellow-cake uranium from Niger.

Today's indictment is just the beginning.

Article is here.
If this is true, things are about to get very, very dirty.
danarhea said:
A new grand jury is already sitting, ready to expand the investigation that has already indicted Lewis Libby on 5 counts. Indictments of Rove could be as early as next week, but more importantly, this grand jury will be looking at who forged the Niger documents which took us to war. If the forgeries did not come on orders of an administration figure, as is being speculated, did the administration present evidence to go to war knowing it was forged? This is one of the key questions.

Today's indictment is just the beginning.

Article is here.

Will someone pinch me? I feel like I have died and gone to heaven. Or should I say, "Happy days are here again."

:lol: :lol: :lol:
aps said:
Will someone pinch me? I feel like I have died and gone to heaven. Or should I say, "Happy days are here again."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Its nothing to be happy about. This is a day that we should mourn the loss of the integrity of our public officials, and make a vow that this will never happen again.
danarhea said:
A new grand jury is already sitting, ready to expand the investigation that has already indicted Lewis Libby on 5 counts. Indictments of Rove could be as early as next week, but more importantly, this grand jury will be looking at who forged the Niger documents which took us to war. If the forgeries did not come on orders of an administration figure, as is being speculated, did the administration present evidence to go to war knowing it was forged? This is one of the key questions.

Today's indictment is just the beginning.

Article is here.

Does this mean that you are not going to be putting your signature on, per our man to man agreement?;)
danarhea said:
Its nothing to be happy about. This is a day that we should mourn the loss of the integrity of our public officials, and make a vow that this will never happen again.

danarhea, you totally lack a sense of humor. You can mourn all you want. Why you think you should tell me how I should feel is beyond me. Oh, and it's not working.
Deegan said:
Does this mean that you are not going to be putting your signature on, per our man to man agreement?;)

What exactly was the agreement? Did you guys stipulate the day (eg today)? Or the end of the grand jury? Or was it just until Fitzgerald gets done?
FinnMacCool said:
THis is gonna be interesting

Ha ha ha it sure is. Ohh man, I am so famaliar with this kind of thing, you wouldn't believe it. Ha ha ha ha ha!
I mean, :rofl , I mean I saw this indictment coming a long ways off.
danarhea said:
Its nothing to be happy about. This is a day that we should mourn the loss of the integrity of our public officials, and make a vow that this will never happen again.

This is a good point. As much as I do not appreciate the Bush Administration, I think it is going to reflect poorly on politics in general.
Simon W. Moon said:
What exactly was the agreement? Did you guys stipulate the day (eg today)? Or the end of the grand jury? Or was it just until Fitzgerald gets done?

I was under the impression that it was to be today, but maybe Dan can explain it for me. The deal was, if he handed out a indictment for forgery, in the the Niger yellowcake fiasco, that I would wear a certain signature. If it was not handed down, he would wear a colorful signature, we shall see.:shock:
Deegan said:
I was under the impression that it was to be today, but maybe Dan can explain it for me. The deal was, if he handed out a indictment for forgery, in the the Niger yellowcake fiasco, that I would wear a certain signature. If it was not handed down, he would wear a colorful signature, we shall see.:shock:


It would appear from the wording that the bet is still a work in progress...When Fitz's investigation is complete, the bet should be settled then...
cnredd said:

It would appear from the wording that the bet is still a work in progress...When Fitz's investigation is complete, the bet should be settled then...
From what you quoted I would agree that we'd have to wait until Fitz was through.
However, the bet originated inside of some other thread. It's possible that the wording may be different there.
I'll leave it up to Dan, but this could go on for years, but I'm really not concerned, because there is strong evidence that the forged documents appear to have come from Iraq.
Deegan said:
I'll leave it up to Dan, but this could go on for years, but I'm really not concerned, because there is strong evidence that the forged documents appear to have come from Iraq.

1) This wont go on for years. We will know one way or another definitely in the next 2 weeks. By then, either I will be sporting the sig that says "Look at me - I am a butthead and I just biatch-slapped myself" or everyone will know for a certainty of what Fitzgerald said". You are getting a deal on this one too. According to our bet, either an indictment has to be issued, or Fitzgerald has to make a statement that supports the contention that the forged document issue is real, and he has to make that statement himself. Secondhand statements from reporters will not qualify as a win for me, and if that is all there is, you win.

2) As you already know, I am a man of my word. Just look at my avatar, damn ya, LOL.

3) As for the documents themselves, it has already been shown that they were forgeries. In fact, the seals and letterheads for the forged documents were obtained by burglarizing the Niger embassy in Rome. Iraq had diddly squat to do with them. This is where the investigation is expanding to, according to lawyers involved in the case. However, according to the bet I made with you, we have to hear it from Fitzgerald himself, not other lawyers. This gives you a huge advantage. No problem. I am the one who stipulated the terms of the bet, so I have no reason to complain.
danarhea said:
1) This wont go on for years. We will know one way or another definitely in the next 2 weeks. By then, either I will be sporting the sig that says "Look at me - I am a butthead and I just biatch-slapped myself" or everyone will know for a certainty of what Fitzgerald said". You are getting a deal on this one too. According to our bet, either an indictment has to be issued, or Fitzgerald has to make a statement that supports the contention that the forged document issue is real, and he has to make that statement himself. Secondhand statements from reporters will not qualify as a win for me, and if that is all there is, you win.

2) As you already know, I am a man of my word. Just look at my avatar, damn ya, LOL.

3) As for the documents themselves, it has already been shown that they were forgeries. In fact, the seals and letterheads for the forged documents were obtained by burglarizing the Niger embassy in Rome. Iraq had diddly squat to do with them. This is where the investigation is expanding to, according to lawyers involved in the case. However, according to the bet I made with you, we have to hear it from Fitzgerald himself, not other lawyers. This gives you a huge advantage. No problem. I am the one who stipulated the terms of the bet, so I have no reason to complain.

Fair enough, but I highly doubt that this will lead to Niger forgery, but I could be wrong, it just seems much too wild a plot to be planned by this government, or anyone in it.:shock:
Deegan said:
Fair enough, but I highly doubt that this will lead to Niger forgery, but I could be wrong, it just seems much too wild a plot to be planned by this government, or anyone in it.:shock:

According to my link, which is a reputable one, it already has. A new grand jury has already been empaneled for it.
danarhea said:
According to my link, which is a reputable one, it already has. A new grand jury has already been empaneled for it.

I just can't imagine such a crime, this would damage this country so severely, the party would never be the same, and the world would no longer trust us. I can't imagine you want this to be true, even with your extreme hatred for the "Bushneviks"?:shock:
Deegan said:
I just can't imagine such a crime, this would damage this country so severely, the party would never be the same, and the world would no longer trust us. I can't imagine you want this to be true, even with your extreme hatred for the "Bushneviks"?:shock:

If this happened, and I truly believe it did, then the GOP needs to decide quickly if they are going to continue to allow themselves to be infested as a parasitic host, or if they are going to throw out the Neocons quickly enough so that the Dems dont gain enough traction to start their own backlash. Democrats taking back Congress is just as bad as the Neocons keeping control. If the GOP does what needs to be done quickly enough, they might still be able to keep majorities in both houses, even if they are bare majorities, and prospects for 2008 will look bright. In addition, I might even be induced to return home. :)
Deegan said:
I just can't imagine such a crime, this would damage this country so severely, the party would never be the same, and the world would no longer trust us. I can't imagine you want this to be true, even with your extreme hatred for the "Bushneviks"?:shock:
So it should be covered up or ignored?
TimmyBoy said:
Ha ha ha it sure is. Ohh man, I am so famaliar with this kind of thing, you wouldn't believe it. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Me too! If you only knew the things I won't tell you, lmao.
In regard to the bet I made with Deegan:

I just watched the entire Fitzgerald press conference on C-SPAN today, and although a new grand jury is empaneled to look at other aspects, and although lawyers are saying that the Niger forgery is at the heart of the matter, Fitzgerald, in no uncertain terms, said that this is a secret grand jury, and that he was not going to comment on it until it is finished. According to the terms of the bet I made with Deegan, Fitzgerald had to say something on it, and since he didnt, and isnt going to, look below. LOL.

Told ya, Deegan. I am a man of my word. My avatar and sig belong to you for the next 30 days, ya ********** * **** **** ***** ***** ********* ** ***** ************. LOL. :)
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