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Governor Blanco Takes Responsibility!!! (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2005
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in the middle of America
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In the process of taping television interviews on Wednesday, Governor Kathleen Blanco made the cardinal mistake all politicians that are competent should fear. She acknowledged she had made a critical Katrina mistake that she had tried numerous times to pin on President Bush and his Administration.

Governor Blanco's spoken mistake?

QUOTE: "I really should have called for the military; I really should have started that in the first call." END QUOTE.

THE CARDINAL MISTAKE? In between takes of her interviews the Governor turned to her Press Secretary and made those comments thinking she was off camera. She wasn't. The comments went out on a network satellite feed. Those comments began to be replayed on Louisiana outlets that afternoon. I haven't seen them reported anywhere else which may or may not be surprising depending on how Democrat or Republican you are. I'm not (thank you Lord).

Governor Blanco's accusations about National Guard mistakes made by "President Bush" were adored by the media; adoring meaning that the media loved to play them 5 times per hour. This led many or most of the people that believe their network or cable news tells them the truth instead of just passing along unfounded allegations, to believe that the President had done something wrong. On the contrary.

It is the responsibility of the Governor of the State to first go to the other states she has contracts with for their National Guard and then, if she wants to go to the Federal Government for extra assistance on top of that, IT IS HER RESPONSIBILITY TO DO IT, not the Federal Government's. However, President Bush did contact the Governor to ask if she wanted them to take over as law allows but she turned him down. Her comments on camera bear that out.

It is entirely possible that her bungled comments led to her change of heart Wednesday night when she gave a televised speech. Among her other comments were:

QUOTE: "The buck stops here, and as your governor, I take full responsibility." And then she actually had praise for the White House: "I want the people of Louisiana to know that we have a friend and a partner in President George W. Bush. I thank you, Mr. President." END QUOTE

I want to enter praise here for these further comments on President Bush from the Governor. It took a mistake on her part to admit her false allegations and bring to light those false accusations against the Bush Administration but, finally she did.

I've said all along that DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS will all get some of the blame and as time goes on and history will show that Katrina was a disaster in herself; huge, unprecedented and one that no previous administration would have been prepared for let alone the Bush Administration. There will be plenty of Democrat and Republican sponges to take up all the blame they ALL deserve. Any other assessment is based on what? Hate? Lack of knowledge? My bet is PURE PARTISANSHIP.
:duel :cool:
gordontravels said:
In the process of taping television interviews on Wednesday, Governor Kathleen Blanco made the cardinal mistake all politicians that are competent should fear. She acknowledged she had made a critical Katrina mistake that she had tried numerous times to pin on President Bush and his Administration.

Governor Blanco's spoken mistake?

QUOTE: "I really should have called for the military; I really should have started that in the first call." END QUOTE.

THE CARDINAL MISTAKE? In between takes of her interviews the Governor turned to her Press Secretary and made those comments thinking she was off camera. She wasn't. The comments went out on a network satellite feed. Those comments began to be replayed on Louisiana outlets that afternoon. I haven't seen them reported anywhere else which may or may not be surprising depending on how Democrat or Republican you are. I'm not (thank you Lord).

Governor Blanco's accusations about National Guard mistakes made by "President Bush" were adored by the media; adoring meaning that the media loved to play them 5 times per hour. This led many or most of the people that believe their network or cable news tells them the truth instead of just passing along unfounded allegations, to believe that the President had done something wrong. On the contrary.

It is the responsibility of the Governor of the State to first go to the other states she has contracts with for their National Guard and then, if she wants to go to the Federal Government for extra assistance on top of that, IT IS HER RESPONSIBILITY TO DO IT, not the Federal Government's. However, President Bush did contact the Governor to ask if she wanted them to take over as law allows but she turned him down. Her comments on camera bear that out.

It is entirely possible that her bungled comments led to her change of heart Wednesday night when she gave a televised speech. Among her other comments were:

QUOTE: "The buck stops here, and as your governor, I take full responsibility." And then she actually had praise for the White House: "I want the people of Louisiana to know that we have a friend and a partner in President George W. Bush. I thank you, Mr. President." END QUOTE

I want to enter praise here for these further comments on President Bush from the Governor. It took a mistake on her part to admit her false allegations and bring to light those false accusations against the Bush Administration but, finally she did.

I've said all along that DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS will all get some of the blame and as time goes on and history will show that Katrina was a disaster in herself; huge, unprecedented and one that no previous administration would have been prepared for let alone the Bush Administration. There will be plenty of Democrat and Republican sponges to take up all the blame they ALL deserve. Any other assessment is based on what? Hate? Lack of knowledge? My bet is PURE PARTISANSHIP.
:duel :cool:

About time.
MiamiFlorida said:
About time.

Maybe the politicians are realizing that the rest of the country has been sitting back watching them. This blame game can do nothing but hurt them because it becomes whining when they need to take responsibility like the president did and finally the Governor and move on.

The media won't move on though. They need scandal alive and well and if you watch MSNBC you can see RACISM alive and well as that scandal they really really want. They take polls; they do stories; they have their biased experts; they run to the distressed residents of New Orleans who are now realizing that their Mayor, who they were not too happy with even before the storm, is now finding himself under fire from his own constituents.

The Governor makes a mistake and it leads to her owning up to her own mistakes and becoming a partner with the president which should have been done in the first place. That these people spent so much time blasting and not enough time digging is their fault and the rest of the country sees it.

ABC News went to the Houston Astrodome a few days ago and interviewed 6 different black people with their usual "You must be mad at the President". To their surprise, all six said they blamed their local government and thought the president was doing what he could for them. ABC was not too happy to find that the citizens are ahead of the curve our media wants to throw us.

Politics in this country stinks of Democrats and Republicans. This country used to rally around each other regardless of party and work for the benefit of all. Now it's Democrats and Republicans working for the next election and this is the best we can do for leaders? For you Democrats and Republicans out there; you must be thoroughly ashamed and I can understand why.
:duel :cool:
Originally posted by gordontravels:
Politics in this country stinks of Democrats and Republicans. This country used to rally around each other regardless of party and work for the benefit of all. Now it's Democrats and Republicans working for the next election and this is the best we can do for leaders? For you Democrats and Republicans out there; you must be thoroughly ashamed and I can understand why.
I'm ashamed as an American voter that we've let things get to this point without doing anything about it. I'm ashamed that more of us do not vote. And I'm really ashamed that more of us do not take the time to be a well informed republic. It is our duty as citizens to know the issues that affect our country. But getting information only from the "box" in the corner is not being well informed.

Gordon, although I disagree with you on many points, this is not one of them. And although I don't consider you a "buddy", I do see that at least you go to the trouble of researching your topic before you start posting your opinions. As you can see in this forum, many like to argue topics they no nothing about.

As far as the reporting in the South, no one is showing these emergency shelter facilities through the eyes of the people living there. Oh, there is your complimentary "How are you holding out" 30 second interviews. But then they break for a word from our sponsor. What they don't show is these places are being run like prisons. You can't wear sneakers. There are no newspapers. Only 3 TV's for a crowd of 20,000 people. Only 3 computers with an internet connection for a crowd of 20,000 people. And the connection is only good to download FEMA forms which half the people there can't read because of their nationality.

Across from the Superdome there are two hotels that were being guarded by mercenaries. Why couldn't they have opened these hotels up for some of the homeless. It doesn't make any sense.

One of the shelters was just seven miles from Govenor Blancos residence. People there were asked how many times the Govenor was there, and they replied, "None! The Govenor has not been by at all. Not once!"

But you know who will be by? A lot of the reconstruction vultures that were in Iraq. KBR and the lot have their sites set on New Oraq this time for their complimentary government handout of several billion dollars.
The thing that bothers me most about Katrina was that our country didn't come together. The hatred for the President found a chance to rear it's ugly head instead of concentrating - media and politicians - on what could be done to help.

Finally the Governor admits her mistake and has made the president a partner. Now Senator Landrieu has finally come around and is willing to work with the President and do it for the people, not a political BS standpoint. Republicans and Democrats are to blame for lapses in preparedness and Republicans and Democrats have to take responsibility and work with each other for the largest rebuilding project this country has ever seen.

Of course, the media still doesn't get it. They want to play blame and racist games while the majority of the country is wising up.

Even the Red Cross and Missing Children bureaus are saying this disaster is too big for them but our media thinks the President should just pull a cure out of his hat. Just thank God you or I didn't have to shoulder the responsibility or we would be searching for the place to get our reputations back. I have to have some sympathy for the former FEMA Director, Mr. Brown. Shall we hate him and wish him ill? Well, he has all that and more. Chew him up, spit him out and call for next. Even the Admiral that took over is having a hard time. This job is nearly impossible unless you are a political hack pundit then you can say anything. I'd like to see them all with shovels cleaning up the muck.

Our political situation showed how divided WE HAVE LET OURSELVES BECOME. It's one thing to disagree but to the extent that we play blame games right from the start while people are suffering and needing the country to come together shows me just how out of touch partisan Democrats and Republicans are. Why not just do the job and quit trying to capitalize on a tragic situation. Because it's Democrats and Republicans that's why.
:duel :cool:

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