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Government Ruins Everything: Firearms edition (1 Viewer)


Capitalist Pig
DP Veteran
Aug 6, 2019
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Bridgeport, CT
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Libertarian - Right
Californians Will Have Fewer Handguns Available to Them Thanks to New Microstamping Law - GunsAmerica Digest

Sailing through the California Senate last Friday, a microstamping bill now heads to the desk of anti-gun Gov. Gavin Newsom to be signed into law.

This is bad news for gun owners in The Golden State.

Per the legislation (AB 2847), starting on July 1, 2022, all new handguns sold in the state will need to be microstamped in one place on the interior of the handgun (current law requires two imprinting locations).


AB 2847 is problematic for a number of reasons as Mark Oliva, director of Public Affairs for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, noted in an email to GunsAmerica.

"This microstamping bill is doubling down an a technology the state knows is unworkable and is easily defeated by criminals," explained Oliva.

The verb regulate means to control. Government regulation takes certain production and distribution decisions out of the market and makes them political. Think of government regulation as socialism-lite. Hundreds of millions of consumers are made worse off, while the only winners are a tiny group of politicians and some special interest groups.
Californians Will Have Fewer Handguns Available to Them Thanks to New Microstamping Law - GunsAmerica Digest

The verb regulate means to control. Government regulation takes certain production and distribution decisions out of the market and makes them political. Think of government regulation as socialism-lite. Hundreds of millions of consumers are made worse off, while the only winners are a tiny group of politicians and some special interest groups.

I'll take socialism lite over fascism heavy any day. Tell me again how requiring new guns to be stamped is an imposition?
I'll take socialism lite over fascism heavy any day. Tell me again how requiring new guns to be stamped is an imposition?

It's funny when there is a public confrontation between the left and the right, it's the right who always comes armed claiming they are afraid of the libs.

I honestly think republican thinking puts un on the verge of anarchy. The right doesn't trust anything that comes from the government and yet love the pathological liar they voted into office. Crazy!
Californians Will Have Fewer Handguns Available to Them Thanks to New Microstamping Law - GunsAmerica Digest

The verb regulate means to control. Government regulation takes certain production and distribution decisions out of the market and makes them political. Think of government regulation as socialism-lite. Hundreds of millions of consumers are made worse off, while the only winners are a tiny group of politicians and some special interest groups.

Why do we have VIN numbers on cars? Should we get rid of them too because they are socialism and useless?
Why do we have VIN numbers on cars? Should we get rid of them too because they are socialism and useless?

Don't ask hysterical people to act rationally. They are authorized by their paranoia and persistent victim-complex to overreact. They'll consider rational thought when they're finished being bat **** crazy.
Don't ask hysterical people to act rationally. They are authorized by their paranoia and persistent victim-complex to overreact. They'll consider rational thought when they're finished being bat **** crazy.

Guns are to trump culture what not eating pork is to Islamic culture. At one point, both of these things may have had their uses. But the advance in technology has made them obsolete and dysfunctional. But it is no longer about rationality and practicality. They have become sacred symbols of their culture and markers of cultural and personal identity- and so beyond the reach of any arguments of practicality or logic.
Guns are to trump culture what not eating pork is to Islamic culture. At one point, both of these things may have had their uses. But the advance in technology has made them obsolete and dysfunctional. But it is no longer about rationality and practicality. They have become sacred symbols of their culture and markers of cultural and personal identity- and so beyond the reach of any arguments of practicality or logic.

Very well said.
A small stamp inside a gun doesn't make consumers worse off. I guess we should do away with license plates too. SOCIALIST LICENSE PLATES!
I'll take socialism lite over fascism heavy any day. Tell me again how requiring new guns to be stamped is an imposition?
Because it's useless and unreasonable. The only purpose of this law is to make it eventually more or less impossible to buy a handgun in CA.
I'll take socialism lite over fascism heavy any day. Tell me again how requiring new guns to be stamped is an imposition?
Obviously, you didn't bother to read the article. It's not an imprinting on the gun itself, but a mark unique to each individual firearm that must be imprinted onto each piece of brass fired and ejected from the gun. It's technology that's easily defeated by anyone who wants to obliterate the marking mechanism, since the only feasible location for the stamp is the firing pin.

Further, the law requires that the list maintained by California 's Justice Department of handguns approved for sale within the state be purged of three guns for every one gun it adds.

Unreasonable and pointless.
The value of used handguns will go up.

Think of how much the ban on new full autos increased the value of used ones?
AB-2847 Firearms: unsafe handguns.

Existing law, subject to exceptions, generally makes it an offense to manufacture or sell an unsafe handgun, as defined, and requires the Department of Justice to compile a roster listing all of the handguns that have been tested and determined not to be unsafe handguns. Existing law establishes criteria for determining if a handgun is an unsafe handgun, including, for firearms manufactured after a certain date and not already listed on the roster, the lack of a chamber load indicator, magazine disconnect mechanism, and technology that transfers a microscopic array of characters from the firearm to the cartridge case when the firearm is fired, known as a microstamp. Existing law requires the microstamp to be transferred to the cartridge upon firing and to be imprinted in 2 or more places on the internal working parts of the handgun.

How does microstamping increase the safety of the gun?
I would love to know about all these crimes that supposedly remain unsolved, because investigators cannot trace ejected brass back to the person from whom the firearm was stolen.
Tell us how it makes a gun "safer".

That's easy. Before long, it will be nearly impossible to buy a handgun legally in CA. To the people who run the state, they're definitely safer if they don't exist.
Microstamping prints a small code onto the bullet casings to link them to a gun in the database. Don't litter.
Microstamping prints a small code onto the bullet casings to link them to a gun in the database. Don't litter.
That takes about a minute to eliminate.
The Democratic Party LOVES to promote massive panic gun buying and increase the value of used firearms. The DNC MUST be financed by the NRA. LOL!
Californians Will Have Fewer Handguns Available to Them Thanks to New Microstamping Law - GunsAmerica Digest

The verb regulate means to control. Government regulation takes certain production and distribution decisions out of the market and makes them political. Think of government regulation as socialism-lite. Hundreds of millions of consumers are made worse off, while the only winners are a tiny group of politicians and some special interest groups.

How will this reduce the number of handguns or make them harder to obtain?
How will this reduce the number of handguns or make them harder to obtain?

Only "authorized" guns will be allowed for purchase.

AB-2847 Firearms: unsafe handguns.

Existing law, subject to exceptions, generally
makes it an offense to manufacture or sell an unsafe handgun, as defined, and requires the Department of Justice to compile a roster listing all of the handguns that have been tested and determined not to be unsafe handguns. Existing law establishes criteria for determining if a handgun is an unsafe handgun, including, for firearms manufactured after a certain date and not already listed on the roster, the lack of a chamber load indicator, magazine disconnect mechanism, and technology that transfers a microscopic array of characters from the firearm to the cartridge case when the firearm is fired, known as a microstamp. Existing law requires the microstamp to be transferred to the cartridge upon firing and to be imprinted in 2 or more places on the internal working parts of the handgun.

Unsafe including microstamping which has no relevance in safety. It also includes no magazine safety which isn't present in a wide range of magazine fed pistols. Chamber loaded indicators as well.
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