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Government Overreach in US Territories - **** Fighting (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 25, 2014
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If signed by President Trump, the U.S. Farm Bill will make cockfighting illegal in all U.S. territories, including Puerto Rico. The ban's inclusion in the bill, which passed in Congress Wednesday, had been long-sought by animal rights activists in the mainland U.S.. But in Puerto Rico, news of its passage dropped like a bombshell.​

I know probably not a lot of support for **** fighting, but still this kind of government overreach bothers me. It also bothers me that a special interest groups (the humane society in this case) can lobby and get a provision like this in a farm bill.
Special interest groups get all sorts of stuff put into many bills. It's how we got the Corporate-State we now "enjoy". I think ****-fighting is the least egregious of all the overreaches.

But the farm bill will legalize the hemp industry again. Which could be quite the boon for Colorado as we already have a healthy hemp market and everything in place to expand into a national Hemp market should it be allowed. And it's interesting too, on the part of overreach, because one of the reasons hemp and pot are illegal now is because of the influence of the lumber industry which was afraid of having to compete with hemp over things like paper.

If signed by President Trump, the U.S. Farm Bill will make cockfighting illegal in all U.S. territories, including Puerto Rico. The ban's inclusion in the bill, which passed in Congress Wednesday, had been long-sought by animal rights activists in the mainland U.S.. But in Puerto Rico, news of its passage dropped like a bombshell.​

I know probably not a lot of support for **** fighting, but still this kind of government overreach bothers me. It also bothers me that a special interest groups (the humane society in this case) can lobby and get a provision like this in a farm bill.

It is the constant attempt to further sanitize life by the writing of new laws that gets to me.

We are building a police state.

We are building UTOPIA.

If signed by President Trump, the U.S. Farm Bill will make cockfighting illegal in all U.S. territories, including Puerto Rico. The ban's inclusion in the bill, which passed in Congress Wednesday, had been long-sought by animal rights activists in the mainland U.S.. But in Puerto Rico, news of its passage dropped like a bombshell.​

I know probably not a lot of support for **** fighting, but still this kind of government overreach bothers me. It also bothers me that a special interest groups (the humane society in this case) can lobby and get a provision like this in a farm bill.

Do you see the overreach government regulating animal fighting? Or the U.S. extending it's will on territories?

I'm also not a fan of the add ons in bills

If signed by President Trump, the U.S. Farm Bill will make cockfighting illegal in all U.S. territories, including Puerto Rico. The ban's inclusion in the bill, which passed in Congress Wednesday, had been long-sought by animal rights activists in the mainland U.S.. But in Puerto Rico, news of its passage dropped like a bombshell.​

I know probably not a lot of support for **** fighting, but still this kind of government overreach bothers me. It also bothers me that a special interest groups (the humane society in this case) can lobby and get a provision like this in a farm bill.

You have obviously never been to a **** fight or a dog fight for that matter. I went to them when I worked in Yuba City farm country with my Mexican buddies. The older Mexicans are really into that, the younger guys not so much. And betting is hard since it's not like you have para mutual pamphlets to refer to. I think it's cruel but they invest a lot into those birds and they try to stop the fight before a **** gets too badly injured. My opinion of chickens is they have the sentience of a grape. And that is being generous.

I saw one dog fight and I don't care to see another.

And BTW, AFAIK, **** fighting is illegal nearly everywhere. It was in the 70's in Yuba City AFAIK, but it still went on and no one GAS.
Do you see the overreach government regulating animal fighting? Or the U.S. extending it's will on territories?

Both actually, but more so on the territories. It's one of those issues that IMO ought to be determined by local standards not a one size fits all.
Both actually, but more so on the territories. It's one of those issues that IMO ought to be determined by local standards not a one size fits all.

You can write all the laws you want, but if you can't enforce them equitably, they become "back pocket" truncheons only used against your enemies.
You have obviously never been to a **** fight or a dog fight for that matter. I went to them when I worked in Yuba City farm country with my Mexican buddies. The older Mexicans are really into that, the younger guys not so much. And betting is hard since it's not like you have para mutual pamphlets to refer to. I think it's cruel but they invest a lot into those birds and they try to stop the fight before a **** gets too badly injured. My opinion of chickens is they have the sentience of a grape. And that is being generous.

I saw one dog fight and I don't care to see another.

And BTW, AFAIK, **** fighting is illegal nearly everywhere. It was in the 70's in Yuba City AFAIK, but it still went on and no one GAS.

Nope, never been to one. No real desire to see one other than academic.

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