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Gov. Ducey vetoes 1 gun bill, signs 2 more (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 16, 2012
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Tucson, AZ
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Gov. Ducey vetoes 1 gun bill, signs 2 more | Government-and-politics | tucson.com

I'm not so sure how I feel about this veto. You can find the text of the bill here - https://legiscan.com/AZ/text/HB2524/id/1304664

What it does is add Arizona to a compact with two other states (I'm not sure which ones) to prohibit the legislature of any of the states to impose such things as registrations and background checks on private sales. We don't have any significant restrictions on the possession and use (carry) of firearms in this state to begin with so I'm not sure what we'd be accomplishing with this compact other than sending a message to DC that we won't be a part of any Bloomberg type schemes.

The Governor's story is that he wants to leave the door open for AZ to make its own determination on such laws and I can appreciate that but would like to see the legislature take a stand like what is in the compact.
Gov. Ducey vetoes 1 gun bill, signs 2 more | Government-and-politics | tucson.com

I'm not so sure how I feel about this veto. You can find the text of the bill here - https://legiscan.com/AZ/text/HB2524/id/1304664

What it does is add Arizona to a compact with two other states (I'm not sure which ones) to prohibit the legislature of any of the states to impose such things as registrations and background checks on private sales. We don't have any significant restrictions on the possession and use (carry) of firearms in this state to begin with so I'm not sure what we'd be accomplishing with this compact other than sending a message to DC that we won't be a part of any Bloomberg type schemes.

The Governor's story is that he wants to leave the door open for AZ to make its own determination on such laws and I can appreciate that but would like to see the legislature take a stand like what is in the compact.

From my reading of the bill, this sentence in the article is inaccurate: "That would have tied the hands not only of future legislatures but also preempted the constitutional right of Arizona voters to propose their own gun laws." The state of Arizona could, at any time, remove itself from the compact if it determined that Arizona needed a law regarding gun transfers that the other states in the compact did not agree to adopt as well. The only actual restriction is that the state wanting to leave the compact is in Article III, Section 2, which would require the state leaving to give a 30 notice to the other states - that's it.

I'm with you though, I don't see a need for such a law, except maybe to demonstrate to the feds that the states in the compact do not agree to allow the feds to regulate intrastate commerce with private transfers of firearms. That's the only reason I could think of, since even if the states wanted to allow citizens from compact states to transfer firearms between citizens of different states thus transferring the firearm over state lines, the Congress has the power to regulate that transaction since it would in fact be interstate commerce rather than intrastate commerce.
Looks like Ducey just (last week) signed a preemption bill that protects Arizonans from intrusive laws imposed by their local legislatures.

GUN WATCH: AZ: Governor Ducey Signs SB 1266, Enforcement of Firearms Preemption, into Law

This is particularly important here in Tucson where the city government regularly floats proposals for various restrictions.

years ago, Democrat party infested urban areas used to pass all sorts of moronic laws designed to harass law abiding citizens such as "assault weapon bans" magazine limits and other fecal nonsense. city laws are particularly stupid because they only impact the honest residents. If some Jihadist or columbine wannabe is planning mass murder they can evade those stupid feel good city laws merely by buying the weapon outside the city limits. All those laws hurt are residents who become "criminals" for having such firearms in their homes and dealers in the city limit who are told many of their wares are now "contraband". But Ohio passed a pre-emption law meaning I can drive through the Marxist municipalities of Cincinnati, Dayton and Cleveland with my AR 15 and forty round magazines and they cannot do a damn thing. and that is the way it should be

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