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Gosar Inferiority Complex? (1 Viewer)


Is that real?
That might just be worse than Ben Shapiro's W.A.P. self-own.

Infinite :ROFLMAO:
I don't know if its real, but its probably true.
Not sure what he is trying to say with this tweet.

He's a racist Nazi, of course moron won't bother me

Reminds me of Rick and Morty, a Nazi character said "I'm a nazi, think I care about being called a Nazi"
Not sure what he is trying to say with this tweet.

If this is on the level and he really said this, he has some serious issues. Have him give me a call and ill try to help him. Poor fella.
Do we know for a fact the writers of Family Guy didn't hack his account? If you read that in Peter Griffin's voice, it's perfect.
I liked and then unliked this post, just so I could like it again.

Holy Mackerel.
Unfortunately, it’s probably in the “too good to be true” category….
His tics are getting worse. Is he suffering from a neurological ailment?
"Everyone in my world thinks that I am stupid, so what's the big deal if Mitt Romney agrees?"
It's fake. I know, I posted it somewhere else and it was pointed out to me. Still good though!
This is one time I will not argue with Rep Gosar…

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