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GOP votes to block port deal (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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WASHINGTON - In an election-year repudiation of
President Bush, a House panel dominated by Republicans voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to block a Dubai-owned firm from taking control of some U.S port operations.

By 62-2, the Appropriations Committee voted to bar DP World, run by the government of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, from holding leases or contracts at U.S. ports. Bush has promised to veto any such measure passed by Congress, but there is widespread public opposition to the deal and the GOP fears losing its advantage on the issue of national security in this fall's elections.

As the panel acted, Democrats on the other side of the Capitol were clamoring for a vote on the same issue in the GOP-led Senate.

"We believe an overwhelming majority will vote to end the deal," said Democrat Charles Schumer of New York, whose attempt to force the issue to the floor brought the Senate to a late-afternoon standstill.


I'm glad the Republicans are taking a stand on this issue. I wonder if they would do the same thing in a non-election year?
What happens if the deal is blocked? I'm not expert on ports, so will P&O continue operating on these ports or will be be forced to buy back their license and manage them ourselves in terms of moving stuff?
What's sad about all this is I believe Bush wasn't kept informed. I don't think he knew about it until the last second? Then what does he do when the port deal faces the light of day?

He threatens Congress with a veto against any legislation attempting to block this deal.

Not having a good day, are we Mr. President?
This is ridiculous. People from both parties are being xenophobic and stupid over this issue. I will be very glad if Bush vetos this!
Willoughby said:
This is ridiculous. People from both parties are being xenophobic and stupid over this issue. I will be very glad if Bush vetos this!
I tend to agree. This is no time for America to show the world her Islam-o-phobia.

The Dubai firm has given up ownership of the ports

yes we have..and we are saying that it is a shame that they had over is xenophobic pressure from american politicans
This is terrible. Dubai is the most reliable ally we have in the Arab world, as well as the most modern, most liberal, and most open. :doh
xenophobpic? Don't tell me that you have bought into this administrations attempt at spinning this issue? Maybe I am too naive, but I can't believe that anyone would actually buy into that one.
Even Republicans on this issue are showing that once in a while they have a spine when it comes to standing up to the idiotic ideas of their president.

Its not xenophobic.....for a President who talks tough about protecting Americas security and borders....it just simply an amazingly stupid idea.

That is not to say that all Arabs are terrorists, I don't believe that for a second. However, we should not be turning over the security of our ports to ANY country.

This Administration and FOX news can try to label this as racist/xenophobic all they want.....but the American people clearly are not having the wool pulled over their eyes on this one.
Where is the outrage from the left over the fact that the Port of Los Angeles is controlled by the Chinese Communists? Oh wait that deal was signed under the Clinton administration so it does not count........:roll:
If, as you claim, that the port of LA is run by China, then I would agree that that is as idiotic as Bush's plan. (I am not up on the facts on that issue).

As I indicated previously, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that if you are TRULY concerned about the security of our homeland, then we shouldn't be turning over the operation of ANY of our ports to ANY country.
Which leads me to believe that all of Bush's tough talk is a bunch of rhetoric (aka WMD's, etc) to accomplish Cheney/Rove/Rumsfield etc own agendas.
disneydude said:
If, as you claim, that the port of LA is run by China, then I would agree that that is as idiotic as Bush's plan. (I am not up on the facts on that issue).

As I indicated previously, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that if you are TRULY concerned about the security of our homeland, then we shouldn't be turning over the operation of ANY of our ports to ANY country.
Which leads me to believe that all of Bush's tough talk is a bunch of rhetoric (aka WMD's, etc) to accomplish Cheney/Rove/Rumsfield etc own agendas.

Again this thread is about the ports issue, WMD have been discussed in length on other threads.....I might say you must also be angry with every country in the world, the UN and almost all the dems like Kerry, Clinton, Biden and others in congress because they all said Saddam had WOMD and almost all voted to give the president authority to invade Iraq........

Please take what I post in context....rather than distort it to go off on a rant. What I was saying (in context) is that Bush loves to talk tough about protecting our borders, but when he does something idiotic as this, it makes you question whether he is being honest with the American people (what a concept).
So, I mentioned WMD's as one example of Bush's lies/justifications for protecting the US as a counterclaim to his decision to turn over control of the ports.

BTW: This is not meant as one of those "Post your links" replies.....and I mean this in all sincerity.....Can you post a link or reply to me privately about the LA ports/China deal? I have been looking on the internet, because as I said in the earlier post I have never heard that China controls the port of LA...and living here in LA I would like to educate myself on the issue. I looked on the web for about 1/2 hour and haven't been able to find anything.
Please send me some info so I can check into it---if you will. Thanks.
Navy Pride said:
Where is the outrage from the left over the fact that the Port of Los Angeles is controlled by the Chinese Communists? Oh wait that deal was signed under the Clinton administration so it does not count........:roll:
The GOP blocked the port deal.... not the "left". :rofl
disneydude said:

Please take what I post in context....rather than distort it to go off on a rant. What I was saying (in context) is that Bush loves to talk tough about protecting our borders, but when he does something idiotic as this, it makes you question whether he is being honest with the American people (what a concept).
So, I mentioned WMD's as one example of Bush's lies/justifications for protecting the US as a counterclaim to his decision to turn over control of the ports.

BTW: This is not meant as one of those "Post your links" replies.....and I mean this in all sincerity.....Can you post a link or reply to me privately about the LA ports/China deal? I have been looking on the internet, because as I said in the earlier post I have never heard that China controls the port of LA...and living here in LA I would like to educate myself on the issue. I looked on the web for about 1/2 hour and haven't been able to find anything.
Please send me some info so I can check into it---if you will. Thanks.
Chinese involvement in the LA ports is common knowledge. A simple search led me to these links.




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disneydude said:

Please take what I post in context....rather than distort it to go off on a rant. What I was saying (in context) is that Bush loves to talk tough about protecting our borders, but when he does something idiotic as this, it makes you question whether he is being honest with the American people (what a concept).
So, I mentioned WMD's as one example of Bush's lies/justifications for protecting the US as a counterclaim to his decision to turn over control of the ports.

BTW: This is not meant as one of those "Post your links" replies.....and I mean this in all sincerity.....Can you post a link or reply to me privately about the LA ports/China deal? I have been looking on the internet, because as I said in the earlier post I have never heard that China controls the port of LA...and living here in LA I would like to educate myself on the issue. I
looked on the web for about 1/2 hour and haven't been able to find anything.
Please send me some info so I can check into it---if you will. Thanks.

Yes but its not and accurate example.......It is rhetoric as you call it......

I will post a link for the Chinese Communist control of the Port of LA this time but you must be the only member in this forum that did not know it......Just a friendly suggestion get up to date on the discussion in the future........



Large ports often have multiple terminals operated by multiple companies. In Los Angeles, for instance, there are terminals managed by companies from China, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and Denmark. Of the eight terminals in Oakland, four are managed by foreign companies, two by U.S.-foreign joint operations and just two are purely American.
disneydude said:
As I indicated previously, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that if you are TRULY concerned about the security of our homeland, then we shouldn't be turning over the operation of ANY of our ports to ANY country.
Which leads me to believe that all of Bush's tough talk is a bunch of rhetoric (aka WMD's, etc) to accomplish Cheney/Rove/Rumsfield etc own agendas.
I don't think he cares about national security. Bush sr. is with the Carlyle group and they stood to make a lot of money from the port deal.
scottyz said:
The GOP blocked the port deal.... not the "left". :rofl

That is true showing bipartianship that democrats and the left rarely show.......
hipsterdufus said:
The more I think about this, the more this smells like Rove. Think about it - Rove lets the GOP stand up on an issue that sucks for Bush anyway.
I don't think Bush cared that it sucked for him politically because he can't be reelected. His family would financially profit though and i'm sure he cared about that.
Navy Pride said:
That is true showing bipartianship that democrats and the left rarely show.......
Really? How many times have Republicans in congress stood up to Bush on an issue so much that Bush threatened a veto?
scottyz said:
Really? How many times have Republicans in congress stood up to Bush on an issue so much that Bush threatened a veto?

One for sure and that is one more then the dems did when your boy "Slick Willie" was prez..........:roll:
Synch said:
What happens if the deal is blocked? I'm not expert on ports, so will P&O continue operating on these ports or will be be forced to buy back their license and manage them ourselves in terms of moving stuff?

Don't be surprised if Haliburton bids and and gets it. No P&O don't have it. These ports in the US were only about 8% of that total deal, all the others including the British ports will be run by Dubai.

What will happen? The UAE will now get back at us and it will probably hurt.
Hoot said:
What's sad about all this is I believe Bush wasn't kept informed. I don't think he knew about it until the last second? Then what does he do when the port deal faces the light of day?

Why should he, the process which is STATUTORY and designed by congress doesn't require him to be involved and is designed to keep the privacy of these private business deals private.

Not having a good day, are we Mr. President?

Just wait until the UAE retaliates and our ships can't dock at the many many many foreign ports they already run and our Navy is kicked out of their UAE ports and they cancel thier deals with Boeing and give them to Airbus. Won't be having a good day America will we.

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