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GOP Tea Party: These People Could be in Charge (1 Viewer)

Yep, and guess what, you're people made it happen! Isn't that great? You'll only have Reid, Pelosi and Obama to blame!
Both of you have just represented the 2 extremes of the issue. On one hand you have the liberal with "I know we got some bad guys but you need bat **** insane to cancel it out?!"

Then you have the conservative saying, "You have some bad guys and we need some bat **** insane people to cancel it out!" The tea party like most fads in our nations collective ADD will go away eventually, if it takes a term of them then that's what it takes. I've heard that polls in Nevada show that more people wish they had a better choice than either Angle or Reid and a higher percentage would rather have better choices than vote for either, something that rarely happens so that just goes to show how bad our political climate is right now.
Both of you have just represented the 2 extremes of the issue. On one hand you have the liberal with "I know we got some bad guys but you need bat **** insane to cancel it out?!"

Then you have the conservative saying, "You have some bad guys and we need some bat **** insane people to cancel it out!" The tea party like most fads in our nations collective ADD will go away eventually, if it takes a term of them then that's what it takes. I've heard that polls in Nevada show that more people wish they had a better choice than either Angle or Reid and a higher percentage would rather have better choices than vote for either, something that rarely happens so that just goes to show how bad our political climate is right now.

yeah lets elect lukewarm moderates who stand for nothing and are easily manipulated into allowing welfare socialism's malignant spread to creep forward.
yeah lets elect lukewarm moderates who stand for nothing and are easily manipulated into allowing welfare socialism's malignant spread to creep forward.

you're right, blind partisans are so much better than people who actually think :roll:
first off the definition of "thinking" is not "accepts our current suicidal zeitgeist". plenty of deep thinkers throughout history have come up with solutions that seemed radical oroutside the mainstream of their day.

fortunately, that's not the case with the Tea Party; the Tea Party isn't extremist, they are mainstream.

... 52% of U.S. voters believe the average member of the Tea Party movement has a better understanding of the issues facing America today than the average member of Congress. Only 30% believe that those in Congress have a better understanding of the key issues facing the nation. When it comes to those issues, 47% think that their own political views are closer to those of the average Tea Party member than to the views of the average member of Congress. On this point, 26% feel closer to Congress...
How do you come to the conclusion that moderates think by default?

The distinction is blind partisan and partisan, not blind partisan and moderate.
Not in what spud quoted.

This is how I read the conversation, starting with turtle, which was the source of spud's comment.

yeah lets elect lukewarm moderates who stand for nothing and are easily manipulated into allowing welfare socialism's malignant spread to creep forward.

Absolutist statement by turtle, indicating a level of blindness as society is rarely absolute in any degree.

you're right, blind partisans are so much better than people who actually think :roll:

Spud pointing this out.

How do you come to the conclusion that moderates think by default?

False distinction based on the exchange between sput and turtle, so I thought I would be helpful and point it out.
GOP Tea Party in charge? I hope not here considering the flip-flop that recently took place in Virginia's 2nd district. The Tea Party first came out against Republican (in name only) Scott Rigell, a car dealer who donated $1,000 to President Obama's campaign. Now they are supporting him because they are scared senseless that independent candidate Kenny Golden, a 31-year Navy veteran and FairTax supporter, could "split the conservative vote," as they put it. Worse yet, oh heaven forbid, he could actually get elected.
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