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GOP Senator Ray Holmberg Resigns Chair After Texts to Child Porn Suspect (1 Viewer)


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Mar 27, 2022
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North Dakota's longest serving state senator, Ray Holmberg, resigned on Wednesday as chairman of an influential legislative committee after it was reported that he had exchanged texts with a jailed man facing child pornography charges.

The report, by North Dakota newspaper The Forum, alleged the 78-year-old Holmberg exchanged 72 text messages with a 34-year-old jailed landscaper, Nicholas James Morgan-Derosier, who faces federal child pornography and sexual abuse charges.

In an email statement on Wednesday, Holmberg, a Republican, said he would be stepping down as chairman of Legislative Management, a committee that oversees the North Dakota Legislature's work between sessions.

"Recent events and discussions have made it clear to me that the interim governing body of the legislature, Legislative Management, does not need to be any part of that discussion," Holmberg wrote in the statement to The Forum.


What did the texts say, seems an important question.

"Holmberg told the news outlet that his text messages with Morgan-Derosier were related to "a variety of things," including patio work Morgan-Derosier did for him. He said he no longer had the text messages."

Ya, so?

"The 77-year-old man, who was not identified in court, told Morgan-Derosier that "he wants him to bring (Morgan-Derosier's boyfriend) over to his house to give him a massage," Puhl said in a transcript obtained by The Forum. The boyfriend was 19 or 20 years old.

"At the time of the defendant's arrest, law enforcement asked (the boyfriend) whether he was aware that the defendant was serving him up to a 77-year-old man, and (the boyfriend) said no," Puhl said, according to the transcript.

Holmberg, when asked by The Forum about the messages mentioned in court, said "I don't know what you're talking about.""


Remarkable the things done out of sight, until they're careless enough to do them through a monitored prison chat system and get caught...
Only the best for the gop. With all of the crap going on about disney it made me wonder how long until another republican gets busted for 'grooming'? Now we know.

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