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GOP pushes for an ‘earthquake in American electoral power’ (1 Viewer)


Social Democrat
DP Veteran
Apr 28, 2015
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Third Coast
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A legal argument lurking in two Supreme Court cases could give Republican legislators in battleground states sweeping control over election procedures, with ramifications that could include power over how states select presidential electors.

Republicans from Pennsylvania and North Carolina challenged court-ordered redistricting plans in their states based on the “independent legislature” theory. It’s a reading of the Constitution, stemming from the 2000 election recount in Florida, that argues legislators have ultimate power over elections in their states and that state courts have a limited ability — or even none at all — to check it.

Now, Republican lawyers — and conservative Supreme Court justices — are increasingly adopting the theory, which holds that state courts don’t have significant power to review election law because of the wording of those clauses.

Four conservative justices — Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh — signaled at least some favorability to the independent legislature theory on Monday.


In essence, the Republican legislatures involved are arguing the courts have no say in reviewing the legislatures' decisions involving elections, and that the legislatures themselves are the final arbitrators of elections, including - at the extreme - the ability to decide the electors for Presidential elections.

I personal am abhorred by this, finding it absolutely unacceptable. I do not want politicians deciding the elections; I want my vote to be the one that counts.

Straight-up - I'm getting disgusted with the Electoral College system - if these are the inherent abuses allowed.


In essence, the Republican legislatures involved are arguing the courts have no say in reviewing the legislatures' decisions involving elections, and that the legislatures themselves are the final arbitrators of elections, including - at the extreme - the ability to decide the electors for Presidential elections.

I personal am abhorred by this, finding it absolutely unacceptable. I do not want politicians deciding the elections; I want my vote to be the one that counts.

Straight-up - I'm getting disgusted with the Electoral College system - if these are the inherent abuses allowed.
Here's the best solution: Let the Republicans make these changes...then elect Democrats. Then the Democrats can take advantage of what the Republicans did.
Here's the best solution: Let the Republicans make these changes...then elect Democrats. Then the Democrats can take advantage of what the Republicans did.

By the bolded, I think you need to re-read my OP material - with a bit more attention to detail.


In essence, the Republican legislatures involved are arguing the courts have no say in reviewing the legislatures' decisions involving elections, and that the legislatures themselves are the final arbitrators of elections, including - at the extreme - the ability to decide the electors for Presidential elections.

I personal am abhorred by this, finding it absolutely unacceptable. I do not want politicians deciding the elections; I want my vote to be the one that counts.

Straight-up - I'm getting disgusted with the Electoral College system - if these are the inherent abuses allowed.
target your disgust at the GOP


In essence, the Republican legislatures involved are arguing the courts have no say in reviewing the legislatures' decisions involving elections, and that the legislatures themselves are the final arbitrators of elections, including - at the extreme - the ability to decide the electors for Presidential elections.

I personal am abhorred by this, finding it absolutely unacceptable. I do not want politicians deciding the elections; I want my vote to be the one that counts.

Straight-up - I'm getting disgusted with the Electoral College system - if these are the inherent abuses allowed.

Why vote for president anyway? Why bother when your state legislator will vote for president for you.

It seems like a very convenient legal interpretation that supports and sustains minority rule .
Will the GOP or Russia last longer? Note that I am not advocating for nor against Russia.
Why vote for president anyway? Why bother when your state legislator will vote for president for you.

It seems like a very convenient legal interpretation that supports and sustains minority rule .

Well said!


In essence, the Republican legislatures involved are arguing the courts have no say in reviewing the legislatures' decisions involving elections, and that the legislatures themselves are the final arbitrators of elections, including - at the extreme - the ability to decide the electors for Presidential elections.

I personal am abhorred by this, finding it absolutely unacceptable. I do not want politicians deciding the elections; I want my vote to be the one that counts.

Straight-up - I'm getting disgusted with the Electoral College system - if these are the inherent abuses allowed.

This is authoritarian rule that the Republicans want.

They want to take the voter out of the equation so they can keep installing fellow Republicans, against the will of the people.
Why vote for president anyway? Why bother when your state legislator will vote for president for you.

It seems like a very convenient legal interpretation that supports and sustains minority rule .
I gather that you are not a fan of the National Popular Vote proposition, huh?
I do not want politicians deciding the elections; I want my vote to be the one that counts.

But you are comfortable with unelected (or elected) state court judges deciding elections?
This is authoritarian rule that the Republicans want.

They want to take the voter out of the equation so they can keep installing fellow Republicans, against the will of the people.



In essence, the Republican legislatures involved are arguing the courts have no say in reviewing the legislatures' decisions involving elections, and that the legislatures themselves are the final arbitrators of elections, including - at the extreme - the ability to decide the electors for Presidential elections.

I personal am abhorred by this, finding it absolutely unacceptable. I do not want politicians deciding the elections; I want my vote to be the one that counts.

Straight-up - I'm getting disgusted with the Electoral College system - if these are the inherent abuses allowed.
Charles Koch Associates and extreme ALEC hard at work. Because of their definite minority status they need a wide range of voter suppression tools to keep the majority from taking back America. Why do moderate republicans keep blindly voting the GOP name is a concern? The GOP died the day Reagan/Bush came in and began the elimination of republicans form their party.

Where are those who are the majority though apparently not voting or have been purged? It can be a bit of hassle reinstating oneself as a registered voter. I know because of putting myself through the exercise however I have never been purged. Nonetheless my documents are readily available.

This consulting firm which represents the right wing handpicks local, state, and federal candidates and groom them to win elections. "We seek out electable advocates of the freedom and opportunity agenda who will be forceful at both the policy and political levels," the company notes on its website.

Aegis Strategic says it can manage every aspect of a campaign, including advertising, direct mail, social media, and fundraising.

Aegis Strategic http://www.motherjones.com/politics...candidate-training-recruiting-aegis-strategic
Last edited:
Charles Koch Associates and extreme ALEC hard at work. Because their definite minority status they need a wide range of voter suppression tools to keep the majority from taking back America. Why do moderate republicans keep blindly voting the GOP name is a concern? The GOP died the day Reagan/Bush came in
and began the elimination of republicans form their party.

This consulting firm handpicks local, state, and federal candidates and groom them to win elections. "We seek out electable advocates of the freedom and opportunity agenda who will be forceful at both the policy and political levels," the company notes on its website.

Aegis Strategic says it can manage every aspect of a campaign, including advertising, direct mail, social media, and fundraising.

Aegis Strategic http://www.motherjones.com/politics...candidate-training-recruiting-aegis-strategic

I'm familiar with the above, but thank you for contributing it to the thread - for those that may not have familiarity.
I don't want judges deciding elections. Let them stick to jurisprudence.
OK. Then I don't understand your objection. You don't want legislatures making the rules and you don't want courts making the rules, who gets to make the rules?
Here's the best solution: Let the Republicans make these changes...then elect Democrats. Then the Democrats can take advantage of what the Republicans did.
If the GOP gets its way, no democrats will ever be elected. I believe that's the grand plan. If the SCOTUS goes for this, our country is forever screwed under authoritarian minority rule.
If the GOP gets its way, no democrats will ever be elected. I believe that's the grand plan. If the SCOTUS goes for this, our country is forever screwed under authoritarian minority rule.
Oh...never say never.
I don't want judges deciding elections. Let them stick to jurisprudence.
Damn right. The Supreme court should never have a say most certainly not the last word. It's the decision of the voters not just a few folks dressed as judges.
Here's the best solution: Let the Republicans make these changes...then elect Democrats. Then the Democrats can take advantage of what the Republicans did.
yeah, making everyone's vote count equally in a national election, regardless of what dirt is under their feet, is a bridge too far for Republicans.
The People.
Add how does that work? Seriously. No statewide election laws? Each voting district gets to make up their own rules based on some kind of popular vote in the district? Which begs the fundamental question of who gets to determine the districts.
Damn right. The Supreme court should never have a say most certainly not the last word. It's the decision of the voters not just a few folks dressed as judges.
I feel the same about each and everyone of these issues:

--- War On Good Wages aka Right To Work Legislation
--- War against AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance and Single Payer
--- War On Medicare
--- War On Medicaid
--- War on public education and Higher Education
--- War On Social Security Insurance
--- War on the economy through Supply Side Wreckanomics
--- War against women
--- War on the VA and Veterans Benefits
--- War on Voters Rights = VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- War on strict gun regulations
--- War On National Monuments/Parks
--- War on the press
--- War on the USA Postal Service
--- War On Environmental Cleanliness
--- War On USA Jobs through Free Trade Agreements and Leveraged Buyout Scams
--- War for Oil Control Worldwide
--- War on truth about global warming/climate change

All elected officials and appointed officials work for the majority of the people NOT the other way around.
Oh...never say never.
Believe me, if this country starts heading in that direction, conservatives will see the same freedoms vanish that the liberals do. At that point, it will be too late.

This is exactly what happened in Russia over a period of decades. Now you go to jail for using certain words or protesting in general. You may say, it'll never happen here, but it's already beginning in some of the most radical red states.

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