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GOP delegates plan last-ditch effort to stop Donald Trump at convention (1 Viewer)


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Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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A dissident faction of Republican delegates is planning on doing anything and everything they can to prevent Donald Trump from securing the GOP nomination at the party's convention next month.

"This literally is an 'Anybody but Trump' movement," Kendal Unruh, a Colorado Republican delegate leading the effort, told the Washington Post, which first reported the story.

Regina Thompson, another Colorado delegate affiliated with the effort, told CBS News that their group is called Free the Delegates 2016, and that they will launch a website on Sunday.

The anti-Trump campaign is trying to push a change to convention rules that would allow delegates to vote for a candidate of their choice. Doing so would allow them to pick someone other than Trump, who became the presumptive nominee in May after his last remaining opponents, Gov. John Kasich and Sen. Ted Cruz, dropped out of the race.

What is it about Cleveland and Republican party chaos? In 1964, William Scranton led the charge in Cleveland to dump Barry Goldwater, and it cost the GOP the election that year. Fast forward 52 years, and Cleveland is home to the dump Trump movement. As in 1964, this one is going to be quite ugly too. Whichever way it turns out, though, Republicans are screwed this year. Their best strategy at this point is to accept the inevitable, circle the wagons, take back the Senate in 2018 (They will lose it this year), and nominate a credible candidate in 2020. Or will it once again be rinse and repeat?

Article is here.
What is it about Cleveland and Republican party chaos? In 1964, William Scranton led the charge in Cleveland to dump Barry Goldwater, and it cost the GOP the election that year. Fast forward 52 years, and Cleveland is home to the dump Trump movement. As in 1964, this one is going to be quite ugly too. Whichever way it turns out, though, Republicans are screwed this year. Their best strategy at this point is to accept the inevitable, circle the wagons, take back the Senate in 2018 (They will lose it this year), and nominate a credible candidate in 2020. Or will it once again be rinse and repeat?

Article is here.

Scranton's actions didn't cost the GOP the election in 1964 - it was the Goldwater's stance against the Civil Rights movement. In the closing months of the election (after he'd voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act):

Goldwater feared that race would become a major issue during the general election and incite violence. He refused to criticize Democrats for using his vote against the Civil Rights Act to attack him, saying that he would do the same in their position.But the attacks on the vote continued. Scranton launched his toughest assault, six days ahead of the convention, calling the vote an attempt to "gain by [causing] racial unrest". Likewise, Michigan Governor George W. Romney mustered a veiled attack on Goldwater, proposing to add an amendment to the Republican platform, excluding "extremists of the right" from the party. The Goldwater campaign did not respond to the comments, but the candidate affirmed that he would honor the law as president, as it reflected "the voice of the majority". However, as the convention neared and with his nomination seemingly imminent, Goldwater told Der Spiegel that at this point in the campaign, he could not defeat President Johnson.

Yeah, Goldwater lost mostly because of his opposition to minority rights - if he hadn't been against minority rights, then Scranton and Romney almost certainly wouldn't have attacked him so effectively...and the Trump campaign is a great, shining example of the old saying that "those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them."
What is it about Cleveland and Republican party chaos? In 1964, William Scranton led the charge in Cleveland to dump Barry Goldwater, and it cost the GOP the election that year. Fast forward 52 years, and Cleveland is home to the dump Trump movement. As in 1964, this one is going to be quite ugly too. Whichever way it turns out, though, Republicans are screwed this year. Their best strategy at this point is to accept the inevitable, circle the wagons, take back the Senate in 2018 (They will lose it this year), and nominate a credible candidate in 2020. Or will it once again be rinse and repeat?

Article is here.

They were screwed the minute Trump became their candidate. They may need to take this short term loss to secure a long term gain. A Trump GOP ticket will set them back far further than one election.
What is it about Cleveland and Republican party chaos? In 1964, William Scranton led the charge in Cleveland to dump Barry Goldwater, and it cost the GOP the election that year. Fast forward 52 years, and Cleveland is home to the dump Trump movement. As in 1964, this one is going to be quite ugly too. Whichever way it turns out, though, Republicans are screwed this year. Their best strategy at this point is to accept the inevitable, circle the wagons, take back the Senate in 2018 (They will lose it this year), and nominate a credible candidate in 2020. Or will it once again be rinse and repeat?

Article is here.

They were screwed the minute Trump became their candidate. They may need to take this short term loss to secure a long term gain. A Trump GOP ticket will set them back far further than one election.
I'm starting to think the GOP might be better off ditching Trump at the convention, and go into full Senate & House protection mode. No idea if that's better or worse, but it's sure not looking good now.
A dissident faction of Republican delegates is planning on doing anything and everything they can to prevent Donald Trump from securing the GOP nomination at the party's convention next month.

Translation: A bunch of Party Establishment whores are once again making an attempt to disregard the will of the voters and cheat.
I'm starting to think the GOP might be better off ditching Trump at the convention, and go into full Senate & House protection mode. No idea if that's better or worse, but it's sure not looking good now.

Actually Chomsky I think it is their duty to do so. Trump is not the same Trump that voters first voted for in the primary. His stance on many issues have changed. His most recent racist comments about the judge in his personal lawsuit turned a lot of people off including those who had previously voted for him. His recent comments on gun control totally lacked common sense. His ideas on trade and tariffs and telling companies who and where they can do business is really pissing a lot of people off. Even that damn comment when the PGA decided to pull their tournament from Miami and chose a golf course in Mexico, he sounded like a totalitarian saying stuff like that will not happen if he is president. And the sheeple supporting him clapped and vocally showed their approval. What the heck?

The Republican system for electing a nominee mimics a Republic form of government. The popular vote puts a check-and-balance on the political class, but elected representatives (in this case delegates) put a check-and-balance on the unbridled passions of a wayward electorate. It’s why the Founding Fathers gave us mechanisms such as juries and the Electoral College in the first place. The people are sometimes every bit as wrong as are the politicians, whom they elected by the way. And then sometimes the people have been conned, or learn information they didn’t previously know about early on in the primary process. I think that has clearly proved to be the case with Trump.

It is the duty of a delegate not to elect someone who has shown himself not to have the character, disposition, knowledge, wisdom, to be a good leader of all the people. To do so would be a dereliction of their duties.

Our Founding Fathers wisely didn’t completely trust human nature, whether it came from the public or private sector, so they pitted us against each other with checks and balances to give us a chance to limit our own destructive power. I think more and more delegates feel the weight of this in regard to Trump. It was reported what started out as a few dozen delegates has now mushroomed into hundreds if given the chance to dump Trump on the first ballot they would do so. So there will be a firestorm happen at this year's Republican convention. It will probably be the most watched event on TV ever.
What their real fear is that voter turnout suggests Trump will beat Hillary. That scares the establishment to death.

Can't stand Trump, but I like it that the establishment has been shaken to their filthy core.
A dissident faction of Republican delegates is planning on doing anything and everything they can to prevent Donald Trump from securing the GOP nomination at the party's convention next month.

Translation: A bunch of Party Establishment whores are once again making an attempt to disregard the will of the voters and cheat.
No not a bunch of Party Establishment whores. Sorry the Establishment party whores such as Boehner, Ryan, McConnell, Sen. Kirk of Ill., party whore Bob Dole and many others of the Establishment all endorsed Trump. You need a reality check.

Delegates are everyday people who were elected to represent those who voted from them at their state conventions. Not friggen Establishment whores.
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Actually Chomsky I think it is their duty to do so. Trump is not the same Trump that voters first voted for in the primary. His stance on many issues have changed. His most recent racist comments about the judge in his personal lawsuit turned a lot of people off including those who had previously voted for him. His recent comments on gun control totally lacked common sense. His ideas on trade and tariffs and telling companies who and where they can do business is really pissing a lot of people off. Even that damn comment when the PGA decided to pull their tournament from Miami and chose a golf course in Mexico, he sounded like a totalitarian saying stuff like that will not happen if he is president. And the sheeple supporting him clapped and vocally showed their approval. What the heck?

The Republican system for electing a nominee mimics a Republic form of government. The popular vote puts a check-and-balance on the political class, but elected representatives (in this case delegates) put a check-and-balance on the unbridled passions of a wayward electorate. It’s why the Founding Fathers gave us mechanisms such as juries and the Electoral College in the first place. The people are sometimes every bit as wrong as are the politicians, whom they elected by the way. And then sometimes the people have been conned, or learn information they didn’t previously know about early on in the primary process. I think that has clearly proved to be the case with Trump.

It is the duty of a delegate not to elect someone who has shown himself not to have the character, disposition, knowledge, wisdom, to be a good leader of all the people. To do so would be a dereliction of their duties.

Our Founding Fathers wisely didn’t completely trust human nature, whether it came from the public or private sector, so they pitted us against each other with checks and balances to give us a chance to limit our own destructive power. I think more and more delegates feel the weight of this in regard to Trump. It was reported what started out as a few dozen delegates has now mushroomed into hundreds if given the chance to dump Trump on the first ballot they would do so. So there will be a firestorm happen at this year's Republican convention. It will probably be the most watched event on TV ever.
I won't deny what you posted, Vesper.

Although when I first heard Spkr Ryan and the delegates both using the term "vote your conscience", I thought to myself: Shades of the Catholic Church"!

[In Catholicism "conscientious objection" to Church doctrine is permitted, with some using it as a universal 'get out of jail card', helping to promote those known as 'cafeteria Catholics', who pick & chose doctrine to their liking. This concept (conscientious objection) really picked-up after Vatican-II in the mid sixties]
I won't deny what you posted, Vesper.

Although when I first heard Spkr Ryan and the delegates both using the term "vote your conscience", I thought to myself: Shades of the Catholic Church"!

[In Catholicism "conscientious objection" to Church doctrine is permitted, with some using it as a universal 'get out of jail card', helping to promote those known as 'cafeteria Catholics', who pick & chose doctrine to their liking. This concept (conscientious objection) really picked-up after Vatican-II in the mid sixties]

Interesting point of view.
What is it about Cleveland and Republican party chaos? In 1964, William Scranton led the charge in Cleveland to dump Barry Goldwater, and it cost the GOP the election that year. Fast forward 52 years, and Cleveland is home to the dump Trump movement. As in 1964, this one is going to be quite ugly too. Whichever way it turns out, though, Republicans are screwed this year. Their best strategy at this point is to accept the inevitable, circle the wagons, take back the Senate in 2018 (They will lose it this year), and nominate a credible candidate in 2020. Or will it once again be rinse and repeat?

Article is here.

I'm not sure which would be more useful, succeeding, or letting Trump flame out hard in November....
What their real fear is that voter turnout suggests Trump will beat Hillary. That scares the establishment to death. Can't stand Trump, but I like it that the establishment has been shaken to their filthy core.

I missed the part about WHO claims voter turnout works for Trump... care to share???

I'd opine what scares the more realistic members of the GOP is the poopfest The Donald can unleash and turn millions of voters away across the ticket down to dog catcher. The Orange Guy winning makes far more than 'the establishment' a bit shaken, but again realistically it's the damage The Donald seems intent on doing that frays a few million nerves... :peace
I'm not sure which would be more useful, succeeding, or letting Trump flame out hard in November....

The danger of that would be Democrats actually picking up the House, in addition to the Senate, thus ruining checks and balances.
The danger of that would be Democrats actually picking up the House, in addition to the Senate, thus ruining checks and balances.

What ****ing checks and balances? Half the reason Trump is where he is due to the GOP not being a check or balance, more like a "Sure we'll stop those DEMS!!! Well, when we have the house, and the senate, and the WH, and a full 2/3rds in the house, and the Senate, and 6 of 9 Justices on the Supreme Court, and the Stars are in the House of Aquarius with a full moon but only during summer solstice. Then, THEN we'll stand up as strong conservatives and do as we promised if you vote for us. Until then we'll have to cave to some if not all the Dem's demands. We might upset independents in the next election see?"
What ****ing checks and balances? Half the reason Trump is where he is due to the GOP not being a check or balance, more like a "Sure we'll stop those DEMS!!! Well, when we have the house, and the senate, and the WH, and a full 2/3rds in the house, and the Senate, and 6 of 9 Justices on the Supreme Court, and the Stars are in the House of Aquarius with a full moon but only during summer solstice. Then, THEN we'll stand up as strong conservatives and do as we promised if you vote for us. Until then we'll have to cave to some if not all the Dem's demands. We might upset independents in the next election see?"
Hang tight Renae, only 27 more minutes! :thumbs:
GOP delegates plan last-ditch effort to stop Donald Trump at convention

then Trump runs anyway. i mean, how is this not obvious?
then Trump runs anyway. i mean, how is this not obvious?

He won't be able to do that, other than a write-in campaign. Filing deadlines have passed in all states.
He won't be able to do that, other than a write-in campaign. Filing deadlines have passed in all states.

he'll do everything he can to **** with the election. dude is not going to take that lying down. if they boot him for someone else after he already won the nod, Clinton is even more likely to become president.

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