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GOP Convention fears unjustified? (1 Viewer)


Be humble and kind
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Jul 19, 2011
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When I think about the recent events, the violence, the tension, and our political climate in general, I am wondering about what may happen in Cleveland.
The GOP is divided internally. Trump is being called a bigot, a racist and worse. We have already seen violent protests outside Trump rallies.
I, for one, am hoping that the convention will be a peaceful one, that no one will get hurt or worse.
When I think about the recent events, the violence, the tension, and our political climate in general, I am wondering about what may happen in Cleveland.
The GOP is divided internally. Trump is being called a bigot, a racist and worse. We have already seen violent protests outside Trump rallies.
I, for one, am hoping that the convention will be a peaceful one, that no one will get hurt or worse.

Oh the fear is justified.
Like other very recent events the feeding frenzy by anarchist infected protests hasn't peaked yet.
Oh the fear is justified.
Like other very recent events the feeding frenzy by anarchist infected protests hasn't peaked yet.

It was this article made me think about the what if. In part
"I'm nervous as hell," said Nina Turner, a former Democratic state senator from Cleveland who co-chairs the Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board, an initiative of Republican Gov. John Kasich.

Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams assured reporters Friday evening that the city is prepared. "We have enough officers," he said at a news conference, where he and the city's mayor announced a tip line for people to report suspicious activity as the four-day political event approaches.

For Turner, safety at the convention was already personally worrisome. Her son is a law enforcement officer who will be on duty and the convention is coming to "my backyard," she said....
I'm betting the convention will (largely) go off without problems.

I could be wrong, but it does not have the aires of the 1968 DNC.
When I think about the recent events, the violence, the tension, and our political climate in general, I am wondering about what may happen in Cleveland.
The GOP is divided internally. Trump is being called a bigot, a racist and worse. We have already seen violent protests outside Trump rallies.
I, for one, am hoping that the convention will be a peaceful one, that no one will get hurt or worse.

Yeah, I know what you mean: it could be their 1968 Chicago that's for sure. Could be a repeat for Hillary too. The right-wing for their part brought this on all by themselves. The Dems for their part didn't do anything about it so some food thrown their way is good for the gander in my view.

After all this however, I don't think anyone's really gonna be up for rioting.
When I think about the recent events, the violence, the tension, and our political climate in general, I am wondering about what may happen in Cleveland.
The GOP is divided internally. Trump is being called a bigot, a racist and worse. We have already seen violent protests outside Trump rallies.
I, for one, am hoping that the convention will be a peaceful one, that no one will get hurt or worse.

The DNC is paying for protestors to disrupt the GOP convention and attack trump supporters, so that won't help.
When I think about the recent events, the violence, the tension, and our political climate in general, I am wondering about what may happen in Cleveland.
The GOP is divided internally. Trump is being called a bigot, a racist and worse. We have already seen violent protests outside Trump rallies.
I, for one, am hoping that the convention will be a peaceful one, that no one will get hurt or worse.

All the more reason they should be armed.
When I think about the recent events, the violence, the tension, and our political climate in general, I am wondering about what may happen in Cleveland.
The GOP is divided internally. Trump is being called a bigot, a racist and worse. We have already seen violent protests outside Trump rallies.
I, for one, am hoping that the convention will be a peaceful one, that no one will get hurt or worse.

I agree, but humans will be what they are............
Well now, historically speaking you're looking at the wrong convention for violence. It's the dems that currently hold that title.
Well now, historically speaking you're looking at the wrong convention for violence. It's the dems that currently hold that title.

Well the GOP is now full of disgruntled former Dems so the PUB convention could be interesting. Gone are the carefully scripted, lock step beauty pageants of my youth... ;)

Far as your trite reference to history goes- there is a first time for everything. And FYI you are only looking at RECENT history, the longer view has many different parties being quite ahhh energetic in past election cycles... :peace
Oh the fear is justified.
Like other very recent events the feeding frenzy by anarchist infected protests hasn't peaked yet.

Good morning, bubba. :2wave:

:agree: Next week probably won't be the most peaceful one we've ever had! :eek: Why some feel the need to keep things in a turmoil all the time, especially those not in the Republican party, is interesting, since they certainly have enough problems of their own to handle....
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All the more reason they should be armed.

Are you suggesting that a shoot out is the answer instead of peaceful dialogue?
Can you prove what you say?
This should suffice :

How did you get this? What is the source?

The source is the hacker Guccifer 2.0 who hacked the DNC servers and came across that... I was wrong about it being guccifer, he was arrested and is currently in jail.

Do you require interpretation of the documents? Or are you looking for ammo to discredit?

If the former, I will assist. If the latter, Google Guccifer 2.0 DNS hack and pick a source...
If the fed were to announce that they will absolutely prosecute anyone that attempts to obstruct or otherwise violate ANY convention participants in EITHER party convention on top of whatever state prosecutions are warranted, I think the message would be sent quite clearly...protest away...but interfere and you are toast.
If the fed were to announce that they will absolutely prosecute anyone that attempts to obstruct or otherwise violate ANY convention participants in EITHER party convention on top of whatever state prosecutions are warranted, I think the message would be sent quite clearly...protest away...but interfere and you are toast.

That would be nice, but there are already examples where anti-trump people had attacked, blocked in, and in cases even sucker punched trump supporters just for watching him speak.

Or, send dozens of people to infiltrate speeches, and at a given point one makes a scene, by the time the first one is removed, a second starts up... then when trump gets pissed off and says something harsh, that's what gets highlighted.

I'm not quite a history buff, but wasn't that the types of tactics used in jim crow era to keep black people from voting?
The source is the hacker Guccifer 2.0 who hacked the DNC servers and came across that... I was wrong about it being guccifer, he was arrested and is currently in jail.

Do you require interpretation of the documents? Or are you looking for ammo to discredit?

If the former, I will assist. If the latter, Google Guccifer 2.0 DNS hack and pick a source...

I saw a post on Facebook, but didn't see any media coverage.
When I think about the recent events, the violence, the tension, and our political climate in general, I am wondering about what may happen in Cleveland.
The GOP is divided internally. Trump is being called a bigot, a racist and worse. We have already seen violent protests outside Trump rallies.
I, for one, am hoping that the convention will be a peaceful one, that no one will get hurt or worse.

You'll have the usual demonstrators, plus every group on Soros payroll all acting in concert to provoke violence that can be blamed on Trump and his supporters. The MSM will be out in force trying to frame the violence to help the democrats and blame the republicans.

You can plan on it.
You'll have the usual demonstrators, plus every group on Soros payroll all acting in concert to provoke violence that can be blamed on Trump and his supporters. The MSM will be out in force trying to frame the violence to help the democrats and blame the republicans.

You can plan on it.

I fear that people are being stirred up by the recent happenings, like comments made by i.e. Sharpton. Do you see him as being directed by someone like Soros?
I'm betting the convention will (largely) go off without problems.

I could be wrong, but it does not have the aires of the 1968 DNC.

I tend to agree. In 68 the nation was far more divided than it is today with the Viet Nam issue cutting very deeply above all else. I remember at age 19 driving
with a few friends from Detroit area down to Chicago on Sunday or maybe it was Monday night to be there for the protests. When we got in late Sunday evening, you could just feel the tension and the impending sense of doom that hung over the place where large numbers of demonstraters were gathered. The air was so thick with imminent disaster that you could cut it with the proverbial knife. We stayed a bit, mingled with folks, got the lay of the land, and decided to get out of Dodge - drove back to Michigan and watched the chaos unfold from the safety and comfort of our parents homes for the rest of the week.

I really do not see that for Cleveland unless the whole Black Lives thing blows up there. ... which is a possibility.
1968 had a broader range of participants do to the Vietnam war, but the forces that descend on Cleveland are known to be allies of the Democrat party as well as BLM. IMO, the will be people in both anti-republican factions determined to create chaos and trouble to impede the Republican convention.

That's what these people do.

I'm glad the sniper dude was a "lone wolf" and not part of a movement because the left feels that the end justifies the means, and they have the moral high ground because they are anti-Trump. They want to make a big splash.

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