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Goodbye, nasal swabs? Saliva tests can detect coronavirus infection, studies show (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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Goodbye, nasal swabs? Saliva tests can detect coronavirus infection, studies show | South China Morning Post

Two new studies found that saliva tests were about as reliable as those that require a sample from the back of the nose

In theory, anyone could administer a saliva-based test, so there may not be a need for a trip to a testing centre


If there’s one thing we can safely predict about the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s that plenty of coronavirus tests lie in our future. Luckily, researchers have some good news.

Two new studies have found that tests that look for the virus in samples of saliva are about as reliable as tests that require a sample from the back of the nose.
That’s sure to be a welcome development to anyone who would rather avoid the discomfort of having a long, stiff swab inserted so far back into their nasal cavity that it feels like it’s tickling their brain.

But it’s not the only benefit. Pretty much anyone can administer a saliva-based test, so there’s no need for a trip to a testing centre. It also frees up the time of medical personnel and spares them potential exposure to the virus.
Progress. I'm prone for nose bleeds, so anything that gets around sticking something up my nose would be very attractive.
Seems like a giant step forward! Much better than a nasal swab.

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