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Glock buffer spring stuck extended after cleaning (1 Viewer)


Dark Brandon Acolyte
Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Jan 22, 2017
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left
Ok, it isn't technically a Glock. It's a SAR-9 but the top is a Glock clone. After cleaning it I left it disassembled for maybe an hour. Went to put it back together and the buffer spring is stuck in its fully extended position so I can no longer put it back in with the barrel.

I've googled a bit to no avail besides some advice of soaking it in acetone. Anyone else ever run into this?
Get a new spring?
Get a new spring?
The gun is pretty new. I feel like I must have done something to mess it up. But obviously that’s an option as a last resort.
The gun is pretty new. I feel like I must have done something to mess it up. But obviously that’s an option as a last resort.
Is this your first Glock pistol? If youre kinda new at it, you might want to recheck your steps on reassembly. That sometimes happens to me when I get a new gun, because they all have their quirks.
Is this your first Glock pistol? If youre kinda new at it, you might want to recheck your steps on reassembly. That sometimes happens to me when I get a new gun, because they all have their quirks.
It is the first one I've owned, but I trained on the maintenance of the M9 in AIT in the Army and took apart the Glock several times before now. The spring just shouldn't be stuck in this way. But I don't know if I should try to force it or if there is some unknown factor, like twisting it locks it in place or something.
Is this your first Glock pistol? If youre kinda new at it, you might want to recheck your steps on reassembly. That sometimes happens to me when I get a new gun, because they all have their quirks.
I fixed it. Soaking it in acetone seemed to work (y)
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I fixed it. Soaking it in acetone seemed to work (y)
Good on you. I always thought acetone was a solvent, so Im curious as to how that happened.

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