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Global Warming (1 Viewer)

Global Warming?

  • No, I don't think that the earth's climate is warming at all.

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DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2005
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Recently 2000 climatologists representing over 100 countries released a report stating that it was now the scientific concensus that the worlds climate is indeed getting warmer, that the warming is likely to continue over the next 100 years, and that human activity is a factor in that warming.

So I figured I would post a poll to see what the opinions of others is on this subject.
Please submit a link so I may read this supposed article. :2wave:
Well my science teacher taught us that there is such thing as global warming and it is a threat and that it was created by humans so thats what I voted for.

I am inclined to believe that my science teacher doesn't lie so therefore I believe that. I'm not much of a science person myself.
global warming is occuring. Whether it is man-induced or not is debateable. But its expected for example that the Maldives will be completely gone in 100 yeras due to rising sea levels.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Recently 2000 climatologists representing over 100 countries released a report stating that it was now the scientific concensus that the worlds climate is indeed getting warmer, that the warming is likely to continue over the next 100 years, and that human activity is a factor in that warming.

So I figured I would post a poll to see what the opinions of others is on this subject.

I wonder if the frequency of these hurricanes are a result of global warming
MiamiFlorida said:
I wonder if the frequency of these hurricanes are a result of global warming

Hurricanes are cyclical. However, gulf water temperatures have been well above normal and that probably is related to global warming. Higher water temps mean stronger and more frequent hurricanes.
nkgupta80 said:
global warming is occuring. Whether it is man-induced or not is debateable. But its expected for example that the Maldives will be completely gone in 100 yeras due to rising sea levels.
Well, I won't be here to see it but I hope that New York City will be afforded the same fate.
Here is a link to the website:

Thank you sir. Now is there global warming? I beleive the more imperative issue is the facts.

Fact number 1, the earths macro climate is getting annualy warmer.

Fact number 2, the ice shelfs are decreasing.

Lastly, the sun is more potent.

Now then is this all becasue of mans doing? Is this affected anyway from the presence and the burning of fossil fuels by man? That is a theory that is well debated on both sides of the spectrum just like that of evolution vs. creation.

All I can say is I dont really know. I couldnt tell you without a doubt that there is or isnt global warming.
Thank you sir. Now is there global warming? I beleive the more imperative issue is the facts.

Fact number 1, the earths macro climate is getting annualy warmer.

Fact number 2, the ice shelfs are decreasing.

Lastly, the sun is more potent.

Now then is this all becasue of mans doing? Is this affected anyway from the presence and the burning of fossil fuels by man? That is a theory that is well debated on both sides of the spectrum just like that of evolution vs. creation.

All I can say is I dont really know. I couldnt tell you without a doubt that there is or isnt global warming.

You can’t state anything without a doubt in science.

I think it quite ironic that you would compare this to the debate of evolution vs. creation. That is not a scientific debate. The debate is over in that area. All natural science is based in evolution. There is no more of an actual scientific debate on evolution vs. creation than there is between sexual reproduction and the stork theory. It’s more of a philosophical debate than anything, and I say that as a Christian (just not some fundy who thinks the Bible is a science book).

For the last 20 years, there has been scores of studies and huge quantities of research on global warming. It is the scientific consensus that global warming is occurring and that human activity has at least some role in climate change. The only real debate at this point is to what degree human activity is affecting climate change. There have been climatic cycles in the past. However, the natural causes of those climatic cycles are well understood in the scientific community. In the case of Global Warming, the warming cannot be explained by natural causes alone, every study has found that human activity has to be a contributing factor. Even oil companies like BP have accepted that global warming is a reality and that human activity is one of the main causes.
Again no one knows for sure whether or not it is or not. Not even scientists who have been studying the affects for 20yrs. It is very much a scientific theory with evidentiary support but its not yet a fact. We will never find out until we stop all burning of fossil fuels and when this happen we begin to see a decrease in macro climate temperatures.
I always understood that global warming, through man's increased carbon dioxide emissions, was not entirely responsible for global warming. The melting of polar ice caps have happened before. Despite natural phenomena.....

CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), which were used in refrigerators and air conditioners since the 50's, used to be the gas (freon) of choice. They were nontoxic and very stable. Unfortunately, they also did not break down readily when released to the atmosphere. By the mid 70's, scientists realized that this was damaging the ozone layer and created an ozone hole over the Antarctic where ozone had declined significantly. In the mid 90's, the international community made a decision against the use of CFCs. The ozone depletion is well on it's way to healing.

Carbon dioxide released by man, has added significantly to the rising temperatures around the globe dubbed the "greenhouse effect." The sun emits radiation (sun burn) and it bounces off of the earth back in to space. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traps some of this radiation from escaping, thus heating up the earth and effecting the natural occurences of ice ages.

Scientists speculate about the weather and the future, but they do not know what the consequences of the greenhouse effect are having or will have on the earth.

Cows and the rain forest emit the most carbon dioxide, but this is natural. Man's emissions are not. Hence the joke..."save the ozone, kill the rain forest."
Again no one knows for sure whether or not it is or not. Not even scientists who have been studying the affects for 20yrs. It is very much a scientific theory with evidentiary support but its not yet a fact. We will never find out until we stop all burning of fossil fuels and when this happen we begin to see a decrease in macro climate temperatures.

No, its not a known fact. It never will be. However, it is a theory with a massive amount of research and studies behind it. All the same, it will never be a known fact, that is simply not how science works. The question is, now that it is the scientific concensus, at what point should governments start taking any steps to combat it?
GySgt said:
I always understood that global warming, through man's increased carbon dioxide emissions, was not entirely responsible for global warming. The melting of polar ice caps have happened before. Despite natural phenomena.....

CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), which were used in refrigerators and air conditioners since the 50's, used to be the gas (freon) of choice. They were nontoxic and very stable. Unfortunately, they also did not break down readily when released to the atmosphere. By the mid 70's, scientists realized that this was damaging the ozone layer and created an ozone hole over the Antarctic where ozone had declined significantly. In the mid 90's, the international community made a decision against the use of CFCs. The ozone depletion is well on it's way to healing.

Carbon dioxide released by man, has added significantly to the rising temperatures around the globe dubbed the "greenhouse effect." The sun emits radiation (sun burn) and it bounces off of the earth back in to space. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traps some of this radiation from escaping, thus heating up the earth and effecting the natural occurences of ice ages.

Scientists speculate about the weather and the future, but they do not know what the consequences of the greenhouse effect are having or will have on the earth.

Cows and the rain forest emit the most carbon dioxide, but this is natural. Man's emissions are not. Hence the joke..."save the ozone, kill the rain forest."

Wait a minute, everything that I have read is that human activities are the greatest emitters of carbon dioxide. Rain forests are carbon sinks. They absorb carbon dioxide and convert it to oxygen.

Other than that, you are absolutely correct.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Wait a minute, everything that I have read is that human activities are the greatest emitters of carbon dioxide. Rain forests are carbon sinks. They absorb carbon dioxide and convert it to oxygen.

Other than that, you are absolutely correct.

Dammit. That's waht I get for recalling from memory. However, cows are the biggest emitters of methane into the atmosphere.
Dammit. That's waht I get for recalling from memory. However, cows are the biggest emitters of methane into the atmosphere.

No worries gunny. Also dont forget that our feces give off combustible gases as well. And if I am not mistaken there are far more human feces than there are cows.
No worries gunny. Also dont forget that our feces give off combustible gases as well. And if I am not mistaken there are far more human feces than there are cows.

Never was able to keep my Science accurate.

"Flatulence from cows, sheep and other ruminants is a serious environmental problem, accounting for about 15% of worldwide emissions of methane - one of the most potent of greenhouse gases."

I guess it depends on what country it is....

"In countries with a large agricultural sector, the proportion is much higher. In New Zealand, farm animals produce 90% of methane emissions."

Never was able to keep my Science accurate.

No worries. But hey theres nothing wrong with methane as long as we harness it in a humane manner such as use it to power automobiles or factories. When combusted makes less hydrocarbons and NX than does gasoline. Also we can use our own feces gas to produce power as well. However, it hasnt been done becasue the cost to harness and distribute this gas is far more than gasoline. But I am sure we as humans can change this. It all goes back to if there is a will there is a way.
Or the marines have an old saying and gunny can proly recall this.

"If it dont mind then it dont matter"
This is the third thread on this topic since I joined so I'll just drop my prepared statement.

Since no one has put this out there yet. Consider the greatest influencer of the Earths temperature. The sun. And we have no control over that.

For the question of how many cycles of cooling/warming in the Earths history. Might want to go search the boys in Greenland taking core samples of the ice. Goes back like hundreds of thousands of years.

For the ozone question that will surely pop up. With the cry, "The hole in the ozone is growing". Consider this. Artic animals have a very high tolerance to UV light. They have secretions like sunscreen. Indicating that the ozone at the poles is variable and over the millenia sparse or non-existant given that evolution has taken that into account.

The greatest particle polluter yearly on Earth? Volcanoes. Mount Pinatubo put out more matter in it's eruption than three years worth of what we do.

To the hacks a while back that said that because of the measured decrease in atmospheric particulate matter would end in the increased temperature of the earth due to more sunlight striking the ground. Consider whether that matter is on the ground or in the air the sunlight is still hitting something. No change. Again the deciding factor is how much energy from the sun hits us.

Earths water has been rising and falling due to the amount of ice for millenia. At one time the whole of United states was covered in an ice sheet. Many times. And now we think the change in weather is because of our emissions over the last one hundred years? Please.

The greatest producer (Beside the Earth her self I think) of Methane? Cow flatulence.

Consider that China has more than 1.25 billion people. The majority of whom use the dirty burning coal to heat and cook. And the tree-huggers what you to worry about you Expedition's emissions? With cleaner gas than ever, EGR valves and smog pumps and cars that stay tuned up for a hundred thousand miles? Next time someone tries to make you feel bad about driving. Just punch them in the friggin face.

Hydrogen gas can be made using electricity to separate the Hydrogen and Oxygen molecules in water. Products=Hydrogen gas and Oxygen. When you burn Hydrogen gas the products are heat and water. The problem is we use electricity to separate the molecules. We produce electricity mostly from fossil fuels. Zero sum gain in the overall scheme of things. Every building in America should be using solar power to produce Hydrogen gas stored in tanks much the same as Propane. The problem? The big oil companies lose profits. So you say why doesn't our government mandate it? Democrats and Republicans alike are beholden to their money. And we dicker between the two parties like one or the other has our interest in mind. They've for the most part just chosen their particular path to power, and money. It's all about the money.
teacher said:
This is the third thread on this topic since I joined so I'll just drop my prepared statement.

Since no one has put this out there yet. Consider the greatest influencer of the Earths temperature. The sun. And we have no control over that.

For the question of how many cycles of cooling/warming in the Earths history. Might want to go search the boys in Greenland taking core samples of the ice. Goes back like hundreds of thousands of years.

For the ozone question that will surely pop up. With the cry, "The hole in the ozone is growing". Consider this. Artic animals have a very high tolerance to UV light. They have secretions like sunscreen. Indicating that the ozone at the poles is variable and over the millenia sparse or non-existant given that evolution has taken that into account.

The greatest particle polluter yearly on Earth? Volcanoes. Mount Pinatubo put out more matter in it's eruption than three years worth of what we do.

To the hacks a while back that said that because of the measured decrease in atmospheric particulate matter would end in the increased temperature of the earth due to more sunlight striking the ground. Consider whether that matter is on the ground or in the air the sunlight is still hitting something. No change. Again the deciding factor is how much energy from the sun hits us.

Earths water has been rising and falling due to the amount of ice for millenia. At one time the whole of United states was covered in an ice sheet. Many times. And now we think the change in weather is because of our emissions over the last one hundred years? Please.

The greatest producer (Beside the Earth her self I think) of Methane? Cow flatulence.

Consider that China has more than 1.25 billion people. The majority of whom use the dirty burning coal to heat and cook. And the tree-huggers what you to worry about you Expedition's emissions? With cleaner gas than ever, EGR valves and smog pumps and cars that stay tuned up for a hundred thousand miles? Next time someone tries to make you feel bad about driving. Just punch them in the friggin face.

Hydrogen gas can be made using electricity to separate the Hydrogen and Oxygen molecules in water. Products=Hydrogen gas and Oxygen. When you burn Hydrogen gas the products are heat and water. The problem is we use electricity to separate the molecules. We produce electricity mostly from fossil fuels. Zero sum gain in the overall scheme of things. Every building in America should be using solar power to produce Hydrogen gas stored in tanks much the same as Propane. The problem? The big oil companies lose profits. So you say why doesn't our government mandate it? Democrats and Republicans alike are beholden to their money. And we dicker between the two parties like one or the other has our interest in mind. They've for the most part just chosen their particular path to power, and money. It's all about the money.

Ok that was alot.

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