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Glenn Beck: Japan Earthquake Might Be A 'Message' From God (AUDIO) (1 Viewer)

Perhaps I got the idea from the fact that 90% of campaign donations from teachers unions, go to the democratic party. :)

And your point is?

Besides just putting up random statistics that make Democrats look bad. They don't need the help. Neither do the Republicans for that matter. There are 535 members of Congress and about 523 of them are utterly useless jackasses.
And your point is?

Besides just putting up random statistics that make Democrats look bad. They don't need the help. Neither do the Republicans for that matter. There are 535 members of Congress and about 523 of them are utterly useless jackasses.

Well said 535-523= 12 Who else besides President Obama, VP Biden, Hiliary and Gates are you including in the 12 that have a usefull purpose?
Which means what?

If your point is that those Democrats are "truthers", i.e., believe that Bush was behind 9/11, then your link doesn't support that idea. In fact, it would be difficult to support such a contention at all. Teachers tend to be educated people, and so not really gullible enough to be into the various WCT being repeated by the fringe groups on both sides.
Let’s remember the study about 9/11 in which 61 Percent of Democrats either believe or are not sure that Bush knew in advance about the 9/11 attacks.

From the link
Is this sap back on the sauce? That would be a good excuse for the things he says. If he's not drinking again, he has no excuse. Gotta wonder why so many people like him, and believe his paranoid predictions. He's a joke, to be laughed at, not with.

Thinking that things happen for a reason and they might be a message from God is a paranoid "prediction? Many Christians would say that is normal thinking.
What's not normal is all the bashing of someone's belief's that goes on here. Maybe it's not Beck who is hitting the sauce, but some other "saps.".
Well said 535-523= 12 Who else besides President Obama, VP Biden, Hiliary and Gates are you including in the 12 that have a usefull purpose?

Actually, none of them are in Congress. There are 535 Members of Congress (Reps and Senators added together).

I originally meant to say 534, but my dumb fingers hit 523 instead. It was a nice non-round number that seemed more humorous. There must be a few Congress-people who do something useful. Not sure I could name them, probably because they're not the ones getting any headlines.

(Orrin Hatch. I have a lot of respect for him, though I disagree with his politics at times)
From the link

I see.

So, unions mostly donate to Democrats, you've found a study making the (highly questionable to say the least) claim that 61% of Democrats think that Bush was behind the attack of 9/11, therefore teachers are going to teach the "truther" nonsense to their students, this despite the fact that the lessons described in your link show no such thing.

It's all very logical, in a circular sort of way.
Thinking that things happen for a reason and they might be a message from God is a paranoid "prediction?

Okay, what do you think Japan has done that would merit punishment by your God?
Your inability to come up with a real reply doesn't surprise anybody here son. Now go play with the other blond children.

Okay, prove to me that our ideology says that God created the Bible in six days.
I wonder if the tornados in highly religious areas, such as the bible belt or the Arkansas area are also a message from God. Oh and don't forget the recent flooding.

They could be. :shrug: How are we to know?
They could be. :shrug: How are we to know?

One would think that if God wanted to send a message, then God would want that message understood as meaning something. Otherwise, whats the point?
Okay, what do you think Japan has done that would merit punishment by your God?

"For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."

Catastrophes happen everywhere around the world, not just Japan.
One would think that if God wanted to send a message, then God would want that message understood as meaning something. Otherwise, whats the point?

I don't pretend to understand the mind of God. I have no idea.
I don't pretend to understand the mind of God. I have no idea.

Cop-out. One aspect of Christianity is that we know that God has certain attributes. One of those attributes is reason and wisdom. Because of that, we can surmise that God probably doesn't send a message that has no chance of being understood. So, my question still stands.
Cop-out. One aspect of Christianity is that we know that God has certain attributes. One of those attributes is reason and wisdom. Because of that, we can surmise that God probably doesn't send a message that has no chance of being understood. So, my question still stands.

I think God does many things that we won't understand until we see Him. :shrug: The only reason for catastrophes on Earth (if they are from God) is sin. And we all sin. So there's your answer.
I think God does many things that we won't understand until we see Him. :shrug: The only reason for catastrophes on Earth (if they are from God) is sin. And we all sin. So there's your answer.

So in other words, we don't know. Which makes me doubt there was any sort of message sent (for reasons I explained) and instead it was just weather being weather.
So in other words, we don't know. Which makes me doubt there was any sort of message sent (for reasons I explained) and instead it was just weather being weather.

Of course we don't know. No one knows the mind of God. That's why it's called FAITH.
Of course we don't know. No one knows the mind of God. That's why it's called FAITH.

Faith is far more than just trying to interpret vague signs. If it isn't we are no better than people who read the clouds or chicken entrails.
I think God does many things that we won't understand until we see Him. :shrug: The only reason for catastrophes on Earth (if they are from God) is sin. And we all sin. So there's your answer.

The reason for catastrophes on Earth are varied.

Earthquakes are caused by tectonic plates shifting.
Tornadoes are caused by warm air masses meeting cooler air masses and creating circular winds.
Hurricanes are caused by basically the same thing, warm air meeting cooler air.
Droughts are caused by the vagaries of prevailing winds.
Floods are caused by too much rainfall all at once.

If there are disasters caused by "sin", it is the human caused disasters: Wars are caused by a variety of factors, including allowing a megalomaniac to have power over an army. Depressions are caused mainly by greed (now, we've found a sin caused disaster at last.)

But, none of the above disasters are sent by god. They all are caused by nature, or by human beings.

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