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Giuliani Backpedals on Statement About Trump Aides and Collusion (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

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Apr 18, 2013
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Giuliani Backpedals on Statement About Trump Aides and Collusion


Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani.

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s personal attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani backtracked on Thursday from a surprising assertion he made a night earlier that left open the possibility that Trump campaign aides might have coordinated with Russia’s election interference in 2016. Mr. Giuliani was seeking to clarify an interview on Wednesday night in which he stopped short of defending Trump campaign aides, drawing speculation that he might have inside knowledge of possible coordination with Russia. “I never said there was no collusion between the campaign or between people in the campaign,” he told CNN. He added, “I said the president of the United States. There is not a single bit of evidence the president of the United States committed the only crime you could commit here, conspired with the Russians to hack” the Democratic National Committee.

Mr. Giuliani’s backpedaling was the latest in a series of conflicting comments he has made about the investigation of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III. The evolution of his statements have suggested shifts in the president’s defense strategy, often following developments in the investigations. In an interview with Fox News in late July, Mr. Giuliani asserted that the Trump campaign did not coordinate with Russia’s election interference. “When I say the Trump campaign, I mean the upper levels of the Trump campaign,” Mr. Giuliani said during that interview. “I have no reason to believe anybody else did. The only ones I checked with obviously are the top four or five people.” Mr. Trump has maintained that his campaign never aided Russia’s meddling, even as the special counsel inquiry has revealed communications between Russians and some Trump campaign aides.

From 2016 to yesterday: No Collusion! Not a crime! A nothingburger! No Collusion! Not a crime! A nothingburger! No Collusion! Not a crime! A nothingburger! No Collusion! Not a crime! A nothingburger!

Yesterday: Well, I didn't mean there was no collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign. Just not with President Trump.

Rudolfo ... desperately now trying to separate Campaigner Trump from President Trump.

Related: Giuliani’s absurd ‘collusion’ walkback signals serious worry about Trump’s vulnerability
This is all a round about way of admitting "yes, there was collusion, but the Democrats did X, and nobody was murdered!"

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