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Gingrich blasts Democratic establishment at annual summit (1 Viewer)


Somewhere in Babylon
DP Veteran
Jan 12, 2010
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Somewhere in Babylon...
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Washington (CNN) -- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich repeatedly brought social conservatives to their feet Saturday with an impassioned address in which he warned that America faces a dual threat from the Democratic establishment on the one hand and Islamic terrorists on the other.

"We are at a point where our establishment is sliding into policies of such disastrous impact that they will in fact fundamentally challenge the survival of America as we know it," Gingrich said during his speech to the fifth annual Values Voter Summit in Washington.

"On the one front we have a secular socialist machine led by (President) Obama, (House Speaker Nancy) Pelosi, and (Senate Majority Leader Harry) Reid, and on the other front we have radical Islamists who would fundamentally change this country into a system none of us in this room would recognize," he continued to thunderous applause.

This just proves he's the biggest partisan idiot in the world.

Oh and the best part is, he'll say

"No! I'm not calling the democrats terrorists


But hey, it wouldn't be so bad if some people thought they were ;)"
Gingrich is indeed a complete idiot. The very idea that he can give this speech with its two pronged attack but yet pretend to shrink with a nod and a wink from the real implications of his words tells us what a slimeball he is. He is doing much the same thing with the whole Obama is/is not a Kenyan.

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