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George Clooney "pimps" aren't mainstream (1 Viewer)


Dec 17, 2004
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George Clooney are you proud that it's "Hard out here for a pimp"?

George Clooney defending the leftist ideology of hollywood proclaimed that he was proud to stand with the academy and its' supporters. He advanced the notion that they were on the vanguard of many progressive movements.

True enough.

Yet, he is also defending the celebration of a group called 3 six Mafia, who's hit song proclaims "It's hard out here for a Pimp"; from the movie: Hustle and Flow.

It's difficult for me to understand why anyone would need to be educated that THIS is not mainstream America, nor should it be. The Oscars should not celebrate it, this should be ignored.

The first rap song to be performed at the Oscars should not have been done by people who are embarassing themselves and their community.

"It's hard out here for a married couple to stay together"?

"It's hard out here for a minister"?

"It's hard out here for a cop"?

"It's hard out here for unborn child?"

Why does CREATIVITY always seem to lead to deviancy in hollywood?

I wonder if the Academy is racist. If they aren't they couldn't do more to advance negative notions of African Americans last night than to celebrate criminality.
craigfarmer said:
George Clooney are you proud that it's "Hard out here for a pimp"?

George Clooney defending the leftist ideology of hollywood proclaimed that he was proud to stand with the academy and its' supporters. He advanced the notion that they were on the vanguard of many progressive movements.

True enough.

Yet, he is also defending the celebration of a group called 3 six Mafia, who's hit song proclaims "It's hard out here for a Pimp"; from the movie: Hustle and Flow.

It's difficult for me to understand why anyone would need to be educated that THIS is not mainstream America, nor should it be. The Oscars should not celebrate it, this should be ignored.

The first rap song to be performed at the Oscars should not have been done by people who are embarassing themselves and their community.

"It's hard out here for a married couple to stay together"?

"It's hard out here for a minister"?

"It's hard out here for a cop"?

"It's hard out here for unborn child?"

Why does CREATIVITY always seem to lead to deviancy in hollywood?

I wonder if the Academy is racist. If they aren't they couldn't do more to advance negative notions of African Americans last night than to celebrate criminality.

Dear craigfarmer, ..Welcome to the world of liberal hypocrisy, & their false reality state that they live by in their world of make believe!;)

At least THEY have one good thing for themselves, ..& that is their "mutual admiration society" where they all take turns recieving glory, honor & praise from "each other" on the night of the academy awards which helps them feel good about themselves! :smile:
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yeah its hard out there to make it thru the day without shooting someone...:lol: :lol:
cherokee said:
yeah its hard out there to make it thru the day without shooting someone...:lol: :lol:

Who said that? Dick Cheney?

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