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General Flynn appeared before the 1/6 commission today. Anyone wanna' guess what he said? (1 Viewer)


But the argument that this was all just an extraordinary coincidence of having a family motto that exactly mimics a well-known QAnon phrase is somewhat undermined by the fact that Michael Flynn shared the video on Twitter alongside the QAnon-linked hashtag #TakeTheOath—a tweet that Jack Flynn then shared to his followers.
In the video Michael Flynn is seen reciting the oath before all the family members repeat what he says. However, if it’s a family motto, then Flynn doesn’t seem to be too well acquainted with it, as he is seen reading it from his phone.

I just found his response on NBC news. ;)
"All your base are belong to us"
I plead the 5th?
All that innocence just going to waste by pleading the fifth. My guess, they are all trying to slow the process hoping the gop wins back the house and puts and end to any and all investigations they don't like while on the other hand starting a rash of their own.
He blamed the Russians and flouride for the loss of his precious bodily fluids?
All that innocence just going to waste by pleading the fifth. My guess, they are all trying to slow the process hoping the gop wins back the house and puts and end to any and all investigations they don't like while on the other hand starting a rash of their own.

Of course. I know if I was innocent of something I wouldn't likely be pleading the 5th
He probably said, "**** you."
I'm pretty sure he's said it more than once. As far as I'm concerned, anytime one of trump's associates gets on the stand and pleads the fifth, they are saying **** you.
I wish I could get the gig as defense counsel for Trump's minions. At least at this stage of things, it has to be the easiest law job on the planet: get paid for doing nothing because each and every one of your clients are going to plead the fifth to each and every question.

"I'm only going to hire the best and most serious people."
I'm pretty sure he's said it more than once. As far as I'm concerned, anytime one of trump's associates gets on the stand and pleads the fifth, they are saying **** you.
Thay are also saying I'm guilty and you can't so do shit about it. That's what I hear when they take the 5th.

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