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Gender Self Identification. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 13, 2012
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Political Leaning
Okay, so now we need to have lidded trash cans in Men's Rooms and Urinals in Women's Rooms. Dandy!

How far does this go? Can a borderline good male athlete now declare himself to be a female and compete in the Olympics as a woman?

Will ALL Women's Sports be suddenly inundated with Men who are claiming to be women. Will this become the new JV level of competition in colleges?

The World records for Women in the 100 are almost a full second slower than Men. How many million men who don't even place in the men's side would be the world record holder for the women? The women are pretty talented, but, seriously, they are about 10% slower.


This whole consideration is the potential salvation of the careers of many would be, wannabe, male athletes.

Is this the final and merciful death of Title IX?
If I ever get drafted into the army I will demand that I am dealt with as the lesbian I am.
Okay, so now we need to have lidded trash cans in Men's Rooms and Urinals in Women's Rooms. Dandy!

How far does this go? Can a borderline good male athlete now declare himself to be a female and compete in the Olympics as a woman?

Will ALL Women's Sports be suddenly inundated with Men who are claiming to be women. Will this become the new JV level of competition in colleges?

The World records for Women in the 100 are almost a full second slower than Men. How many million men who don't even place in the men's side would be the world record holder for the women? The women are pretty talented, but, seriously, they are about 10% slower.


This whole consideration is the potential salvation of the careers of many would be, wannabe, male athletes.

Is this the final and merciful death of Title IX?

As long as they really believe they're women, they should be allowed to compete with the gals.
Okay, so now we need to have lidded trash cans in Men's Rooms and Urinals in Women's Rooms. Dandy!

How far does this go? Can a borderline good male athlete now declare himself to be a female and compete in the Olympics as a woman?

Will ALL Women's Sports be suddenly inundated with Men who are claiming to be women. Will this become the new JV level of competition in colleges?

The World records for Women in the 100 are almost a full second slower than Men. How many million men who don't even place in the men's side would be the world record holder for the women? The women are pretty talented, but, seriously, they are about 10% slower.


This whole consideration is the potential salvation of the careers of many would be, wannabe, male athletes.

Is this the final and merciful death of Title IX?

Bruce jenner thought it was impossible and decided to be woman when he was too old to compete
Okay, so now we need to have lidded trash cans in Men's Rooms and Urinals in Women's Rooms. Dandy!
We don't need lidded trash cans though it doesn't strike me as a bad idea in general - maybe it would make the gents a little less of a mess. Urinals aren't a requirement, just a space saver.

How far does this go? Can a borderline good male athlete now declare himself to be a female and compete in the Olympics as a woman?
No. I'm sure you could look up the rules if you really cares.

Will ALL Women's Sports be suddenly inundated with Men who are claiming to be women.
I doubt it. Most of the ignorant trolls who would like to see this happen to make a warped political point are too cowardly to actually act on it in person. They just spout rubbish on anonymous internet forums.
Okay, so now we need to have lidded trash cans in Men's Rooms and Urinals in Women's Rooms. Dandy!

How far does this go? Can a borderline good male athlete now declare himself to be a female and compete in the Olympics as a woman?

Will ALL Women's Sports be suddenly inundated with Men who are claiming to be women. Will this become the new JV level of competition in colleges?

The World records for Women in the 100 are almost a full second slower than Men. How many million men who don't even place in the men's side would be the world record holder for the women? The women are pretty talented, but, seriously, they are about 10% slower.


This whole consideration is the potential salvation of the careers of many would be, wannabe, male athletes.

Is this the final and merciful death of Title IX?

Have you read the policy directive?

Maybe that would be a good start.
Last week I was in Oklahoma chasing tornados. All of a sudden, I felt I was a Cherokee so I applied for a casino job. They told me to get lost. How totally insensitive. Where do I file a federal suit?

Today I feel I am black. Can I have my race reassigned? I would like to aks for them reparations and get me a beemer on 24-inch rims with a spinning whatever they call it.
As long as they really believe they're women, they should be allowed to compete with the gals.

Hasn't this already been addressed in the MMA?

Sometimes the REAL girl wins.
Prison will be a whole new experience.

Almost by definition, the prisons are populated with people of poor character. If a man about to be sentenced for murder, which gender do you suppose he might choose as his identity?
Last week I was in Oklahoma chasing tornados. All of a sudden, I felt I was a Cherokee so I applied for a casino job. They told me to get lost. How totally insensitive. Where do I file a federal suit?

Today I feel I am black. Can I have my race reassigned? I would like to aks for them reparations and get me a beemer on 24-inch rims with a spinning whatever they call it.

That only works if your last name is Warren.
As long as they really believe they're women, they should be allowed to compete with the gals.

Who gets to determine if they "really" believe or not. I might want to be a woman just for the time it takes to take this piss.
Hasn't this already been addressed in the MMA?

Sometimes the REAL girl wins.

Cool. Let's apply it to the Olympics.
Almost by definition, the prisons are populated with people of poor character. If a man about to be sentenced for murder, which gender do you suppose he might choose as his identity?

As long as they really believe they're women, they should be allowed to compete with the gals.

If I really believe I'm a millionaire, should I be allowed to live in a mansion?
Bruce jenner thought it was impossible and decided to be woman when he was too old to compete

Maybe he should believe that he's young.

Maybe if he snaps his fingers and repeats, "I do believe, I do believe..."
We don't need lidded trash cans though it doesn't strike me as a bad idea in general - maybe it would make the gents a little less of a mess. Urinals aren't a requirement, just a space saver.

No. I'm sure you could look up the rules if you really cares.

I doubt it. Most of the ignorant trolls who would like to see this happen to make a warped political point are too cowardly to actually act on it in person. They just spout rubbish on anonymous internet forums.

I'm not the first to ask this question. This has already happened at the Olympic level.

The debate on what differentiates the two genders goes on.

Stronger combined with skill usually equals victory. Serena is a pretty strong woman. She cut through the female competition like a scythe through wheat for years. Could she have competed with the guys? We may never know.

Let male and female compete together | The Science of Sport


Maybe he should believe that he's young.

Maybe if he snaps his fingers and repeats, "I do believe, I do believe..."

Too much privilege is not freedom .This is what very liberals are wrong about

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