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Gallup: 7 Out of 10 Women Have Unfavorable View of Trump (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2012
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Sarasota, Florida
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Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump
Gallup: 7 Out of 10 Women Have Unfavorable View of Trump

7 out of 10 women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump, and almost 6 out of 10 men, and only 1 out of 4 women view him favorably

“So 9 out of 10 things Donald Trump says are lies; he is being sued for assault and battery as his violent rhetoric comes home to roost. He is as popular as head lice. It’s hard for a Republican candidate to aspire to more, isn’t it?
Yet it also turns out, according to Gallup, that 7 out of 10 women have an unfavorable opinion of him, and almost 6 out of 10 men.

According to Gallup,

“Since last year, Trump’s net favorable rating (% favorable minus % unfavorable) among all adults nationally has worsened, to -35 in March from -17 in August. But despite a nearly constant string of controversies that raise questions about Trump’s attitudes toward and treatment of women, the decline in his image among men has been similar to that among women.” …………………….
Gallup: 7 Out of 10 Women Have Unfavorable View of Trump

Unfavorable ratings seldom change………….

Because when someone is “judged” as unfavorable it takes a whole lot to change their mind. The most likely direction unfavorable trend………..is down.

Given the Gallup survey………with only seven months to the election…………. if Trump even gets the nomination……………. there is little doubt he will lose ………
No matter who the Democrats nominate…. suggesting a Trump nomination is a sure loser to anyone the Dems may nominate


These unfavorable numbers of Trump are the highest of those running for President in the history of the Gallup organization………….
And about 6 of those 7 women have an unfavorable opinion of Hillary, too.
And about 6 of those 7 women have an unfavorable opinion of Hillary, too.



................... it is about 5 out of ten........

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