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Gaetz faces backlash for ‘over-educated’ women remark (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Here you go, ladies. Kick this pos's ass as my gift to you. Tells us what you really think about him.

It really seems like this rotten dickhead goes out of his way to be a rotten dickhead. Explains quite well why MGT and him are close buds.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) is facing backlash after questioning how many “over-educated, under-loved” women have participated in protests supporting abortion rights after a draft ruling from the Supreme Court showed that the bench is poised to roll back Roe v. Wade.

“How many of the women rallying against overturning Roe are over-educated, under-loved millennials who sadly return from protests to a lonely microwave dinner with their cats, and no bumble matches?” Gaetz wrote on Twitter Wednesday morning.
Here you go, ladies. Kick this pos's ass as my gift to you. Tells us what you really think about him.

It really seems like this rotten dickhead goes out of his way to be a rotten dickhead. Explains quite well why MGT and him are close buds.

View attachment 67388961
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) is facing backlash after questioning how many “over-educated, under-loved” women have participated in protests supporting abortion rights after a draft ruling from the Supreme Court showed that the bench is poised to roll back Roe v. Wade.

“How many of the women rallying against overturning Roe are over-educated, under-loved millennials who sadly return from protests to a lonely microwave dinner with their cats, and no bumble matches?” Gaetz wrote on Twitter Wednesday morning.
A variation of the “Feminists are Dykes” theme. And it seems logical for him to trash the over-educated, as, if allegations are to be believed, college types are too old for him.
It wasn't so long ago that a politician personally attacking voters like that would be outrageous. Now it's just another day.
Here you go, ladies. Kick this pos's ass as my gift to you. Tells us what you really think about him.

It really seems like this rotten dickhead goes out of his way to be a rotten dickhead. Explains quite well why MGT and him are close buds.

View attachment 67388961
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) is facing backlash after questioning how many “over-educated, under-loved” women have participated in protests supporting abortion rights after a draft ruling from the Supreme Court showed that the bench is poised to roll back Roe v. Wade.

“How many of the women rallying against overturning Roe are over-educated, under-loved millennials who sadly return from protests to a lonely microwave dinner with their cats, and no bumble matches?” Gaetz wrote on Twitter Wednesday morning.

He's a stupid piece of shit. Looking for more Mtg's maybe.
Sigh. It all used to be pretty simple some decades ago. The saying was that scandals involving sex were the Democrats’ province, scandals involving money belonged to the GOP. When did Republicans get horny?
Sigh. It all used to be pretty simple some decades ago. The saying was that scandals involving sex were the Democrats’ province, scandals involving money belonged to the GOP. When did Republicans get horny?
They always are the most depraved while they dupe holier than thou morons to think they are moral. THey never were moral. The people that tend to yell the most about how morally and religiously superior they are tend to be the most depraved. Look at ISIS and the Taliban.

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