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Funding for emergency services (1 Viewer)


Sep 6, 2005
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Political Leaning
I have a question which I hopew can be answered:

How are emergency services (in particular fire and resecue sevices) funded in the US?

I read a newspaper article back in the 1980s saying that some states (eg: California) voted to have no state funded fire services and rely on volunteer forces.

Is this the case? and if so, who funds the volunteer services ?(the volunteers may do it for free, but equipment and building must be funded).
Local services are funded by local taxes.

State services are funded by state taxes.

Federal services are funded by borrowing money.
they are probebly founded by this raise in gas, or by extra money that comes from national products, distributed around the world.
Energency funding is funded the same way the 25% of Govt spending in excess of tax revenues is funded -- by borrowing more money from Japan, China, and Saudi Arabia.

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