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Fundamental Baptism sex scandal (1 Viewer)


Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2014
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This star telegram in Texas is running a series on Southern Baptist ministers. They are 'independant' Churches, but the pastors seem to have a network where they can move to other churches and avoid consequences when accused in the church.

More of them are getting behind bars, but this shows the problem with sexual abuse on priests is not just a Catholic issue.

One analysis is that the Pastors in the fundamentalist Baptist church have an authoritarian approach, and feel entitled If caught, they use the informal network that they got with the education, and the various pastor conferences they attend to avoid consequences by moving church's.


the Key part of the report is

For decades, women and children have faced rampant sexual abuse while worshiping at independent fundamental Baptist churches around the country. The network of churches and schools has often covered up the crimes and helped relocate the offenders, an eight-month Star-Telegram investigation has found.

More than 200 people — current or former church members, across generations — shared their stories of rape, assault, humiliation and fear in churches where male leadership cannot be questioned.
This star telegram in Texas is running a series on Southern Baptist ministers. They are 'independant' Churches, but the pastors seem to have a network where they can move to other churches and avoid consequences when accused in the church.

More of them are getting behind bars, but this shows the problem with sexual abuse on priests is not just a Catholic issue.

One analysis is that the Pastors in the fundamentalist Baptist church have an authoritarian approach, and feel entitled If caught, they use the informal network that they got with the education, and the various pastor conferences they attend to avoid consequences by moving church's.


the Key part of the report is
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Few people have power like a fundie minister has over his flock of sheeple.
This star telegram in Texas is running a series on Southern Baptist ministers. They are 'independant' Churches, but the pastors seem to have a network where they can move to other churches and avoid consequences when accused in the church.

More of them are getting behind bars, but this shows the problem with sexual abuse on priests is not just a Catholic issue.

One analysis is that the Pastors in the fundamentalist Baptist church have an authoritarian approach, and feel entitled If caught, they use the informal network that they got with the education, and the various pastor conferences they attend to avoid consequences by moving church's.


the Key part of the report is
First let's note that sexual abuse is very real and a terrible business as old as humankind but that "sexual abuse" has become a shibboleth in the millennial media circus and by and large remains a matter of allegation in the court of public opinion only.

Then let's note the incidence involved in "412 allegations of sexual misconduct in 187 independent fundamental Baptist churches and their affiliated institutions, spanning 40 states and Canada" and this "across generations."

Then let's ask ourselves why the reassignment of a criminal would eliminate criminal prosecution?

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